
Monday, December 10, 2012

Revolutionary War Memorial, Simsbury, Connecticut

Memorial to the brave American Revolutionary Soldiers; especially those from Simsbury, Connecticut.

1775  -  1783
We, the people of the Town of Simsbury, do hereby recognized the many hardships and countless sacrifices made by all those brave American Revolutionary Soldiers; especially those from Simsbury, who died for our freedom from England. 
We hereby dedicate this bronze memorial plaque as an everlasting tribute to these American heroes, whose gallant and brave efforts brought us to the birth of the United States of America and adoption of the Constitution. 
To these courageous countrymen, we are eternally grateful.

 Fifer Daniel Barber 
Private John Fletcher 
 Ensign Oliver Humphrey 
 Fifer Jihiel Bidwell 
Captain Abel Forward 
 Private Richard Humphrey
 Private Benjamin Brewer 
Major John Garritt
 Private George Merrill 
 Captain John Brown 
Private Dudley Hayes 
 Lieutenant Joseph Moore 
 Captain Jonathan Buttolph  Sr. 
Ensign Carmi Higley 
 Private Daniel Moses Sr. 
 Private Seth Case 
Private Josiah Highley III 
 Private Uriah Pease 
 Private Josiah Clark 
Corporal Jedediah Holcomb 
 Captain Johahan Pettibone    Sr. 
 Private Lemuel Colton 
Private Thomas Holcomb 
 Private Samuel Pettibone 
 Lieutenant Joseph Cornish 
Major Elihu Humphrey 
 Captain Elisha Phelps 
 Private Jesse Cosset 
Sea Captain Elijah Humphrey 
 Private  Zacheriah Prince 
 Private Roger Cossitt 
Private Erastus Humphrey
 Private Thomas Wright 

Additional photos of Hop Meadow Cemetery, Simsbury may be seen HERE.