
Friday, September 20, 2013

Founder's Monument -- Watertown, Massachusetts

Statue of Richard Saltonstall.

The scene below depicts my ancestor, Roger Clap, soon after he landed, being greeted by the local Indians. This scene is on the Watertown Seal. Roger also has a memorial seen HERE.

Henry H. Kitson, Sculptor

Thomas Arnold
John Ball
John Barnard
Ellis Barron
William Barsham
Michael Barstow
Thomas Bartlett
Richard Beach
Richard Beers
Joseph Bemis
John Benjamin
John Bigelow
Nathaniel Biscoe
Edmund Bloys
William Bond
Nathaniel Bowman
Thomas Boylston
Henry Bright, Jr.
Thomas Brooks
Abraham Browne
Richard Browne
George Bullard
Charles Chadwick
Lambert Chenery
Garrett Church
Hugh Clarke
John Coolidge
Benjamin Crispe
Henry Curtis
James Cutler
Richard Cutting
Robert Daniel 
Edward Dix
John Doggett
John Eaton
John Eddy
Simon Eire
John Eliot
Robert Feake
John Firmin
David Fiske
John Fiske
Nathan Fiske
Thomas Flagg
John Flemming
Samuel Freeman
Richard Gale
Edward Garfield
John Goss
Christopher Grant
Nicholas Guy
William Hagar
William Hammond
Robert Harrington
Thomas Hastings
Justinian Holden
Ephraim Child
Samuel Hosier
Edward How
Miles Ives
William Jennison
Robert Keyes
Richard Kimball
William Knapp
John Knight
Edward Lamb
John Lawrence
Edmund Lewis
John Livermore
John Lovering
Hugh Mason
John Masters
Thomas Mayhew
Isaac Mixer
Joseph Morse
George Munnings
Jeremiah Norcross
John Oldham
John Page
William Paine
George Parkhurst
Daniel Patrick
Anthony Peirce
Brian Pendleton
Thomas Philbrick
Rev. George Phillips
John Prescott
John Reynolds
John Richardson
Thomas Rogers

Sir Richard Saltonstall
Richard Sawtell
Robert Sanderson
Robert Seely
William Shattuck
John Sherman
John Smith
John Spring
Isaac Stearns
John Stimson
Gregory Stone
Simon Stone
Samuel Stratton
Joseph Tainter
Gregory Taylor
Samuel Thatcher
John Traine
Martin Underwood
Richard Waite
John Warren
Roger Wellington
John Wetherell
Timothy Wheeler

John White
John Whitney
Richard Woodward