
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Obituary of Mrs. Farmon Scramlin of Momence, Illinois

Death of Mrs. Farmon Scramlin.

Mrs. Mary Scramlin, relict of the late
Farmon Scramlin, died at her
home in this city last Sunday evening
at 8:20 o'clock, after an illness of
several months.

Her maiden name was Mary Lamport
and she was born near Momence
on February 4, 1849, being at the time
of her death 57 years, 3 months and
18 days of age. On October 3d, 1872,
she was united in marriage to Farmon
Scramlin, who died June 30, 1904. To
them one child was born, Lura, now
the wife of Jay Sanstrom.

Mrs. Scramlin was a woman whom
everyone who knew her cherished with
high regard. She was possessed of a
true womanly spirit that never failed
to win her a place in the hearts of
those who made her acquaintance.
She was devoted to her home and family,
caring little for that which is called
society. The most of her life was
spent in or near this city, a few years
However, being spent in Grant Park,
where her husband was in business.
She leaves besides the daughter, one
Sister, Mrs. H. C. Reins of Kankakee,
And three brothers, Henry Lamport of
this city, T. V. Lamport of Kansas,
And Benj. Lamport of Stonington,
Colorado, besides many near relatives.

The funeral services were held from
The M. E. church on Tuesday after
noon conducted by Rev. Pittenger.
Those from out of town who came to
Attend the funeral were Mrs. Metta
Woollett and Miss Grace Scramlin of
Chicago, Mrs. O. B. Coleman of Brazil,
Ind., H. C. Reins, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. E.
Dayton of Kankakee, and Mrs. Will
Dayton of Grant Park.
Copy of obituary from Gary Hanna (March 2013)

Mary was the wife of my first cousin, Farmon Scramlin, 4x removed.