
Friday, June 19, 2015

Taking a Break, but not From Summer

After five and a half years of blogging, and writing 1,133 posts, plus have 69 drafts in the can, I've decided to take a break. Genealogy research will continue, but no blogging about it, perhaps I'll do some posts about Lowell. My decision was made last week, and that is the reason I haven't posting anything this past week. Even with the lovely surprise of having my recent post selected by four fellow blog writers as one of their weekly favorites, I still decided to stop for a while.

My gratitude to those four women is shown by my putting their blog links below. It is my hope you will click on them and search around their sites. For my readers, I appreciate knowing many are still reading my posts, so with my time off, you are getting time off as well...I'm not cluttering your email box. Have a great summer. The photos on this post were taken last week.

Gail Dever of Genealogy à la carte

Jo Henn of Climbing My Family Tree

Jana Last of Jana's Genealogy and Family

Linda Stufflebean of Empty Branches on the Family Tree