
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

War Memorial, Amherst, New Hampshire -- Wordless Wednesday

Honor Roll
1917 - 1918

Town of Amherst
A Tribute of Respect
To Those who Served in the
World War

*Paul G. Blandin
*Percy N. Davis
Guy E. Bills
Guy E. Kidder
Elgin J. Bartlett
Leland C. Kidder
Horace R. Boutelle
Ralph G. Manning
Leon K. Boutelle
Everett W. Merrill
Harold B. Burtt
Willard H. Parker
Everett E. Byrd
Frank G. Pettengill
Samuel A. Caldwell
Tracy I. Raymond
Carroll C. Carkin
Earle Roberts
Malcolm D. Clark
Fred Sanville
Peter F. Clarkin
William Sanville
Royal E. Chase
Fred E. Sprague
Ralph W. Chase
Henry L. Stockwell
Albert W. Converse
Carl H. Vogel
James P. Doyle
Byron B. Walker
Daniel J. Doyle
Robert T. Weston
Wendell W. Greenlee
Walter K. Weston
Henry E. Hall
Kenneth B. Wetherbee
Rodney J. Hodgman
William R. White
Elmer E. Hodgman
William F. Whitehouse
William H. Hodgman
Walter R. Whitehousse
Frederick V. Howard
Fred Whittemore
* I assume these two men died.
In May 2013, I did a post with photos of the Amherst common, it may be seen HERE.