
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lowell, MA Names all Those Mustered Out in the Civil War

During today's visit to see an exhibit in Lowell, I was reminded about the blog post I wrote a few years ago about, "The Lexington of 1861." And, upon wondering where the names came from on the below Roll of Honor, I remembered a huge project a few genealogy friends and I undertook. We entered over 3,500 names into a data base. Please see how you can view the names (below).

The exhibit is called,
Lowell and the Civil War
First Blood: The Lexington of 1861

Since this is Memorial Day weekend, I decided to post these two photos and include my post of two years ago where I explained the story of, "The Minutemen of 1861  --  First Soldiers to Die in Civil War Were From Lowell" The names above are those who enlisted, The names of those who died are listed on large plaques hung high in the Lowell Library. (See photos below.)

Many years ago, a few of us in the local genealogy club went through huge ledgers and transcribed 3,525 names of Soldiers and Sailors mustered from Lowell during the Civil War (1861 to 1865). We entered their information into a data base several of us had on our computers. I believe I did two books. The writing was beautiful, the only problem was the books were huge and heavy.

The 3,525 names can be seen HERE. Please take a peek if your ancestor lived in the Lowell area, or England, Germany or any of the New England states. In other words, they came from all over. Scroll to the end as there are many death dates and locations included.

Photos taken years ago at the Lowell Library of those who gave their lives in war. I hope to retake pictures and perhaps type up a list.