
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Constantly Surprising Me, From California to Massachusetts

Signature of  Charles H. Poole
See enlarged below.
Half of my information about my great-great-grandfather was found the usual way...I found vital records, city directories, the cemetery stone, will, and probate records. I didn't find his entire life history online, but pretty much everything I needed, except where he was married on March 26, 1850. Charles H. Poole with his facts of life, now surprises me in three ways.

The first amazing thing was my discovery eight years ago of the family genealogy manuscript he wrote, now located at the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) in Boston. Because it is 257 fragile legal-sized pages, I wasn't allowed to copy it. Two weeks ago, I began taking photos with my iPad and sending pages to a cousin who offered to type them. Fortunately, the manuscript is typewritten, which makes it easy to read, and comes complete with a huge genealogy and transcripts of wills and deeds.

Second, I was rather excited upon learning that he surveyed parts of San Diego, California. A Google search brought up The History of San Diego, which said about him, "An engineer, Charles H. Poole, was hired and he surveyed a 200-mile railroad route to Yuma that followed the bed of the San Diego River, climbing 1087 feet gradually in thirty-nine miles through Mission Gorge, Santee, Lakeside, and Capitan Gorge and northeast through the steep-walled canyon to the base of Eagle Peak. From there the grade became increasingly steep for the next seven and a half miles, climbing 1255 feet out of the can­yon to the floor of Santa Ysabel Valley, near where Coleman Creek flows into the San Diego River. The last mile and a half from the canyon to the southern edge of the valley floor was to be a climb of 452.7 feet per mile through what Poole called Santa Ysabel Gulch. But the grade was more than 8.5 percent, virtually impassable. From Santa Ysabel, the route was to follow the wagon route to Warner's and down San Felipe Pass. Other surveys were to be made and many arguments advanced, and the hopes of San Diego lingered on until buried by the Civil War."  I also learned he was the Surveyor for San Diego County, then for other areas in California, and wrote with several others, a book, Reports of Explorations and Surveys, To Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economic Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made Under the Direction of the Secretary of War, In 1853-6, According to Acts of Congress of March 3" by Parke, John G.; Albert H. Campbell and Charles H. Poole.

Third, I now learn he is back in Massachusetts, near where he was born, about 34 miles from me. This was my huge surprise last week. For somebody who had children born in San Diego, northern California, and Mobile, Alabama, I now find him in Roxbury, Massachusetts, per the city directory for 1852! Still in Roxbury in 1856, he drew a "Foldout map of City of Roxbury (Boston), 1856: by Charles H. Poole, engraved by E.A. Teulon. The book contains many pages of advertisements in the front section, along with lunar tables, a calendar, a fold-out map, and a city directory with Last name, First name, and street address location." See Northwest Press Books for a photo of the directory, description, and sale price. The dealer just gave me permission to show the book, so thanks to Eric Brown. (See Below.)

"Charles H. Poole was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1825, and while receiving his education at West Point, became a civil engineer and passed his entire life in the service of the United States government. His duties called him much of the time to Washington, D. C, where he passed away in the year 1880. His wife bore the maiden name of Mary A. Daniels and they were residents of Benicia, California, at the time of the birth of Charles Clarence Poole on the 27th of November, 1856." This short bio was from Chicago: its history and its builders, a century of marvelous growth, Volume 5  By Josiah Seymour Currey.

If I had not done Google searches on his name, I would not have known about his surveying career, nor known that he was sent to Massachusetts for a short period, before settling long-term at the Interior Dept. in Washington, D.C., where he worked and died. So, don't stop with the basic information, but dig deeper, and use combinations of keywords on Google.

Two mysteries are now solved because of what I discovered about him last week. First, he did maps, okay that was new to me, and it is probably why my father had a large map collection. Some were framed, and most were flat in a map drawer. Dad must have inherited them, and I've got one hanging on my wall. Second, I believe he began the Poole manuscript while he was working in the Boston area (Roxbury), and I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't one of the earliest members of NEHGS, he had ties with the Society, his death notice was in the Register and he made sure his manuscript was donated there.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chelmsford, Massachusestts -- Revolutionary War Memorial

The War Memorial is on the Chelmsford, MA common. Across the street is the 1655 Forefathers Burial Grounds (photos from last week).
In Honor
Of The
Townsmen Of Chelmsford
Who Served Their Country
In The
War Of The Revolution
This Monument Is Erected
By A
Grateful Posterity.

