
Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Little Cheer in the New Year.

Every time I see this photo, it cheers me up, especially in winter and each time I turn on my iPad. The above photo was taken in a nursery in the middle of winter last January. I had just gotten the toy and decided to take practice photos. It soon became my cover photo and I see it every time I go online. Since that day, I took very few flower photos because I wasn't happy with the outcome. The reason for writing all this is to say, I have taken over 4,000 shots this past year, and deleted about 1,000. Many others have to do with genealogy in some way, such as: cemetery stones, war memorials, and a lot of tourist spots in New England.

If you have seen any of my posts for this past year, each photo was taken with this iPad, the majority are clear and sharp. It's works beautifully for cemetery stones and pages from books, really anything but flower close-ups.

One of my "projects" for this year is to go through all photos and get them posted to my blog. It might seem unusual to see bare ground (no snow), green trees and lovely foliage in a cemetery during these early 2014 months, but that is what I intend to do.