
Friday, May 30, 2014

Randall Library, Stow, Massachusetts (Genealogy and Local History Section)

I believe the photo of the Randall Library in Stow, Massachusetts is the prettiest of all the libraries I've taken. Perfect warm day, blue sky, a bench, lovely red brick building, and beautiful Redbud tree. I hadn't been here in 15 years, so I shouldn't have been surprised to see it had been enlarged (like all the other libraries I've visited).

I introduced myself and the most pleasant librarian, I believe it was Sally, who took me upstairs to the history/genealogy area. First shown, was the old children's area (below), I don't think it is used anymore, because of the addition.

The flag is here because there are two war memorial panels on each side wall, one for the Revolutionary War and the other for the Civil War.
This room has a collection put together by the Stow Historical Society. A nice mini-museum, I would have liked to have seen more, but didn't have the time. I don't remember it from years ago.
Their collection is quite small, and that surprised me because 15 years ago, I found so much useful information pertaining to my 31 Stow individuals in my family tree, two were direct lines. I asked if many genealogists do research here, and the reply was no. 
Genealogies and information are kept in the file cabinet below.

Behind the new addition were all the war memorials, except for the ones mentioned above.