L. Chamberlain

Lt. Col. Moses Parker
Capt. Benj. Walker
Wounded at Bunker Hill
June 17. 75.
Died Prisoners in Boston
July 4 & Augt. 75.

Lt. Robert Spalding
Died At Milford, CT. 70.

John Bates
Died In Army at Cambridge.

David Spalding Jr.
Died In Army At Ticonderoga.

Pelatiah Adams
Killed At Cherry Valley.

Noah Foster
Shot At Capture of Burgoyne.

Henry Fletcher
Killed At White Plains.

Let The Children Guard
What The Sires Have Won.

C. S. Curtis
(4th Side)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Palmer of Salem, Massachusetts -- Surname Saturday

For the next 12 weeks, I'll probably post my trees of early Massachusetts lines, all of them begin with P. It might be boring, but I'm hoping I can help somebody, the good thing is, they take me into April. As with a few recent postings for Saturday, this is another example of a poor genealogy register report, because I only worked on my direct lines.  My direct lines are in green, and if you would like sources, please contact me.

Generation No. 1

1.RICHARD PALMER died 1689. He married MARY GILBERT 24 NOV 1672 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, daughter of HUMPHREY GILBERT.
2  i.Mary PALMER was born 8 SEP 1673 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. She married Samuel FOOTE 12 NOV 1696 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
+3  ii.RICHARD PALMER was born 6 DEC 1675 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 5 MAR 1746.
4  iii.Martha PALMER was born 21 AUG 1678 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
5  iv.Samuel PALMER was born 7 APR 1683 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.

Generation No. 2

3.RICHARD PALMER (RICHARD PALMER1) was born 6 DEC 1675 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 5 MAR 1746. He married HANNAH PICKERING 29 OCT 1706 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, daughter of JOHN PICKERING and ALICE FLINT. She was born 2 JUL 1677 in Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died BEF 29 JUL 1714. He married Mary VODEN 29 JUL 1714 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, daughter of Moses VODEN and Mary ORMES. She was born 6 APR 1677 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
6  i.Lydia PALMER. She married Tobias DAVIS 28 DEC 1732 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
7  ii.Mary PALMER was born ABT 5 OCT 1707, and died AFT 11 JUL 1760. She married Samuel CHEEVER 13 JAN 1733 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. He was born ABT 13 AUG 1710, and died 1733.
8  iii.Sarah PALMER was born ABT 2 JUL 1710 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died ABT 1749.
+9  iv.RICHARD PALMER was born ABT 1712, and died 28 SEP 1796 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.

Generation No. 3

9.RICHARD PALMER (RICHARD PALMER2, RICHARD PALMER1) was born ABT 1712, and died 28 SEP 1796 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. He married MARY REEVES 31 JUL 1745 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, daughter of COCKEREL REEVES and ELIZABETH ROBINSON. She was born BEF 12 JUL 1724 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
Children of RICHARD PALMER and MARY REEVES were:
10  i.Mary PALMER was born ABT 19 MAR 1749 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. She married James BOWMAN 5 OCT 1773 in Danvers, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
11  ii.Richard PALMER was born ABT 1 JUL 1750 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
12  iii.Elizabeth PALMER was born ABT 11 AUG 1751 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
13  iv.William PALMER was born ABT 21 JAN 1753 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
14  v.Richard PALMER was born ABT 26 MAR 1758 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
+15  vi.LYDIA PALMER was born ABT 6 MAY 1759 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 12 JUN 1825 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
16  vii.Sarah PALMER was born ABT 13 DEC 1761 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. She married William BURDEN 24 JAN 1790 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.

