
Monday, October 31, 2016

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 101-125

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

By Mr. Stephen Hale, also for many years, by. Mr. Leonard Wiley, whose heirs now own the property, though the old hostelry has disappeared, having been taken down in 1865.  He was greatly beloved by his neighbors and popular with all.  The Rev. Wm. Hobby, in recording his death in the church books, says, “He was my kind and good neighbor”.  In 1740 he was one of the Selectmen.  The Probabe Records contain the following:
            Reading, January 12, 1725-6.  Know all men by these presents, yt I, Samuel Poole of Reading in ye County of Middlesex and Province of ye Massts Bay in New England, Yeoman, having received a Negro, Bedford, according to his honored father’s intention, doth fully acquit and discharge my brother Benjm, him, his heirs, Executors, administrators and assigns from all ye Estate of our honoured father given to my brother Benjamin by Will and also from all ye Personal Estate yt above said Benjamin Poole has in his hand by administration.  And also, ye above said Samuel Poole having rec’d/ his full part according to our honoured father’s Will.
In Witness, my hand and Seal 
In Presence of us                     [The word Signature hand written here]
James Pearson
Thomas Nichols.
            By his wife Rebecca he had the following children
69.       i.          Rebecca5, b. Jan. 11, 1730-1, d. Oct. 7, 1758, m. Jan. 31, 1754, Peter, son of Brown and Sarah Emerson of Reading, b. Nov. 29, 1726,

And had 1 ch., Benjamin, b. March 2, 1755. After the death of Rebecca Poole he m. 2nd, July 14, 1761, Mary Dix, by whom he had: Peter, b. May 3, 1762, d. in Revo. Army Nov. 16, 1780: Jacob b. Feb. 13, 1764. Rebecca b. 1770, d. Mar. 4, 1787.
70.       ii.         Samuel5, b. Oct. 10, 1733, d. Dec. 26, 1783, m. Elizabeth Eaton.
71.       iii.        Jonathan5, b. Jan. 5, 1736-7, d. Nov. 14, 1791 age 54. m. Sarah Eaton.
72.       iv.        Mary5, b. July 9, 1740, d.     m. June 3, 1762, Joseph, son of Joseph and Ruth Underwood, of Wood End, Lynn, and resided on the place long occupied by Rev. Dana Clages. His family removed subsequently to North Reading.  Their children were: Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1763, and m. 1785, Thos. Nubs; Rebecca, b. May 27, 1765; Sarah b. 1769; d. Sept. 27, 1775; Martha b. June10, 1770; Lucy b. July 1, 1771, d. young; Joseph b. May 21, 1773 & d. young; Lucy b. Mar. 20, 1776, d. Jan.. 30, 1812, and Sally, b. Oct. 28, 1780.
73.       v.         Thomas5, b. Aug. 27, 1743, d. Sept. 13, 1744.
75.       vi.        Thomas5, b. Dec 8, 1748, d. Jan. 11, 1826, m. Mary Parker.

33.       Zachariah Poole4, son of Jona3 Esq. and Bridget (Jona2, John1) was b. Reading March 25, 1708, d. Medford Feb. 20, 1776, m. Sept. 18, 1729, Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Samuel and Lydia (Newhall) Wade of Medford b Jan. 28, 1713

d. Mar. 18, 1773.  He removed to Medford from Reading in, 1731, after marriage, and sold the paternal estate in the former town to his brother Benjamin and tomBenj. Gibson, Esq. of Boston, the latter taking the homestead, consisting of 20 acres, with dwelling house, barn and orchard, which he subsequently sold to Noah Eaton, Esq., through whom it came into the possession of his grandson, the late Lilley Eaton, Esq., author of the Valuable History of Reading, and to whose heirs the property now belongs.  Mr. Poole purchased in 1734, an Estate in Medford, of John Hall, Esq., Richard Sprague, Messrs. Eleazer Wyer, senior and junior, of Dover, and Prudence Wyer of Boston, consisting of several tracts of land, with wharves and docks on Mystic River, “late the Estate of our grandfather Major Jonathan Wade of Medford”. He also bought of Benj. Willis the same year a “parcel of land and wharf adjoining “for £135 and in 1743 added to this by the purchase of Ebenezer Tufts for 150, a tract of orchard and mowing land. From the Medford town records we find that he was appointed in 1738 one of the School Committee to provide a suitable person to keep a school, (an institution much needed if we may judge by the composition of the Records of the period), and afterwards served successively as constable or deputy sheriff, auditor of accounts, assessor, Selectman, deer-reeve, fireward, and “Town Commissioner, to obtain some part of the lands belonging to Charlestown”.

