
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Newberry Library, A Bust and Portrait of my Ancestor Taken by Diane Boumenot

I wrote about the Library in my post, "A Library, A Librarian and Two Cousins" three years ago this month, and have always wanted photos of the interior. My genealogy friend and blogger, Diane Boumenot who writes the blog, One Rhode Island Family mentioned she was going to go to the Newberry Library in Chicago if she had time during a conference. I asked if she did, could she take photos for me. She did a year ago, and I am just now posting them. Thank you, Diane.

My ancestor was the first Librarian at the Newberry, and Diane was aware of that. Below are a bust and portrait of him, William Frederick Poole.

The Library stands on the site
formerly occupied by the
Mahlon D. Ogden residence
the only house in the path of
the great fire of 1871
which was not burned.

Presented by the General Henry Dearborn Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution

Poole's Index of Periodical Literature was written by my 2nd great-grandfather.