
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

James Nichols of Reading, Massachusetts -- Tombstone Tuesday

James Nichols is my most recently discovered ancestor. Fortunately, he lived rather close to where I am now living, so that made it easy to visit his burial site at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Reading, Massachusetts. He was married to Mary Poole, but I was unable to locate her site.

This is my 147th photo of an ancestor's tombstone.
Here Lyes Buried
Ye Body of Mr.
Who Departed this life
Jan. 12, 1744/5 in Ye 87th
Year of His Age.

I Shall Rise again.

James Nichols was my 8th great-grandfather.
Side view of headstone and foot-stone.

First row of tombstone in the old section at Laurel Hill Cemetery. Amazingly, they are of my Pooles, and I didn't know they were buried there.