
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Two Cemeteries, Three People for Tombstone Tuesday

The three cemetery stones were photographed last year, in two different cemeteries, quite a distance from each other, but on the same day. I am not sure of the Stevens relationships in North Andover. The Newhall line might be mine, but I don't have the connection yet to my Malden line.
Here lies ye Body of
Mrs. Susanna Newhall
Wife to
Mr.Timothy Newhall
who departed this Life
May the 27th, 1776.
Aged 34 Years.

Susanna Newhall was buried in the Salem Street Burying Ground in Medford, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. The Find-A-Grave site has a photo as well.

Here Lyes Buried
The Body of Mr.
John Stevens
Who Deceased Ye
11 Day of April
1662 in Ye 57
Year of His Age.

John Stevens is Buried at the Old North Parish Burying Ground, No. Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts.  The Find-A-Grave site has photos of the original stone as well.

Loving Memory of
Kate Hastings
Decbr 13th 1865
August 5th 1951

Kate Hastings Stevens is Buried at the Old North Parish Burying Ground, No. Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts.  The Find-A-Grave site has photos of the stone as well.