
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Scholars Do Him Homage and All 14 Wear Black Gloves

After I posted my December 1st post, Doctor, Medicine, Undertaker and Marshall Field Dress Bill, 1894,  Carol A. Bowen Stevens of Reflections from the Fence blog, wrote and inquired about the 16 pr. of black gloves that was listed on the Undertaker's bill of services. She mentioned perhaps I could find out if wearing black gloves was the custom in 1894. I did a few easy searches, because I happened to have the time, and got seriously interested in the search for information.

Then remembered my subscription to Fold3 that I get with my Connecticut Society of Genealogists subscription, which I had never used before. See post about my Fold3 subscription. My search words were: William Frederick Poole + pallbearers. It was so easy and wow, what results. A nice long report about his funeral and the names of all 14 honorary pallbearers.

The deceased was my 2nd great-grandfather, and the person of whom I wrote about in the Longest Obituary I've Ever Seen.

 From The Chicago Tribune, March 2, 1894, Page 8

 From The Chicago Tribune, March 4, 1894, Page 3


They Pay the Last Meed of Affection to
Librarian W. F. Poole.

     Funeral services for Dr. William F. Poole, librarian of the Newberry Library, were held yesterday afternoon at Evanston, where he had lived for many years. A short service of prayer and song was held at the family residence preliminary to the more formal rites held at the First Congregational Church at 3 o’clock. At that hour the large edifice was crowded, distinguished men from all ranks in life, professors from both the Northwestern and Chicago Universities, officials of both the Newberry and Chicago public libraries, as well as members of the many literary and cultured organizations with whom Dr. Poole had been associated, uniting to show their respect for him by their presence.
     At 3 o’clock the funeral procession entered the church to the strains of Beethoven’s funeral march. The honorary pallbearers preceded the casket. They were President Henry Wade Rogers of Northwestern University, Dr. Daniel Bonbright, President William R. Harper of Chicago University; H. J. Willing, trustee of the Newberry Library; Daniel L. Shorey and James L. High of the Chicago Literary club; Edward G. Mason, President of the Chicago Historical Society; Norman Williams, trustee of the Crerar Library; Emil G. Hirsch, President of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Library; Librarian Frederick H. Hild; and Edward S. Isham, Franklin MacVeagh, George E. Adams, and John P. Wilson, the present Board of Trustees of the Newberry Library. Representatives of the Public Library Board who were present were: John G. Shortall, Pliny B. Smith, Bernhard Moos, and Secretary W. B. Wickersham. The active pallbearers were Charles Evans, Dr. Carl Pietssch, and Dr. G. F. Wire, assistants of Dr. Poole in the Newberry Library, and J. R. Patterson, W. A. Purer, and Reidar Arentz, who had formerly been assistants in the Chicago Public Library.
     The services were opened by the church choir with the hymn, “Beyond the Sighing and the Weeping.” Dr. J. F. Loba read the scripture funeral service and offered prayer. When “The Homeland” had been sun by the choir Dr. Loba said in part:
     “Every man lives a twofold life; one is that inner life of the heart with the aims and hopes, the sorrows and joys, the godward life which no one can see. The other is the manward life, the fruit, the product which the man gives to the world and on which his reputation rests. These two do not always coincide—sometimes lack much of it. But the perfect harmony of the two gives to the whole life the force of truth, harmony in the soul, and power to the work of man. The life of our dear friend was peculiarly great in the
Harmony between the ideal and the real. He was a great worker on the highest plane of human activities. He enriched the world of thought, he ruled in the realm of books, and like some great spirit he presided over the very source of human learning. In the midst of our sorrows and through our cares we may thank God for such a man.”
Dr. Franklin Fisk’s Tribute.
     Following Dr. Loba an address was given by Dr. Franklin Fisk, President of the Chicago Theological Seminary and a former classmate of Dr. Poole at Yale. He said:
     “The sorrowful event that has brought together this large congregation of friends to do honor to one who has for years occupied so large a place in our thoughts and in our esteem is to me peculiarly sad. Dr. Poole was my classmate at Yale. Our acquaintance, which began when we entered that ancient university in 1845, ripened long since into affectionate reward, and through nearly half a century has borne delightful fruitage. When he joined our class a few months after we entered college I well remember the marked impression he made. Although somewhat reserved in manner he had a genial nature and soon made many warm friends. He was old enough when he entered college to appreciate the value of a liberal education, and addressed himself to his studies in a manly way. But while faithful and successful in the studies of the college curriculum, he did not limit himself to them, but pushed his reading and study in all directions, especially in the domain of periodical literature. He early evinced a great love of books and revealed in libraries, and his love and knowledge of books led to his selection by ‘Brothers in Unity,’ a literary society in the college, as librarian of its library of some 12,000 volumes. In this capacity he early discovered a great need  of an indeed to general periodical literature—for the supply of which he even then, while yet a college student, addressed himself, and persisted in the great work with marvelous industry and energy through nearly half a century to the very close of his life. The development of his index from its inception is a genuine instance of evolution.

His Work for the Public Library.
     “In 1873 he was called to take charge of and to form the Public Library that had just then been organized amidst the ashes of Chicago. He fulfilled expectation. Under his supervision the Public Library of Chicago rapidly increased in well-selected volumes and in adaptation to public use till it became an equal of the foremost public libraries of our land. The eminence of Dr. Poole as a librarian led to his selection by the trustees of the Newberry Library fund when they sought for a competent person into whose hands to commit the great task of organizing and selecting a reference library that should stand through the ages; at once a monument to the generosity and foresight of its founder and a perpetual blessing to the millions who shall live in the great central city of the continent.
     “Of Dr. Poole’s personal characteristics as a man and a Christian I need not speak at length, for he lived among you many years. In heart he was a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and in life he tried faithfully to follow him. He was most highly esteemed and most loved by those who knew him best. This is a sad day for Evanston when two such eminent, honored, and beloved citizens as the Rev. Dr. Patterson and Dr. Poole and Dr. Poole are borne away to their burial. But though they will not again walk these beautiful streets and go in and out among you, yet the thought of what they were will abide with you and be a constant inspiration to noble living. Had Dr. Poole lived till next summer it was his purpose and my own to meet with our classmates at New Haven to celebrate the forty-fifth anniversary of our graduation from Yale. More than on-half of our class of nearly 100 have passed from earth, and now this dear classmate and friend has joined those who had gone before him. With a sore heart the ‘Farewell’ must be spoken in the sure hope of a blessed greeting at no distant day.”
     The services closed with the hymn “My Jesus as Thou Wilt,” by the choir. The remains were taken last evening to Salem, Mass., for interment.
     At a meeting of the members of the Newberry Library staff resolutions were unanimously adopted expressive of the esteem in which they held Dr. Poole.