
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Have you heard about Heredis, the Genealogy Software Program?


When I received an email from a Heredis representative on November 21, 2012 telling me about their genealogy software program that has, "been widely appreciated in Europe for almost 20 years and has now been launched world-wide," I was a bit skeptical because I hadn't heard of it, nor had I heard any buzz about it on facebook or from any of the 300+ blogs I read.

The letter went on with, "I notice that you keep a genealogical blog and as an expert in genealogy, we would very much like to have your opinion on our software. We want to know if Heredis will be able to meet your expectations as a genealogist." She couldn't be talking about me, I'm no expert. Then, "We would therefore be very pleased to offer you a copy of the Heredis program. To do this, simply reply to my email and tell me if you want the version for Windows or the Mac version. I can also send you both if necessary. We also have a version for iOS (iPhone / iPad / iPod touch) which is available free on the App store."

After four days, I wrote back because I had just received the current issue of, "Internet Genealogy" in which there was a review. Still nobody posted anything on facebook. I was pleased to receive both a copy of Heredis for my PC and the Mac. The company was very accommodating and wrote, "We've just asked you to have a look on our software: don't worry about time. We would very much like to have your opinion on our software. We want to know if Heredis will be able to meet your expectations as a genealogist. If you want to share your experience or the video with your followers it's better for us but not necessary."

I am anxious to try their product, and told them that I currently use RootsMagic4, FamilyTree Maker 11 and 12, and just ordered Legacy a few weeks ago (but haven't used it much). None of them seem to meet my needs.

This is in not a review. I can say, all 43,000 of my names were quickly put on Heredis, and that I love the looks of it. If you want a review, check out the current issue of "Internet Genealogy."

Last week, Dick Eastman of Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter (EOGN) posted an article about the special deal Heredis is offering through January 6, 2013. You may read it HERE.

In part, it says, "From now through Sunday, January 6, 2013 inclusive, there is 20% discount on ALL Heredis genealogy software: Heredis for PC at $ 29.90 instead of $ 39.90 and Heredis for Mac at $ 42.99 instead of $ 59.90." Why not treat yourself to a New Year's gift. Better yet, post this article or my link to your blog, so your readers will be informed.

On December 8th, Valerie Craft wrote her blog post, Exploring Heredis for Mac. Please visit her site to read her nice review of this product.

Disclosure: I received two copies of the software, however, this is not a review. I'm passing information on to some of my readers who might be interested. Soon, I will try out the features, but I probably won't do a review, instead, I'll give my feedback to the company.
I recently received notification from a rep. from HEREDIS, a genealogy software program you might have heard about. There is a super deal on to buy it for $10, until Sunday. Here is the message: We would like to inform you that we have launched promotions for all versions of the Heredis genealogy software and some of the offers may interest your readers.
MEGA DEAL: Heredis software for $10!

For 4 DAYS ONLY, from Wednesday, July 3, 2013 to Sunday, July 7, 2013 inclusive, Heredis for PC at $10 instead of $ 39.90 available in and Heredis for Mac at $10.99 instead of $ 59.99 available in in the App Store:
Last update: improvement of the Gedcom import/export. If genealogists have created a file with another genealogy program, it is easy to transfer in the Heredis program. The file will be converted automatically in the Heredis version. All data will be open.

We thank you in advance for your feedback. Do not hesitate to come back to me for any further information.

Heredis PC | Heredis
Tout sur la généalogie avec Heredis, le logiciel de généalogie pour Mac, pour Windows, et pour iPhone/iPad.