He was Deacon of the church of Medford, and for eight years consecutively on of the Selectmen, and in 1762, Chairman of the Board.  He is recorded as a subscriber to the amount of £21. 13s, 9 3/4d, to the fund for building the new church in 1770, and “made choice of pew No. 14”.  He died at the age of 68, two months prior to the battle of Lexington, and it is somewhat remarkable that of his seven sons three of whom attained maturity, none lived to participate in or be witness of that great struggle of the Revolutionary War.
            The following is a literal copy of his last Will and testament.

Will of Zachariah Poole of Medford 1773.
            In the name of GodAmen.
I, Zachariah Poole of Medford in the County of Middlesex and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Gentlemen:- being of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of man, knowing that all must Die: do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament.
That is to say: Principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul to God who gave it, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be buried in the late frugal way and manner that has been practiced: And touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me withal; after my just Debts and funeral Expenses are paid, I Give Demise and Dispose of the same in the manner following:--

Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my Son William, Sixty Pounds Sterling and my largest Silver Tankard.
Item, I give to my son Richard fifty pounds sterling and my next largest silver tankard.
Item. I give to my Grandson, Fitch Poole, a child of 12 years, son of Fitch Pool, “merchant of Boston”, whose father died in 1770, three before this Will was written, - a silver tankard weighing twenty-five ounces which I order to be purchased by my Executor hereafter named, out of my Estate and delivered him the said Fitch at lawful age.
Item, I give to my Grand daughter Ann Pool, a sister of above, my smallest silver can, to be delivered her at lawful age or marriage, which is all I design to give my Grandson Fitch and Grandaughter Ann Pool, inasmuch as Providence has provided for them and considering what I expended upon their Father to fit him for Business in life.
Item, I give to my Grand daughter Elizabeth Pool, a daughter of my Son Zachariah, decease, Fifty Pounds at (lawful) age or marriage, which with what I gave my said son Zachariah, in his lifetime, is all I propose to give her.
Item, I give to my four Daughters, Rebekah, Bridget, Elizabeth and Sarah, the remainder of my Silver Plate, to be equally divided between them.
Item, I give and bequeath all the Remainder of my Estate of what kinds soever, or wherever it may be found, to my sons William, who died at Danvers, Mar. 3, 1776.

Two weeks after his father, and Richard, who died Dec. 9, 1781, three years after marriage, leaving no children, and to my daughters Rebekah, who married Aaron Hall, Esq. of Medford, Bridget, who married Daniel Gilman, Esq. of Exeter, H. H., Elizabeth, who m. John Wade, Esq. of Medford, and Sara, who m. Edmund Bancroft, to be equally divided between them (excepting as herein before given) each one allowing out of the same what they have already had of me, or in other words, deducting what I have paid them, towards their portion of my Estate.
            Item, I constitute and appoint my Well beloved son William Poole of Danvers, sole executor of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby Revoke, Disannul and make void all manner of former and other Wills and Testaments heretofore by me made or done or declared either in word or writing, Executor or Executors by me made or appointed, and do publish and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament.
            In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Thirty-first day of May in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy-three, and in the Thirteenth Year of His Majesty’s Reign.
            Signed, sealed, declared and pronounced as the last Will and Testament of the said Zachariah Pool the testator, in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses:

Simon Tufts.
Sam’l Jenks.                            Proved May 11, 1776
David Vinton.