Generation No. 4

15.LYDIA PALMER (RICHARD PALMER3, RICHARD PALMER2, RICHARD PALMER1) was born ABT 6 MAY 1759 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 12 JUN 1825 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. She married STEPHEN DANIELS 12 DEC 1779 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, son of STEPHEN DANIELS and ELIZABETH BEADLE. He was born 5 MAY 1757 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 17 JAN 1832 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. He was buried in Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
+17  i.Lydia DANIELS was born 1781 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 30 OCT 1828 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
18  ii.Sarah \ Sally DANIELS was born ABT 1784 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died BEF 5 NOV 1813 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts. She married David WALKER 8 DEC 1805 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, son of Mr. WALKER. He was born ABT 1788, and died BEF 19 NOV 1816 in At Sea.
+19  iii.Mary DANIELS was born ABT 1788 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 19 OCT 1875 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
20  iv.Betsy DANIELS was born ABT 1794 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
+21  v.STEPHEN DANIELS was born ABT 1798 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts, and died 6 AUG 1872 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.
22  vi.Ebenezer DANIELS was born ABT JUL 1803 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Early Honors, or Distinguished Tributes

Certain things catch my eye while researching and at that instant I know I must find out more. While looking through a listing of burials at the Salem Street Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts, I came across death information about Nathaniel Ward, who died at the age of 23. That wasn't all that caught my eye, it was the large paragraph showing the inscription on his headstone. My fourth great-granduncle was the Librarian at Harvard University! A 23-year-old, having that job is quite impressive, so I set out to discover more.

I discovered from a listing of Graduates of Harvard University, Nathaniel received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1765, he was about 19.

Bibliographical contributions of the Librarians of Harvard University, Vol. 4, issue 52 : 29, provided the following sad information:

"Nathaniel Ward, dying 12 October 1768, just a week after his appointment as Librarian of Harvard, was a young man of unusual promise. The papers of the time with one accord deplored his death. The Essex Gazette said: "Few young Gentlemen ever received such early Honors, or distinguished Tributes to superior accomplishments; fewer so well deserved them."
Nathaniel Ward was born at Salem, 29 July 1746, the son of Miles and Hannah (Hathorne) Ward. He took his degree of A.B. in 1765, followed by the degree of A.M. He was particularly fond of mathematics in college, and was offered the chair of mathematics and natural philosophy at King's (now Columbia) College, New York. This offer he declined, as well as a vacant tutorship in Cambridge. The office of Librarian at Harvard accepted and was looking forward with great pleasure to his duties when he was prostrated with a fever which proved fatal. He was to have married Priscilla, youngest daughter of President Holyoke. Among the tributes in the Boston Weekly Xeics-letter is the following: "Of an open and frank disposition, his mind was elevated above everything mean and groveling, and his whole conduct discovered the Benevolence of his Soul."

He is buried in the Charter Street Cemetery  Salem, where the Latin inscription over his grave is still to be seen. The calculations, transits, etc., for the 1769 edition of the "Essex Almanac" were made by Mr. Ward.
Authorities: Essex inst. Hint. Collection*, ii.206, (article by B. F. Browne). Essex Gazette, 18 Oct. 1768."

"Ward, Nathaniel Born July 29, 1746, Died October 12, 1768 age 23 years. The son of Miles and Hannah (Hathorne). The inscription on his headstone reads as follows: "In this grave are the deposited remains of Nathaniel Ward AM. Late librarian of Harvard College, whom penetrating genius, improved by extensive Acquaintance, with liberal arts and sciences rendered superior to most; his native good sense, and literary accomplishments, attracted universal notice, while amiable disposition, and social virtues, especially his singular frankness and dissembled benevolence, gained him esteem and love of all. He was a dutiful son and affectionate brother, a faithful friend and an agreeable companion. Sincere toward God, crowned his other virtues, and promised a life eminencely useful, but blasted hope. In vigor or youth amidst happy prospects, cut off by raging fever. He breath forth his soul October 12 in the year 1768 aged 23." From: Carlson, William Compiler. Charter Street Cemetery Burial Records: Salem, Massachusetts. Salem, MA: Higginson Book Co., 2009. Page 59.
Additional information:
His parents outlived Nathaniel by 24 or more years.

Nathaniel was the great-granduncle of William Frederick Poole, one of the most well-known of all Librarians in America.

