
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Freeman Family, Lowell, Massachusetts -- Tombstone Tuesday

Lyman Freeman
Born in Plainfield, VT
June 24, 1810
Died in Lowell
March 7, 1878

Caroline Newell
His Wife
Born in Craftsbury, VT
Jan. 16, 1814
Died in Lowell
Oct. 28, 1902

Charles T. Freeman
Born in Lowell
Aug. 28, 1839
Died in Lowell
March 31, 1917

Photos taken in the summer where there is a lot of shade can present a problem. Sometimes it's very hard to read the cemetery stone. This was the case with the photo above, so I went back and retook it. While there were still shadows, but not as many as in the summer.
Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Massachusetts