Rebecca, the wife of Zachariah Poole, was the daughter of Captain Samuel Wade of Medford (b. Dec. 1, 1683, d. Dec. 9, 1738)  and his wife Lydia (Newhall) of Lynn, and was b. in Medford, Jan. 28, 1713, and d. Mar. 18, 1773, a few weeks before the execution of the above Will.
            Capt. Wade was the fourth Son of Major Nathaniel Wade, who was b. in 1648, and d. Nov. 28, 1707, who was the son of Major Jonathan Wade, b. in Ipswich, and d. in Medford, 1683, whose wife was Deborah, dau. of Gov. Thomas Dudley. Maj. Jona. was one of the commanders of the famous Three County Troop of cavalry, mentioned the Indian Annals.
            Major Nathaniel, grandfather of Rebecca, married Oct. 31, 1672, Mercy Bradstreet, youngest daughter of Gov. Simon Bradstreet, whose wife was Anne (Dudley) celebrated as the first poetess of New England, and oldest daughter of Governor Thomas Dudley, who was first appointed Deputy, and afterwards, in 1634, Governor of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, which office he held till 1650. Gov. Dudley was a native of Northampton England, (born in 1576, d. July 31, 1653) His father Capt. Roger Dudley being a noted warrior of Queen Elizabeth’s time, descended from the second son of Baron Dudley, of the family of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, son of Edward Dudley, who was born in 1442, and became speaker

of the House of Commons, and upon whom was confirmed the title and estate of Warwicks.  Capt. Roger having slain in battle while his children were young, Thomas was taken charge of by the Earl of Northampton, in whose family he resided for several years and was then placed at the study of the law by his mother’s relative Sir A[u]gustine Nicholls, one of her Majesty’s Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, and Keeper of the Great Seal.  At the age of 20 however, probably in recognition of this father’s services, he received from Queen Elizabeth a commission of Captain and led an expedition at the siege of Amiens in Pieardy.  On his return from the campaign he married, and became Steward to the great estates of the Earl of Lincoln, but imbibing the sentiments of the puritans among whom he was thrown, he decided to emigrate to New England, and came over in 1630, as Deputy Governor, as above stated.  His first wife Dorothy, died at Roxbury near Boston in 1643, and his second wife was Mrs. Catherine, widow of Samuel Hackburn (or Hagbourne) whose maiden name was Dighton.  After the Governor’s death she m. Rev. John Allen.  His numerous descendants have filled many distinguished positions in social and political life.  Among these were Gov. Joseph Dudley, Chief Justice Paul Dudley, Gen. Daniel Denison, Rt. Rev. Bp. Williams of Conn., Hon. Jacob Wendell, Dr. James Oliver, Wendell Phillips, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Wm. Ellery Channing, Rich’d. H. Dana, Hon. Wm. Whiting, Chief Justice Waite, Rev. Edw. E. Hale, & others of more or less note.

[The next page attempts to display the connection between the Dudley, Wade and Poole lineage.  Unfortunately it is in portrait mode when landscape should have been used. I encourage you to look at the original through the above link because I do not trust my transcription.]

The following is a tabular summary of the Dudley, Wade and Poole connection:

