
Monday, February 11, 2013

A Puzzlement

Interest in a redcoat, Bette Davis and a doll seem to be the only things people are checking out on my blog this past week. And I'm curious as to why the doll and Bette Davis's house in Lowell, MA are suddenly of interest. Neither is a recent posts.

The chart below shows four of my top five page-views as of today. The first two is easy to know why, because Dick Eastman posted my blog on his newsletter, regarding the Revolutionary War Red Coat. But why are two simple photos of Bette Davis #3 and The Doll #4

Does anybody have an idea? If so, I'd really love to hear it. Does anybody think I should post this question to the sites #3 and #4?

Aug 31, 2011, 7 comments
Jul 5, 2012, 4 comments

Note: The calendar was made by a New Zealand cousin. Sue Greatbanks.