
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

All The History and Flowers at Concord, Massachusetts Pt. 1

The photos were taken in and around the North Bridge Visitor Center in Concord, Massachusetts. Part 1 is the History, Part 2 are the flowers.
The area where minutemen were mustered on April 19, 1775. Below is a marker, and foundation of the Ephraim and Willard Buttrick Houses, circa 1697. The above and below pictures are in front of the Visitor Center.

Major John Buttrick
from this his farm led
the provincial minute
men and militia down
to win the bridge held
by the British Forces
April 19, 1775.

George Edward Messer
by his will provided
this memorial
erected by the town.

North Bridge Visitor Center, formerly the estate of the Buttrick Family. Below is the interior, with the visitor's center to the right.

The problem with photographing during bright sunlight or spotlights, you often get glare. I plan on trying to take better photos during a cloudy day. This past spring, I went three times, just to get photographs of the flowers.  Too bad that Irises and Peonies have different growing schedules.

From the Visitor Center, you can look down on the North Bridge, Concord River and two monuments, one being the minuteman, by Daniel Chester French.