Gov. Thomas Dudley m.                          | Dorothy.  b. England 1582 d. Roxbury Dec. 27, 1643
b. England 1576, d. Roxbury                   |
/                                   m.                           Catharine (Dighton) Hackburn wid. of Sam’l. “Hagbourne” of 
|                                                               | Roxbury Mass.  She was a native of Somersetshire, Eng. – b.   d. 
|                                                               | Aug. 29, 1671
| \___________­­­­­____­
| \
Anne Dudley2 the poetess b. 1612,                                           Deborah Dudley m           Jonathan Wade
m. 1628 d. Sept. 16, 1672, [m.]                                b. Feb. 27, 1645. | b. Ipswich
Simon Bradstreet Gov. of Mass. Colony.    | d. Medford
                :                                     |
                :     |
Dr. Samuel Bradstreet3 m. Mercy Tyng, 2d Mary Byley, 3rd Elizabeth                   |
Dorothy Bradstreet m Rev. Seabourne Cotton       |
Sarah Bradstreet m 1st Rich’d Hubbard 2nd Maj. Sam’l Ward                                |
Rev. Simon Bradstreet m Lucy Woodbridge                                                          |
Hannah Bradstreet m Andrew Wiggin of Exeter, H.H.                                           |
Dudley Bradstreet m. Anne (Wood) Price.                    ____________________­­­/
                   Mercy Bradstreet3 m.               Nathaniel Wade of Medford
b. Andover, Mass. 1647                       | m Oct. 31, 1672.
d. Medford Oct. 5, 1714                       | d. Nov. 28,1707    
Capt. Samuel Wade4 m. Lydia Newhall of Lynn.
b.Dec. 31, 1683      | m. Oct. 17, 1706.
d. Dec. 9, 1738.      | d. Medford
Rebecca Wade5 m                Dea. Zachariah Poole.
b. Jan. 28, 1713       |              b. Reading, Mar. 25, 1708
d. Mar. 18, 1773       |             d. Medford, Feb. 20, 1776.
________________ |_______________________
|        |                  |                                                   |-Elizabeth
|       Bridget d.y.  Zachr d.y. |-Rebecca & Aaron Hall of Medford
 William  |  m Mary Floyd                                      |-Bridget m Daniel Gilman of Exeter
_______­­­­­­­__­/   m Elizabeth Ward |-Zachariah m Elizabeth ---
|                         dau. of Miles,jr. a merchant            |-Sarah m Edmond Bancroft.
|                         & Hannah Derby of Boston            |-Richard m Frances Calef.
|                               | |-Fitch m Ann
|                               |_____________                                  |  Anne
|                                                           |                                 |   Fitch
|William  [m] Mary                                |                                
| |-Fitch m Elizabeth, dau. of Hon. M. Cutler of Hamilton
|Mary       m Hon. Jona. Ingersoll        |-Ward m. Sarah Perry, 2nd Rebecca Seecomb. 
                of Salem whose dau.          |-Zachariah d. unm.
                by 1st wife m Nath               |-Nathanial d. unm.
                Bowditch, L.L.D.                  |-Benjamin d. young
            |-Elisabeth m Maj. Sylvester Osborne of Danvers.
|-Rebecca d young

            Gov. Dudley’s son-in-law, Gov. Simon Bradstreet whose daughter Mary was the wife of Maj. Nathl. Wade, was b. at Horbling, Lincolnshire, England, in March, 1603.  At the death of his father he was placed under the care of Thomas Dudley, while preparing for college, and was admitted to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, but left before taking his degree, to enter the service of the Earl of Lincoln, the patron of Dudley.  Him he served as steward for a time, and also the Countess of Warwick in the like capacity. Joining the colony of Gov. Winthrop and Dudley, he emigrated in 1630, and arrived June 12 of that year at Salem, removing subsequently to Cambridge.  He remained here several years, but receiving a grant of 500 acres at Salem, “in the next convenient place to Gov. Endicott’s farm”, he removed there, and afterwards to Ipswitch and then to Andover., where he erected a Mill on the Cochichiwick River.  He was appointed Commissioner of the United Colonies in 1643, and in 1672 deputy Governor, which he held till 1679, when he was chosen Governor, holding that office until 1686, when his nephew Joseph Dudley succeeded him.  He retired from public life and died in 1697, Mar. 27, at Salem at the age of 94.  He married two wives, the first in England, Anne the poetess, who died Sept. 16, 1672, at Andover, the second a sister of Sir George Downing (Anne(Downing Gardner) of Gov. Bradstreet, Paige remarks, (Hist. Cambridge, “when he was reinstated Governor in 1689, he

was 87 years of age, and incapable of energetic action.  Moreover he was timid and yielding in disposition”.  His great amiability of character may have doubtless contributed to this opinion of him. 
            In the inventory of the estate of Dea. Zachariah Poole is mentioned a large dwelling house near Medford Bridge, a large shop, a work house, two small shops, two wharves, a wood lot containing seven acres, one acre of mowing land “at old meeting house brook”, an acre near new Meeting house, and a pew numbered 14 in the same, - the latter valued at £80.  The inventory is very long, the values not being added up, except the real estate, which is appraised at £2.586 sterling.
            In the subsequent division of the real estate, Nov. 20, 1778, it was apportioned to the heirs as follows:
To the heirs of William Poole deceased, the wharf near Medford Bridge, £100: 1 acre of orcharding and plow land of £100 and the pew in the church £80 
To Rebecca Hall one half the large house & land
To Richard Pool the other half
To Bridget Gilman the acre of land by the brook
To the same, another piece of land
To Elizabeth Wade, two small shops with land
To the same “ a wood lot
To Sarah Pool the great shop and other buildings
Also a piece of land on road to Woburn