Once the weather turns warm, I'll locate Nathaniel's stone, read, compare the inscription to the above, and take photos.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Please, no more

Several days have been spent thinking about the Awards issue. I say issue, because quite a few people don't believe in them, and some do. Now, is the time to let you know how I feel about them. About three years ago, like a chain letter, various awards were given to bloggers who were felt to be deserving of an award. When I saw that a lot of good writers were being left out, I felt uncomfortable about receiving the ones I did, so I didn't participate. However, I did recognize the 30 people who honored me with one or more awards, including two well-known certified genealogists, by mentioning their names and their own blog name/link.

During that time, I also received some special awards, including being one in their top 100 genealogy sites awarded by MyHeritage and The Rose Blogger Award by Lucie LeBlanc Consentino. You may see all the names and links of these kind people at Awards.

With sincere appreciation and gratitude, I want to thank the three bloggers listed below for the four new awards. Please visit their blogs, if you haven't already done so.

and the

Brenda Leyndyke at Journey to the Past gave me the Blog of 2012 The Year

Heather Rojo at Nutfield Genealogy gave me the Blog of 2012 The Year

Monday, January 21, 2013

Will Some of these People Please Pay Up.

The will of Charles Clarence Poole, my great-grandfather, is rather long, so it won't be typed in full. However, there are two sections that are quite interesting to me. The first pertains to his six pieces of property from Evanston, Illinois to California. The second are the names or companies who owed my great-grandfather some money. The list is long, total number is 66. I wonder if I could collect from a descendant. I've decided to post their names.

Will signed on the 11th day of February, 1912 in Evanston, Illinois.
Charles died 3 Dec 1914 in Winnetka, Illinois and buried in Washington, D.C.
Probate Court of Cook County. Docket 147. p. 246. File No. 22,330. Filed Dec. 16, 1914.
Page 5 of the Inventory
Item 10. Sundry Accounts Receivables, due
decedent in his profession as
solicitor and attorney in patent

(1)               American Rotary Valve Co.
(2)               Sidney Anderson Wright C.P.Co.
(3)               Armstrong, E. A.
(4)               Aurora Auto. Machine Co.
(5)               Austin, Cassimus K.
(6)               Bartl, Joseph
(7)               Biegler, Edwarad M.
(8)               Bivert, Eugene
(9)               Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co.
(10)           Burkland Knitting Works
(11)           Butkus, Joseph
(12)           Campbell, Leon J.
(13)           Chicago Carton Co.
(14)           Clinch Nut Co.
(15)           Conolidated Eng. Co.
(16)           Crissman, A. D.
(17)           Diesel, Lambert
(18)           Dittman Color Prt. Co.
(19)           DuPuy Alfred
(20)           Dyer & Taylor
(21)           Fauber, Wm. H.
(22)           Fleischman, D. M.
(23)           France, A.
(24)           Giddings, C. M.
(25)           Green Eng. Co.
(26)           Greenberg & McEwen
(27)           Haynes Auto. Co.
(28)           Healy, Jas. T.
(29)           Howe & Davison Co.
(30)           Hupp, Charles A.
(31)           Jewell Water Imp. Co.
(32)           Kearns W. J. Mirror Co.
(33)           Larsen, Andru
(34)           Kellogg, Edwin M.
(35)           Larsen & Neilsen
(36)           Larsen, Niesen & C. A. Judson
(37)           Livensparger, D. A.
(38)           Martin, Wm. D.
(39)           Margaretic, Mrs. Geo.
(40)           Moorhead, Albert E.
(41)           Motor Vehicle Speed Alarm Co.
(42)           Mueller, A. A.
(43)           McClellan, B. S.
(44)           McCord Mfg. Co.
(45)           Patent Office Misc. Account
(46)           Piner, Luther E.
(47)           Rail Joint Company
(48)           Reed, Edward
(49)           Reynolds Electric Flshr. Co.
(50)           Ruben, Martin
(51)           Russell, Emerson C.
(52)           Sandage Foundry Co.-Watson-
(53)           Schallman, Harry
(54)           Schwill, Bruno
(55)           Shely, W. A.
(56)           Snow, Gilbert B.
(57)           Stone, Thomas K.
(58)           Tiesse, August
(59)           Tuohy, Wm. H.
(60)           Vandercook, R. O.
(61)           Walger Awning Co.
(62)           Walter, W. H.
(63)           Ward, Mrs. Daniel
(64)           Warne, Glenn C.
(65)           Wilson, John
(66)           Winship, Joseph

