
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Westford, Massachusetts 9/11 Memorial

In February, I received the following message: "I wanted to let you know there is a new 9-11 monument in Westford you should see if you ever swing through the town. It is located in the area in between the Town Hall and the Fire Station in the Common area of town. I was able to go and see it dedicated and it is beautiful.  It has green sea glass that glows from underneath at night too. Check out the facebook page and pictures on it."  Naturally, I had to go and see it. My first visit was on April 19th, but I realized it should be seen at night, as you will see below. This is indeed a treasure of a Monument, and as many times I look at these photos, I get quite emotional. I believe you will too.

I went just before dark recently, and had the pleasure of chatting with a fireman who knew a lot about this memorial. He shared a few things with me, first telling me that Westford firefighter David Christiana, a sculptor, created the 9-11 memorial. The granite and green glass came from Pennsylvania and represents the field where Flight 93 crashed on the field, the middle base is in the shape of the octagon represents the Pentagon and the bronze work is beautifully engraved with an image of the Twin Towers and names of all 92 Massachusetts heroes who died that day. The caldron holds some metal from one of the collapsed Twin Towers.

92 names engraved on the ribbon, surrounding the Towers.

Town of Westford, Massachusetts
Westford Remembers 9-11 Monument

Dedicated on September 11, 2013, this monument is a permanent Memorial to all 92 Massachusetts heroes, including two of our own, taken from us in the terrorist attacks on our nation that fateful day. May it serve as a symbol of Hope, Freedom and Liberty.
Photo taken in the middle of the day, in early spring.
Westford Remembers 9 11 
Susan A. MacKay 
James F. Hayden
Donated by the Residents of Westford  Sept. 11, 2011