
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Observant Are You ?

Do you recognize the below photo? It was my very first header photo for my blog. If you look at the current one, you will see I changed seasons, not locations (see last photo). These were taken in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.

The winter photo was taken on a 50 degree day in January! The second photo, of the same cemetery, shows something quite interesting, especially if you have ancestors buried there and want to source it correctly. And the third photo was a total surprise, since I've been by it probably thousands of times. Why am I just noticing some of these things, well, it's due to a new iPad. Yesterday was my first time using the camera, and because of the large size of the photos it just about told me to really look at what I had taken...almost like looking at document. The first two answers are below.

I didn't enlarge because you wouldn't be able to see the right side (nice followers photos covered it.) The enlarged is below.
Cute little house on the common and, I never wondered what it was.
Middlesex Canal Toll House 1832
Oldest Canal Toll Houses in America. (Photo enlarged from above picture.)
This was totally new to me.

Notice the two signs? One says Forefathers Burial Grounds and the other is Forefathers Burying Ground.