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Buell of Connecticut -- Surname Saturday

The Buell line is another old Connecticut line of mine. The emigrant ancestor, William Buell was my 9th great-grandfather. My direct lines are in All Caps and in green. If you would like sources, please contact me.

Generation No. 1

1.WILLIAM BUELL was born ABT 1610 in of Yorkshire, England, and died 23 NOV 1681 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. He married MARY POST 18 NOV 1640 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She died ABT 1 SEP 1684 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
Children of WILLIAM BUELL and MARY POST were:
+2  i.Samuel BUELL was born 2 SEP 1641 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 11 JUL 1720 in Killingworth (now Clinton), Middlesex Co., Connecticut.
+3  ii.MARY BUELL was born 3 SEP 1642 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 24 JUN 1718 in East Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+4  iii.Peter BUELL was born 19 AUG 1644 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 8 JAN 1730 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+5  iv.Hannah BUELL was born 8 JAN 1647 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 26 SEP 1704 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+6  v.Hepzibah BUELL was born 11 DEC 1649 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died ABT 1734 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts.
7  vi.Sarah BUELL was born 21 MAR 1654 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died BET 11 JUN 1676 AND 29 AUG 1684.
8  vii.Abigail BUELL was born 12 FEB 1656 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died BEF 29 AUG 1684.

Generation No. 2

2.Samuel BUELL (WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 2 SEP 1641 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 11 JUL 1720 in Killingworth (now Clinton), Middlesex Co., Connecticut. He married Deborah GRISWOLD ABT 13 NOV 1662 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, daughter of EDWARD GRISWOLD and MARGARET HICKS. She was born ABT 28 JUN 1646 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 7 FEB 1719 in Killingworth (now Clinton), Middlesex Co., Connecticut.
Children of Samuel BUELL and Deborah GRISWOLD were:
+9  i.Samuel BUELL was born 20 JUL 1663 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 2 NOV 1732 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut.
+10  ii.Deborah BUELL was born 18 OCT 1665 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
11  iii.Hannah BUELL was born 6 SEP 1667 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+12  iv.Mary BUELL was born 28 NOV 1669 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut.
+13  v.John BUELL was born 17 FEB 1671 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died 9 APR 1746 in Litchfield, Litchfield Co., Connecticut.
+14  vi.Hannah BUELL was born 4 MAY 1674 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died 29 SEP 1741.
+15  vii.William BUELL was born 18 OCT 1676 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died 7 APR 1763 in Lebanon, New London Co., Connecticut.
16  viii.David BUELL was born 15 FEB 1679 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died 25 FEB 1749. He married Phebe FARMER 4 MAY 1701. She was born in of Saybrook, Middlesex Co., Connecticut.
17  ix.Josiah BUELL was born 17 MAR 1680 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died 11 NOV 1732 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut. He married Martha JEFFERS 20 JUN 1716. She died 19 JAN 1740.
18  x.Mehitable BUELL was born 22 AUG 1682 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died 30 APR 1704.
19  xi.Peter BUELL was born 3 DEC 1684 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, and died MAR 1769 in Coventry, Tolland Co., Connecticut. He married Hannah WELLES 8 DEC 1713, daughter of John WELLES and Mary HOLLISTER. She was born 22 NOV 1689, and died 20 FEB 1719.
20  xii.Benjamin BUELL was born 1686, and died MAR 1769 in Coventry, Tolland Co., Connecticut. He married Hannah HUTCHINSON 28 JUN 1718.

