
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, A Favorite Resort Town

One of my favorite towns. We have been here three times in 15 years, so I'll share a few photos.
Old railroad station used as the visitors' center and rest rooms.

Lake Winnipesaukee.
In season there are several boat tours from Wolfeboro to other towns along the coast. Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest lake in New Hampshire is approximately 21 miles long covering 69 square miles. The driving distance around the lake is 63 miles.

Wolfeboro is in the middle of the map, Next to Lake Winnipesaukee.

Star Island, Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire

Note: In error, while I was editing this 2014 post, it uploaded to today's date, November 22, 2017!

Friend, Melissa Barry wrote an article, "Isles of Shoals Tragedy 1902 Oceanic Hotel Star Island," and she has given me permission to link the article HERE.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Scary Tombstones for Friday the 13th

My collection of rather unusual and scary tombstones are below. They are located in the Granary Burial Ground in Boston, established 1660. To see other photos, see my post from yesterday about this graveyard HERE. So enjoy, and happy Friday the 13th.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Paul Revere and Other Notables in the Granary Burial Ground, Boston, 1660

It's no secret that I love cemeteries. Because of this blog, I decided to visit the Granary Burial Ground in Boston to share photos of what I saw in this 1660 cemetery.
Paul Revere
Born in Boston.
January 1734
May 1818
The above is the monument erected many years after his tombstone marker was. Below is a close-up photo of Paul Revere's tomb.

Tour guide talking to students and tourists at the Paul Revere markers.
Here Lies Buried
Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Governor of this Commonwealth
A Leader of Men and an Ardent Patriot
Born 1722    Died 1803

Here Lyes the Body of
Mary Goose Wife to
Isaac Goose Aged 42
Years Decd October
Ye 19th 1690
This memorial is for John Hancock.

Old tombstones are along the edge of the cemetery, right up against various buildings, the one above is a restaurant!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Salem, Massachusetts Visit on a Sunny Sunday Morning

Ever hear of Salem, Massachusetts and wonder what it's all about? Below is my photo journal showing some reasons I love this city, plus I have over 800 individuals in my tree with roots in Salem, so I have a real connection. The book, Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft was written by my ancestor, William Frederick Poole, who was born in Salem.
Narbonne House, 1675 (above)

The House of the Seven Gables
"Built in 1668, this is the oldest surviving 17th century wooden mansion in New England."

America's Oldest Candy Company (since 1806)
Ye Olde Pepper Company

The Derby House, built in 1762 by Richard Derby for his son Elias Hasket Derby, my 2nd cousin 6x removed.
The old homes around Salem Common are just beautiful. I like to think that some of my ancestors from this city strolled by them, or even lived in them! You can see the houses again in the photo taken of the Common.

Facing Derby Wharf and the Friendship of Salem (a replica of a 1797 East Indiaman, built in 2000).

Near the lighthouse on Derby Wharf, looking towards Salem. Distance one-way is 1/2 mile, walking was difficult because of all the pebbles.
I was standing at the lighthouse looking at Salem Harbor.

Last year, I did a post on the Historic Stephen Daniels House, now a B and B, in Salem. Stephen was an ancestor of mine.

June 13, 2014 Update: I've decided to post links I use for genealogy research in Salem at this site. Feel free to use them as well.