It appears by the book of accounts of the deceased that

a charge as part of this portion was made by him against the following children:

William Pool deceased
£71.18. 4
Rebecca Pool
Elizabeth Pool


£276.5s 5d

The death of Zachariah Poole occurred on the 20th Feb., 1776, and his eldest son William of Danvers, who was named Executor of his will, survived him only two weeks, dying at Danvers, on the 3rd of March following.  His youngest and only surviving son Richard, was then under age, and the father-in-law of his daughter Rebecca, Stephen Hall, Esq. was appointed his guardian, in July 17, 1776.
            An item in the settlement of the estate is a bill of expenses, for travelling to Danvers “to bring the money belonging to the Estate; 4s 4d.”
            In the list of legacies are these items:
The largest Silver Tankard
39 oz.
The next ditto
25 “
A silver Can
12 “
26 Milled dollars to be paid for making a tankard
(23 oz.)
96 oz. of Plate.

            From contemporary records we learn that there were held in bondage 20 slaves in the town of Medford, one of whom named Scipio, is credited to Zachariah Poole, Esq.

The enumeration took place in 1754, and from there being no further mention of him, it is probable he died before his master or was manumitted previously by him.  The adoption of the state constitution in 17[80]   forever abolished slavery in the State of Massachusetts.
            The business principally followed by Mr. Poole besides farming was that of the manufacture of leather, then largely used for clothing, and in his deed to Benj. Gibson conveying the Reading property, he is described as “Leather Dresser”.
            Dea. Zachariah Poole4 by his wife Rebecca Wade has the following children:
75.       i.          Bridget5, b. Reading, May 16, 1730, d. Oct. 7, 1734, Medford.
76.       ii.         William5, b. Medford, Apr. 16, 1732, d. Danvers, Mar. 3, 1776 – m. 1st, Mary Floyd, 2nd Eliz. Ward.
77.       iii.        Zachariah5, b. Medford March 9, 1733-4, d. Apr. 1734.
78.       iv.        Zachariah5, b. Aug. 24, 1735, d. young.
79.       v.         Fitch5, b. Medford, May 28, 1737, d. Boston Sept. 2, 1770- m. Ann
80.       vi.        Rebecca5, b. Medford Feb. 23, 1739 d. Mar 19, 1787, m. Jan. 3, 1760 Aaron, son of Stephen jr. and Mary Hall of Medford b. Apr. 23, 1737, d. Mar. 19, 1787 and had 1 child, Rebecca b. Nov. 9, 1760, who m. Aaron Putnam.

81.       vii.       Bridget5, b. Nov. 22, 1742; d.        m. May 27, 1776, Daniel Gilman, Esq. of Exeter N. H. and had 2 ch. John b. 1778, d.       Sally b.        m. 1816 John Cate of Allentown, N. H., and had 1 ch. Rebecca Poole Cate, b. May 15, 1818, d. June 19, 1862, m. Oct. 2, 1844 Joseph B. Mitchell, Esq. of Lyndesboro, now of Hinsdale, H. H. and had 1 son and two daughters who d. in infancy.
82.       viii.      Zachariah5, b. Feb. 6, 1740, d. May 15, 1765.
83.       ix.        Elizabeth5, b. Dec. 1, 1745, d.       m. Jan. 22, 1766, John Wade of Medford.
84.       x.         Sarah5, b. Apr. 25, 1753.
85.       xi.        Richard5 b. Apr. 13, 1756, d. Dec. 9, 1781, m. Frances Calf.

37.       John Poole5, son of John4 and Sarah Eaton (John3 Jona2 John1) b. Apr. 10, 1713 d.     1759(?) m. April 19, 1733, Mary, probably dau. of John & Elizah Parker of Reading.
39.       James Poole5, son of John4 and Sarah Eaton (John3 Jona2 John1) b. 1718, was probably unmarried, removed to Lunenburg and occupied his father’s estate in that town. 
            Was a farmer, and by his father’s will  (p. 83) came into full possession of the property, containing fifty acres, together with a suite of clothes consisting of a black leather jack coat and breeches,

and four pounds lawful money.  He was of Lunenburgh, 1754-62 and at Fitchburg 1789.