3.MARY BUELL (WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 3 SEP 1642 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 24 JUN 1718 in East Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married SIMON MILLS 23 FEB 1660 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of JOHN MILLS and WILMOTT FRENSHE. He died 8 JUL 1683 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married Samuel BISSELL, son of John BISSELL. He died 3 DEC 1700.
Children of MARY BUELL and SIMON MILLS were:
21  i.Samuel MILLS was born 23 APR 1661 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 19 MAY 1661 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
22  ii.Simon MILLS was born 23 APR 1661 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+23  iii.Mary MILLS was born 8 DEC 1662 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 4 APR 1730 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+24  iv.HANNAH MILLS was born ABT 1665 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died AFT 5 MAY 1721 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
25  v.Simon MILLS was born 1 MAY 1667 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died BEF 8 JUL 1683.
+26  vi.John MILLS was born 23 JUN 1668 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 12 MAR 1698 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
27  vii.Sarah MILLS was born 16 SEP 1670 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died AFT 7 APR 1718 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married Thomas ELLSWORTH BET 24 JUL 1691 AND 1696 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of Josiah ELLSWORTH and Elizabeth HOLCOMBE. He was born 2 SEP 1665 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 26 SEP 1750 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
28  viii.Abigail MILLS was born 1672 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died BET 1683 AND 24 JUL 1691.
29  ix.Elizabeth MILLS was born 1674 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died JAN 1777. She married Thomas HOSKINS 23 FEB 1699 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of Anthony HOSKINS and Isabel BROWN. He was born 14 MAR 1672 in Dorchester, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts, and died 1737 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
30  x.Prudence MILLS was born 1676 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died BET 6 JUL 1683 AND 6 SEP 1683.
31  xi.Simon MILLS was born 1678 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died AFT 9 APR 1718. He married Mary GAYLOR\GAYLORD.

4.Peter BUELL (WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 19 AUG 1644 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 8 JAN 1730 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. He married Martha COZZENS \COGGENS 31 MAR 1670 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She died 22 MAY 1686 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. He married Mary \ Mercy STRONG CA 1687 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She died 4 JUN 1688. He married Mary GILLETT 30 JUN 1698 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, daughter of Jonathan GILLETT and Mary KELSEY. She died 19 AUG 1734.
Children of Peter BUELL and Martha COZZENS \COGGENS were:
32  i.Peter BUELL was born 1671 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
33  ii.Abigail BUELL was born 17 MAY 1673 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
34  iii.Martha BUELL was born 27 DEC 1675 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
35  iv.Mary BUELL was born 23 DEC 1677 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
36  v.Sarah BUELL was born 22 JAN 1679 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
37  vi.Peter BUELL was born 2 APR 1681 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
38  vii.Ephraim BUELL was born 20 FEB 1683 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
39  viii.Hannah BUELL was born ABT 1684 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
40  ix.Samuel BUELL was born 10 MAY 1686 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.

Children of Peter BUELL and Mary GILLETT were:
41  i.Miriam BUELL was born ABT 1700 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
42  ii.William BUELL was born ABT 1701 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
43  iii.Jonathan BUELL was born ABT 1703 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
44  iv.Esther \ Hester BUELL was born ABT 1705 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.

5.Hannah BUELL (WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 8 JAN 1647 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 26 SEP 1704 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married Timothy PALMER 17 SEP 1663 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of Nicholas PALMER. He was born 20 MAR 1641, and died 29 AUG 1713.
Children of Hannah BUELL and Timothy PALMER were:
45  i.Timothy PALMER was born 25 AUG 1664 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
46  ii.Hannah PALMER was born 3 OCT 1666 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
47  iii.Mary PALMER was born 14 MAY 1669 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
48  iv.Sarah PALMER was born 25 FEB 1671 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
49  v.John PALMER was born 13 APR 1673 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
50  vi.Sarah PALMER was born 12 APR 1675 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
51  vii.Samuel PALMER was born 7 SEP 1677 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
52  viii.Martha PALMER was born 29 DEC 1679 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 16 AUG 1683 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
53  ix.Benjamin PALMER was born 24 FEB 1681 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
54  x.Stephen PALMER was born 20 JAN 1686 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.

