
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jane (__) Jenison Brooks, Lincoln Cemetery, Lincoln, Massachusetts -- Tombstone Tuesday

Below is my 7th great-grandaunt's tombstone. She married first to Peter Jenison (see last week's post), and after his death, she married Joseph Brooks. She, her 2nd husband and child were buried together in this cemetery.

Here Lies Buried
The Body of
Mrs Jane Brooks
Consort of
Joseph Brooks
Who Decd Novr
The 16 A D
1753 in The 70
Year of Her Age.
Here Lyes Interred
The Body of Mr.
Joseph Brooks of Lincoln
Who Departed This Life
Sept 17 1759 in Ye
78 Years of His Age.
(Joseph Brooks was my first cousin 9 times removed.)

Here Lies Buried
Ye Body of
Joseph Brooks Junr
Only Son of Mr
Joseph and Mrs Jane
Brooks Who Decd
Septmbr Ye 7th
Anno Dom 1749
in ye 24th Year
of His Age.
Brooks plot above.
When you turn around, you'll see this lovely field.

While driving around, I came across a memorial to five British soldiers, shown below. Since the cemetery is in Lincoln, the town where Paul Revere was captured by the British soldiers (then released). I shouldn't have been surprised to see it because other markers for British soldiers are in Concord as well.
Summer 2014
May 2, 2015
British Soldiers
Slain April 19, 1775
Were Buried Here.

Erected by the
Town of Lincoln
Burial Ground
"This acre given by
Ephraim Flint is Lincoln's
oldest cemetery, established
in 1748 by the second
Precinct of Concord as a
burial ground.
This preceeded the
incorporation of Lincoln
as a separate Town by
6 years."