[ in margin before 40.] p.87
40.       Jonathan Poole5, (p, 87) son of John4 and Sarah Eaton (John3 Jona2 John1) b. Jan. 14, 1720, d. Sept. 11, 1799.  He married 1st, June 4, 1741, Mary Leaman of Charlestown, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Bryant) b. 1719-20, d. July 28, 1745, and 2d, 1746, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Sheldon of Billerica, b. Aug. 1, 1721, d. June 18, 1800.  His first wife Mary Leaman was admitted to membership 1st Church Reading, May 8, 1743, “by letters from ye Church in York”.  His second wife Mary Sheldon, was granted with several others in Feb. 8 1770, letters of dismission from Reading 1st Church to form a new ch. At Wood End, a precint in the Northwesterly part of the old parish of Reading.  He is recorded as one of the heroes of the Revolution from Reading, having served as Lieutenant in the Massachusetts line during the War of Independence.

            Will of LieutJonathan Poole. 1795.
In the name of GodAmen.
            This twenty Sixth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninty-five, I Jonathan Poole of Reading, in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Gentlemen, being well in body and sound disposing mind and memory, thanks be to God therefor:  Do make and ordain this Instrument to be my Last Will and Testament:  And first of all, I commend my Soul to God who gave it, and my body to the Dust, to

be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executor here after named; And as touching such Wordly goods and Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give and dispose of the same infollowing manner and form:
            Item, I give to my wife Mary (Sheldon) Pool all my indorr moveables and household furniture to her own disposal forever, excepting what I shall otherwise dispose of in this my Will; and two Cows, as good as they rise, to her own disposal, and said cows be well kept winter and summer by my Executor with his own cows so long as my now wife shall remain my widow, and I give unto my wife so long as she remains my widow the use and improvement of the West part of my Dwelling House, I now live in, from the lower room florr to the top of the Garrett, and as much as the cellar under it as she shall have occasion for, and also of the Well.  I give to my said wife as much Wood as she shall have occasion for to burn, while she remains my widow, brought to the door fit for the fire, by my Executor hereafter named, and my Executor shall find her a horse and shases (chaise) to ride when she hath occation, and I order my Executor to provide and bring to my wife fit for use yearly and every year so long as she remains my Widow, Six Bushels of Indian Corn, four Bushels of Rie, fourty pounds of Pork, Sixty pounds of Beef well fatted-
            Item, I give to my eldest son Jonathan Pool and to his heirs and assigns forever, my dwelling house I now

live in, reserving the privilege I have given to my said Wife in said house.  I also give to my said son Jonathan the east end of my Barn as it is not petitioned off, and all my buildings West of my dwelling house.  Also, two thirds of my part of my grist-mill and saw-mill, and all privileges thereto belonging in the same proportion.  I give to my son Jonathan Pool and to his heirs and assigns forever the several pieces of land hereafter described, (viz) All my orchard whereon my Barn stands, and all my land North of the Road, that leads from the Wood End Meeting House to Lynnfield, Excepting what I shall give to my son Timothy out of the last mentioned piece.  My meadow lot bounded northerly and running Easterly by a ditch, until it comes to the little bridge, then running easterly between the upland and meadow, round a point to make a maple tree marked from thense Easterly a strait line to a bunch of Cedars near the corner of Major Burnham’s land; Excepting what I shall give to my son Timothy in this my Will out of said meadow.  Also I give to my son Jonathan my lot in Cedar Swamp, so called, lying in the West Range.  I give to my son Jonathan and his heirs my Great Bible, my Clock, my oxen and Shais; also all money due to me on notes or accounts and money I shall leave at my Decease.
            Item, I give to my son Timothy Pool and to his heirs and assigns forever my Dwelling house my son Jonathan

