
Monday, October 22, 2012

Stunned Disbelief and Incredulous Silence

Last week, I posted, Do you Have Ellsworth in your Tree? There was a reason for that, I was trying to help somebody from New Zealand who has ancestors from the same county as mine in Quebec, Canada (I live in Massachusetts). On a whim, I sent the post to a good friend still living there in Missisquoi County, Quebec. This Ellsworth family is not in my direct line, we are very distant cousins, so, I had nothing to gain by writing the post.

You know how it goes, in what seemed minutes, I received three photos from my Canadian friend. These photos were of people mentioned in my post, and were family members of my New Zealand friend, Sue. One was of her gg-grandfather, she had never seen a photo of him before now, a photo that went from Canada, to Massachusetts to her, within a very short time.

She responded right away with, "I’m speechless, gratitude beyond measure." and "Stunned Disbelief and Incredulous Silence." You will always make somebody's day when you share information, so why not make somebody's day soon.
Ed A. Ellsworth h.o. Catherine Primmerman
(Catherine was my 2nd cousin 4x removed)
 Elmer, John, Sarah children of Henry and Elizabeth (Ellsworth) Cossitt
(They are my 4th cousins 2x removed.)
Jim Ellsworth
(3rd cousin 3x removed.)