
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mystery Hill to Me

In 1958 this 4,000 year old prehistoric site was opened to the public as Mystery Hill, less than 30 years later, a newspaper writer referred to it as America's Stonehenge, and that is what it is now called. To the locals, it's Mystery Hill. The sign* above is transcribed below, but for now, it's a "massive complex of stone chambers," monoliths, stone walls, a sacrificial table and "astronomically aligned rock formations." You may have seen one of many TV shows about this place, so it isn't new to our history.
There was a lot of walking, uphill along a nature trail, but it's worth it. We were there on a cool summer day, couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. Our last visit was probably in 1970, and it hasn't changed at all, except for the name and back then we were able to go wherever, there weren't ropes and fences as there are now.

The above photo is now used on each Surname Saturday post.

*America's Stonehenge sign

Located near the summit of Mystery Hill is a
massive complex of stone chambers, walls and large
standing stones, both radio-carbon dating (c-14) and the
placement of the astronomically oriented standing stones
indicate this site was constructed at least 4000 years ago.

Like the Stonehenge of England, America's Stonehenge
accurately plots many solar and lunar events, such as
solstices and equinoxes as well as many ancient holidays.

Update: On July 10, 2014, there was an article in the Yankee magazine, "America's Stonehenge | A Historical Site Shrouded in Mystery." SEE HERE.