
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bolton Public Library, Bolton, Massachusetts -- Genealogy and History Section

I absolutely loved the Bolton Public Library! My husband and I go past this at least 3-4 times a year, either on our way to the Tower Hill Botanic Garden or to check out cemeteries in the Lancaster, MA area. Wait until you see the inside.
Original library erected 1903, expanded in 2009.

Entering the Whitcomb History Room, old safe on the left.

Lovely reading room below.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Salem Public Library, Salem, Massachusetts -- Genealogy and Local History Section

Before I got to the Library, I passed this 1785 house on the left.
Salem Public Library is located in the Historic District of Salem, Massachusetts in an 1855 renovated brick mansion originally owned by sea merchant John Bertram. (Information from Library site.)
Display about the Great Fire in June 1914.
Entrance to the History room. Did you notice the door? I saw all the usual Essex County genealogy books, I've used elsewhere. However, the reference librarian showed me an 1832 city directory, (for my family) that was held in another location, which was pretty nice. There were two computers for genealogists only, and each had subscription databases downloaded. They were Ancestry, Heritage Quest and NEHGS (AmericanAncestors). Behind the reference librarian are a large number of drawers with microfilm, but I wasn't allowed to photograph it!

Since I have quite a number of early Salem ancestors, I've used most of these books.

Main entrance, with great ceiling. This used to be a private residence.
The Library is on the left. I took this so you could see one of the many large homes on this street. It's a beautiful area.

Keeping Cool One Summer

Even though the San Francisco Bay was a short walk from our house, it was probably safer to play in the back yard rather than the bay.
Map of where I lived for close to 10 years (see A).

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Inside Henry David Thoreau's House

There is a nice difference between a winter photo and a June photo. Please see my previous post, Some of Henry David Thoreau's Houses, written in January. I had mentioned 7 months ago, that I would be returning, and I did twice, most recently was today. This post will show part of the interior, and the location where he was really born.
Wonderful docent walking by the organic garden to greet us. She gave us a 90 minute tour. Most of the house is used for office space, but two rooms are shown to the public. The first floor room is usually used for lectures, and there is no original furniture in the house. The second room upstairs was where Henry David Thoreau was born. There were a few period pieces, and photos of the family.

Because the vegetable garden was growing like weeds, we were offered free rhubarb, lettuce and onions...we took a head of yummy lettuce.
Great wall hanging, showing photos of the parents, and four siblings. Henry is the third from the left.

 Original floors in the bedroom.
Looking out the window of the bedroom where he was born. However, this isn't the view they would have seen, since the house was originally down the street and was moved later to this site. The house had several additions through the years, but the upper right side room is original, and that is where he was born.
Facebook page site for
Thoreau Farm - Birthplace of Henry David Thoreau

Additional Photos taken July 22, 2014, and a real surprise. See last photo.

Side garden, and of course nasturtiums (among my favorite flowers).

I was aware that the house was moved to the above location, so I went looking for the original site, and I found this marker below. I'll be going back again, just to show my husband.
was born on this site,
his maternal grandmother's farm,
July 12, 1817.

Bigelow Free Public Library, Clinton, Massachusetts -- Genealogy Collection

I loved the original reference desk. Actually, I think everything in the Bigelow Free Public Library was original, some features charming, others quite dated. They are lacking in space, and as a result, there is no genealogy room. The only things available to genealogists are the microfilm reader (below) and some very old rolls of film. They also offer on their computers subscriber databases such as Ancestry and Heritage Quest. There are some genealogy / local history books in their closed stack area, but I wasn't allowed to go there (that area is behind the reference desk, shown above).
Microfilm reader, printer and file cabinet with newspaper film. This is in the main reading room.

Children's room, on an upper floor.
Library on a busy corner, hidden by the huge tree. I was told that the old Clinton Historical Society was next door, so I walked over...what a beautiful building. Unfortunately, they weren't open, but I'll be back.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Bedford Free Public Library, Bedford, Massachusetts -- Genealogy and Local History Section

Even though Bedford is close to where I live, I've never been in their library, the Bedford Free Public Library, nor do I have ancestors from the town. The library is huge, and I was pleasantly surprised with it. Loved the open spaces, use of light, and the room holding the Bedford Collection.

Two views of the Bedford Collection room.
An example of some of their holdings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Alameda, California House -- Before and After

We moved to Alameda, California, from Connecticut, sometime in 1944. The two photos show the before and after in our living room. Since my mother majored in textiles in college, I'm positive she did the upholstery work. This room needed an update, and I think the furniture was second-hand, or maybe was even left in the house by the previous owners.
In my blog post of November 25, 2009, called, "Alameda House  --  Different Years" I wrote, "My mother and Steve Danko (genealogy blogger and friend) both took pictures of the same house." There was probably a 50-year difference between the two.