
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Found after 7 Years and 100 Years (Continued)

The experienced genealogists know from my previous post, Found after 7 Years and 100 Years that there was much more research to be done regarding finding information on John Scramlin, the adopted boy. Since that post, I spent much of one afternoon trying to track down where I could get help explaining the legal notice which appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper Feb. 9, 1978. I was led on a wild goose chase, 4 helpful people tried to connect me with the right person at the First Judicial District Court. At last, I had Jill, since she was the one who could help me. Within minutes, she found the record, his probate. Yes, the probate! After giving her the information and asking a few meek questions as I held my breath, were, can I get a copy? Yes. How much are the pages? Each page was .25. The next day I called, and I was told she had printed the 32 pages and it came to $11.55 (she was certain I wanted them). I had to get a money order, and send a self-addressed stamped envelope. All easy, the worst part was the waiting for the record. I love doing business in New Mexico.

I called my cousin and shared this with her. My imagination went wild. Why would a state ward have a 32 pg. probate. Jill, the employee told me she thought if John, the adopted son, was in her family she would want the papers. So naturally, I thought he must have murdered his father, not his natural, nor his adoptive, but his step-father. Of course, that is why he was in the hospital. Finally, when my envelope arrived, I couldn't even open it, it was so tight, picture 32 pages in a #10 envelope, taped on 3 sides, and with a large stamp saying postage due, I owed $1.66.

After going through the nicely typed pages, I discovered a few interesting things. The state of New Mexico wanted to be reimbursed for John's care for 40 years, because he had an estate of $12,981. He was hospitalized from 1934 to 1974...40 years, and it took three years to get to probate. There were no known heirs. (He had a living sister and quite a few nephews and nieces.) John died August 11, 1974, there was no will, personal property valued at $1,751 and real property valued at $6,000. I learned where John's property (2 lots) on Candelario Street was, and looked up the site on Google Earth. The month following his death, his home was rented for two years at $25 per month. John's two lots were sold for $12,100 to Albert Gonzales and John Tena of Santa Fe.

Upon further investigation, I found discovered his step-father, William G. Hockman, was the father of three sons, Marvin Hockman, Edward Hockman and Albert Hockman. His adopted son, John Scramlin was the same age as Edward. There are things I don't know, like where did John receive his money to buy the lots, did his step-father die and leave him some money? But one thing I do know, is, he didn't kill his step-father.