
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Massachusetts Remembers 9/ll With Memorial and Names

When I came across the Massachusetts memorial to the 206 Massachusetts victims of September 11, 2001, in the Boston Public Gardens, I knew I had to share my photos. And, more importantly, the names of all those from Massachusetts who died on that horrible day. We will never forget.

This photo taken on Sept. 11, 2012.
The list of names came from 9/11 Victims With Massachusetts Ties (CBS Boston, September 11, 2011). Click on names to read their profiles.  The Massachusetts 9/11 Fund (see below) has a few activities for tomorrow, September 11, 2014. 


The Board of Directors and the Family Advisory Committee of the Massachusetts 9/11 Fund invite you to participate, as noted below, in our Twelfth Anniversary Commemoration activities.

7:30 am – Wreath Laying Ceremony

                      Boston Public Garden, 9/11 Contemplative Garden

8:30 am – Flag Lowering, Moment of Silence, and Reading of Names

                      Massachusetts State House Lawn

9:30 am – Commemoration Observation & Sweeney Award for Civilian Bravery Presentation

                      House Chambers, Massachusetts State House

11:00 am – Family Reception (by private invitation only)

                      The Taj Hotel, Boston Common