now lives in, my Cooper Shop, My Blacksmith’s Shop, and tools that belong to the Blacksmith shop; all my land lying South of the road that leads from my House to Lynnfield until it comes to the meadow by a ditch near a little bridge, then running Southerly and easterly between meadow and upland to a bunch of Cedars near Maj. Burnham’s land, also the West end of meadow lot I purchased of James Woodward’s Estate, the line is to one Rod east of Woodward’s original line; my Will is that my said son Jonathan and Timothy shall have free liberty to pass over each others land with team or otherwise to take off or dry their Meadow-Hay.  I also give to my son Timothy my Ash Swamp lot, being the Eighth lot bounding on Bear Meadow, also a lot joining on Timber Neck is called; bounded South westerly by a Horn-beau Tree splized by Daniel Parker’s land, then running Northeast by east through my swamp, all north of said line.  I give to my son Timothy and to his heirs, my Annotations, right in the Library; my Bed Bedstead and Cord in the West Chamber; my case of Draws that was my first wifes (Mary Leaman) and one cow as good as they rise, and finally I give to my son Timothy5 liberty to take off the ;buildings and convert it to his own use on the North side of my Dwelling House that he built at his own cost.  Also, my Silver can, - also one third part of my part of my grist mill and saw mill and all privileges thereto belonging.
            Item, I give to my son Samuel Pool1 forty shillings

to be paid to him or his heirs within one year after my decease by my Executor.
            Item, I give to my daughter Sarah Bancroft2, nine pounds to be paid to her within two years after my decease, or to her heirs, by my Executor.
            Item, I give to my four grandchildren, children of Mary Nichols3, my daughter deceased, twenty pounds, to be paid to them in three years after my decease by my Executor, equally divided between them.
            Item, I give to my sons Jonathan4, Samuel, daughter Sarah Bancroft and my granddaughter Mary Nichols, each one a Silver spoon to be delivered to them at my decease by my Executor.
Item, I give to my two sons Jonathan and Timothy to be equally divided between them, all my wearing apparel, cooper shop tools, out door utensils, and farming tools, Cider barrels and casks, and old Lumber in the house, and all my Books, except what I have before given away.

            1Samuel Sheldon Pool, m. at Yarmouth, N.S. when he emigrated 1774, Elizabeth Barnes, dau. of Seth Barnes, Esq., merch. of that place.  His son Sam’l. came from Yarmouth this year, 1795, and entered Harvard College.
            2Sarah Pool m. Edmund Bancroft.
3Mary Pool m. William Nichols of Reading.
4Jona. Pool m. Anne Bancroft.
5Timothy Pool m. 1st, Lucy Pope, 2d Jerusha Richardson.
Three other children (Timothy, Jona., Mary) died young.

            Item, I give to my son Jonathan Poole all my Estate both real and personal that I have not given away in this my will on condition that he pay all my just debts and funeral Charges, and charges of settling my Estate and legacies before mentioned.
            Item.    Finally my will is that my son Jonathan and his heirs shall forever enjoy what I have given him in this my will on this condition, that he brings no account against my Estate for former services after my decease.
            Item.    I hereby nominate and appoint my eldest son Jonathan Poole, Sole Executor of this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills by me made and declare this, and this only to be my last will and testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and Year above written.
In witness whereof the said Jonathan Pool signed, sealed and Declared this Instrument to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us Witnesses:

            Benj. Brown                            :
Farwell Brown                                    :   proved Nov. 9, 1798
James Smith, Junr.                               :

            By his two wives Lieut. Jonathan Poole had eight children, of whom the four first were by Mary Leaman as follows:

86.       i.          Mary6, b. Jan. 30, 1742-3; d. in infancy.