6.Hepzibah BUELL (WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 11 DEC 1649 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died ABT 1734 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts. She married Thomas WELLS 12 JAN 1672/3 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of Thomas WELLS. He was born 10 JUN 1652, and died 1691 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts. She married Daniel BELDEN 17 FEB 1699 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts, son of William BELDEN and Tamasine SHERWOOD?. He was born 20 NOV 1648, and died 14 AUG 1732 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts.
Children of Hepzibah BUELL and Thomas WELLS were:
55  i.Mary WELLS was born 12 NOV 1672 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
56  ii.Sarah WELLS was born 27 JAN 1676 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
57  iii.Thomas WELLS was born DEC 1678 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
58  iv.Eleazer WELLS was born ABT 1680 in Hadley, Hampden Co., Massachusetts.
59  v.John WELLS was born ABT 1682 in Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts.
60  vi.Daniel WELLS was born ABT 1684 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts.
61  vii.David WELLS was born ABT 1686 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts.
62  viii.Hepzibah WELLS was born ABT 1688 in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts.

23.Mary MILLS (MARY BUELL2, WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 8 DEC 1662 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 4 APR 1730 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married Samuel HUMPHREY ABT 1680 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of Michael HUMPHREY and Priscilla GRANT. He was born 15 MAY 1656 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 15 JUN 1736 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
Children of Mary MILLS and Samuel HUMPHREY were:
108  i.Mary HUMPHREY was born 16 NOV 1681 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 18 JUL 1737. She married Bartholomew CASE 7 DEC 1699 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of JOHN CASE and SARAH SPENCER. He was born OCT 1670 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 25 OCT 1725 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
109  ii.Elizabeth HUMPHREY was born 22 APR 1684 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married John COLLIER JUL 1705, son of Goodman COLLIER.
110  iii.Samuel HUMPHREY was born 17 MAY 1686 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 16 OCT 1759. He married Hannah PHELPS 23 FEB 1710. She was born 25 OCT 1693, and died 15 OCT 1710. He married Lydia NORTH 6 DEC 1714. She died 8 AUG 1730. He married Mary TULLER 26 FEB 1713. She was born 27 NOV 1692. He married Mary ORTON 31 OCT 1731.
111  iv.Jonathan HUMPHREY was born 2 DEC 1688 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 14 JUN 1749. He married Mercy RUGGLES 30 JUN 1714. She died 10 NOV 1761.

24.HANNAH MILLS (MARY BUELL2, WILLIAM BUELL1) was born ABT 1665 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died AFT 5 MAY 1721 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married SIMON DRAKE 15 DEC 1687 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of JOHN DRAKE and HANNAH MOORE. He was born 28 OCT 1659 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 21 DEC 1711 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut. She married Daniel LOOMIS 9 JUL 1713 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, son of John LOOMIS and Elizabeth SCOTT. He was born 16 JUN 1657 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 25 JUN 1740.
Children of HANNAH MILLS and SIMON DRAKE were:
112  i.Simon DRAKE was born 27 AUG 1690 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 19 SEP 1690 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+113  ii.Hannah DRAKE was born 29 SEP 1694 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 1735 in Torrington, Litchfield Co., Connecticut.
+114  iii.Edee DRAKE was born 14 NOV 1697 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 20 OCT 1781 in Torrington, Litchfield Co., Connecticut.
115  iv.Frances DRAKE was born 16 OCT 1701 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died BET 5 JUN 1713 AND 1715 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
+116  v.PHINEAS DRAKE was born 21 SEP 1706 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 1776 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.

26.John MILLS (MARY BUELL2, WILLIAM BUELL1) was born 23 JUN 1668 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 12 MAR 1698 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut. He married Sarah PETTIBONE 4 NOV 1690 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, daughter of John PETTIBONE and Sarah EGGLESTON. She was born 24 SEP 1673 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut, and died 3 APR 1748 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
Children of John MILLS and Sarah PETTIBONE were:
117  i.John MILLS was born 4 NOV 1690 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
118  ii.Prudence MILLS was born 29 JAN 1692 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
119  iii.Sarah MILLS was born 5 NOV 1696 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
120  iv.Joseph MILLS was born 23 DEC 1697 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.
121  v.Benjamin MILLS was born 23 DEC 1697 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut.