
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

There Is A Lot to Like About Lowell -- The Four Diners

"There is A Lot to Like About Lowell" is the city slogan.
(See tab on right side called "Lowell Series" for many more articles about Lowell.)

The Four Diners

Arthur's Paradise Diner
112 Bridge Street
This is one of the two diners celebrating their 75th anniversaries.

Original ceiling.

Trolley Pizza
984 Gorham Street
I ate here many times while I worked at Prince Spaghetti, since it was within walking distance.

Club Diner
145 Dutton Street
This diner is also celebrating their 75th Anniversary and the owner was kind to spend some time giving me a little of their history.

The owner explained a few items on the wall, especially when I asked who the people were with Senator Paul Tsongas, a Lowell resident, in the photo above. Steven Panagiotakos, Senator Edward Kennedy and the owner were the others.

Owl Diner (aka Four Sisters Owl Diner)
244 Appleton Street
I used to go to this diner quite often, since I knew one of the Four sisters. She has since opened her own restaurant, Rosie's Diner in No. Chelmsford.

This topic was chosen because I remember three of them from the 1960s, I love their history and how they look.

For more information, check out the below article for more detail about these diners.