
Monday, April 30, 2012

New Book on DNA -- It's been a long personal wait

Last week, I picked up my autographed copy of the new book, DNA USA by Bryan Sykes. Some of you might remember my first visit with Dr. Sykes in December 2009, when he interviewed me, a tape recorder at hand, and took samples for my DNA test. It was a nice hour, and I was also fortunate to meet his wife and son. Then on DNA Day, April 23, 2010, I had my second visit with Dr. Sykes, at the NEHGS building in Boston. During this meeting, he discussed his findings with my DNA.

This is not a review of the book. The only things I've looked at so far, are my credit and photo in the book, along with those of several other people I know, from NEHGS. The long wait, over 2 1/2 years, is over and I wish Dr. Sykes well, with DNA USA.