
Monday, September 9, 2013

Obituary of Harriet Ford Westover

Westover--Harriet, wife of John
F. Westover, died at the family home
801 Joslin Street, Tuesday from a
complication of diseases, age 62
years. Harriet Ford was born in Port
Burbal, Ont., Sept. 25, 1849, and was
married to Mr. Westover in 1866. After
their marriage they lived in Port Bur-
bal until 1876, when they came to
Saginaw. Mrs. Westover was a mem-
ber of the Episcopal church. She
leaves her husband, two sons and five
daughters, Harry Westover and Mrs.
Henry Ryder of Saginaw; William of
Toledo, O.; Mrs. Thomas Glenn of
Ashtabula, O.; Mrs. Benjamin G.
Watkins and Mrs. Roy Davidson of
Battle Creek, and Mrs. Carl Watz of
Portland, Ore. The funeral will take
place at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from
the family residence. Interment in
Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Information from Mary Virginia Swisher (Sept. 2012). The above Harriet Ford Westover was the wife of my third cousin 4x removed.