
Monday, January 14, 2013

Will of Moses Knap -- Amanuensis Monday

There are seven Moses Knaps from Connecticut in my tree, and I've been contacted several times about their genealogy. The will I transcribed was copied on large paper, 11" x 17", as a result I had to scan one page twice and tried to piece it together for the blog. Although I've done about 15 wills, this seemed more difficult, guess that's why I'm now forcing myself to do it. There were at least 10 words I couldn't figure out, but by using my hint, "Can't Read a Will", all but one was solved. This will was located at the New England Historic and Genealogical Library (NEHGS), (F/93/C69/1989 (1641-1880). Probate District is Fairfield, town is Fairfield, date is 1755, No. 3674.

Moses was my 6th great grandfather.

In the name of God Amen September the fifth AD 1755

I Moses Knap of the Parish Reading of the Town and County of  Fairfield and Colony of Connecticut being of sound mind and memory (tho weak in body) calling to mind The mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, I do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament touching and respecting such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life viz: After my just debts and funeral expenses are paid out of the same

Impress: I give and bequeath to Ganda my dearly beloved wife the use and improvement of all my estate both real and personal in using her natural life or so long as the continues my widow, but in case she should marry again then the use and improvement of the one half of all my said estate during her natural life after her said marriage and at her decease (having already given to my son David his full proportion or share of my said estate) do give all the remainder of my said estate to those of my children and grandchildren hereafter named, as followeth viz:

Item I give to daughter namely Rachel and Unice, ten pounds lawful money each to be paid to them out of my said estate.

Item I give to three of my daughters namely to Sarah, Rebeckah and Sarah five shillings lawful money each to be paid to them out of my estate and also five shillings like money to my daughter Ruth.

Item I give to my grandson John Phinne and to his heirs being the issue of his natural body and to their heirs and assigns forever five acres of land bounded westerly by three acres I formerly gave to my son Jonathan and to extend northerly as east line of said three acres up to the land given to my son David, and to extend easterly so far as to include to quantity of five acres bounded northerly by said David’s land and southerly by the highway.

Item I give to my daughter Mary the use and improvement of my dwelling house and all the remainder of my lands yet and profited of during her natural life after the decease of my said wife.

Item I give to my grandson Moses one of my said Jonathan’s  sons my said dwelling house and all the said remainder of my said lands during his natural life and after his decease to his heirs being the issue of his natural life and after his decease of his heirs being the issue of his natural body and to their heirs forever and for want of such issue to return to my natural heirs. This gift to commence upon the ____ of my said daughters marriage.

Item I give to my daughters Rachel and Unice and to my granddaughter Hannah the daughter of my daughter Ruth all my personal estate to be equally divided among them after my said wife’s decease.

And furthermore I do hereby constitute and on my said wife and my said son David my executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke all and every other former testaments wills legacies and bequeath and executors by me made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have here and set my hand and seal the date above.

Signed Sealed Published pronounced
(Signed) Moses Knap

And Declared to be my Last Will
And Testament, in Person of

John Mallery
David Lyons
Ebenezer Green