
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jennison of Watertown, Massachusetts -- Tombstone Tuesday

The Old Burying Place, the small cemetery in the center of Watertown, Massachusetts was the first cemetery I visited in 2015. Samuel Jennison, my 7th great-grandfather is buried here. If you have old Watertown roots, your ancestors might be here as well. Jane Devlin typed a list of all Epitaphs Collected by William Thaddeus Harris, L. L. B. in 1869. You may see the names on her website HERE.

Here lyes Buried
Ye Body of Mr.
Samuel Jenison
Who Departed this
Life Decembr 2nd, 1730
Aged 57 Years.

Samuel Jenison / Jennison was my 7th great-grandfather

Rev. William Jennison (above) was the son of Samuel.

Here lyes Interrd ye Body
of ye Revd Mr. William Jennison; Formerly Pastor
of ye 2d Ch'h of Christ in Salem
(but late of Watertown) Who
Died April ye 1st 1750 in ye
45th Year of His Age.

Samuel and his son William were buried in the center of the small cemetery.