87.       ii.         Jonathan6 b. July 7, 1745; also d. young.
88.       iii.        Jonathan6, b. April 21, 1747 (another record say May 2) m. 1769 Anne Bancroft.
89.       iv.        Sarah6, b. May 10, 1749, d. Mar. 3 1831 at Lunenburg, having m. July 31, 1770 Edmund of Sam’l and Lydia Bancroft of Reading, and was b. July 27, 1751.  Their children were,
                        (1) Sarah Bancroft, b. Nov. 13, 1770 and d. Dec. 9, 1770.
                        (2) Sarah, b. May 2 1772.
                        (3) Edmund, and (4) Samuel, twins, b. Nov. 23 and both d. Dec. 4th & 5th, 1773.
                        (5) Polly b. May 5, 1775.
                        (6) Edmund, b. Mar. 20, 1777.
                        (7) Samuel, b. Mar. 7, 1779.
                        (8) Lydia, b. July 21, 1781.
                        (9) Aaron, b. Feb. 2, 1784.
                        (10) Esther, b. June 2, 1786.
                        (11) Ruth, b. Dec. 5, 1788.
            By his second wife, Mary Sheldon he had
90.       v.         Samuel Sheldon6, b. Mar. 25, 1751 at Reading, d. at Yarmouth, N.S. Oct. 7, 1835, aged 84.
91.       vi.        Timothy6, b. June 11, 1753, d. in infancy.
92.       vii.       Mary6 b. Mar. 13, 1757, d. Apr. 1, 1790; m. May 30, 1776 William, son of Richard and Mary Nichols, b. Reading Feb. 26, 1750; their two children were William, b. Aug. 31, 1771[7?] and Levi, b. Dec. 9, 1779.

93.       viii.      Timothy6 b. May 3, 1762, d. Feb. 10, 1828, m. 1st Lucy Pope and 2nd Jerusha Richardson.
[ at the left of 48. below is p.93 in the original manuscript]
48.       John Poole5, son of Capt. Timothy4 and Elizabeth (Goodwin) (John3 Jona.2 John1) was born in Lynnfield, (North Saugus) on the old homestead of 1636 – on June 10, 1735, and d. May 1, 1798. He was a yeoman, and succeeded by his father’s will (P. 89) to the farm on which he lived, together with his lands and Mills in Reading, and all the “out-lands and stock and utensils” after payment of legacies and debts.  He was married twice, first to Sarah, daughter of John and Tabitha Townsend of Reading, who was b. Aug. 20, 1740, d. before 1768, and secondly to Susannah, dau. of             . Dying intestate; his son Thomas was appointed Administrator on Mar. 26, 1700.  Inventory gives appraised value of property at $1562.60.  His children, (first by wife Sarah, the others by Susannah) were as follows, all born in Lynnfield.
94.       i.          Sarah6, b. Dec. 17, 1763 and died in infancy.
95.       ii.         John6 b. April 24, 1769. d. unmarried.
96.       iii.        Susannah6, b. June 8, 1770, d. unmarried.
97.       iv.        Timothy6, b. March 3, 1772, was at one time in the United States Naval Service, and died unmarried in 1825.
98.       v.         Isaac6, b. Jan. 19, 1775, d. Feb. 12, 1814, m. Elizabeth Black.
99.       vi.        Thomas6, b. May 20, 1777, d. 1825, m. Susanna Stimpson.

100.     vii.       Sarah6, b. Mar. 30, 1782, d. Mar. 18, 1798.
101.     viii.      James6, b. Mar. 21, 1784, d. April 15, 1856, m. Dorcas Mansfield.

61.       Eleazer Flagg Poole5 son of Jonathan4 and Esther (John3 Jona.2 John1) was b. at Woburn, May 24, 1734, d. March 17, 1776.  He is noted on the Woburn town records as being the first recorded with a double name. He was married Feb. 1756, (banns published Feb. 17) to Mary Dau. of Thomas and Hannah Carter, who was b. Feb. 5, 1733-4, and d. Mar. 24, 1776, one week after her husband.  He inherited his father’s valuable estate at his death, his mother having a life interest in it till 1759.  On Nov. 12 of that year she died and he was appointed administrator with three others.  He was a Yeoman.  His monument stands in the burial ground at Woburn, containing his own and his wife’s epitaph.  The inscriptions are on large double stone and read as follows:

Here lyes Buried
Here lies the Body
The Body of Mr.
Mrs. Mary Poole wife to Mr.
Eleazer Flagg Poole
Eleazer Flagg Poole
Who departed this life
Who departed this life
March the 17, 1776
March the 24, 1776
Aged 42 years.
Aged 43 years.
            These deaths are much to be observed,
            Such instances are scarce heard of,
            Six weeping children in eight days
Following father and Mother to their graves.
My children, dear, behold and see, 
No age nor sex from death is free,

            Soon Death may come and nip your Bud,
            And you must stand before your God.

            My children now behold and view!
            These bodies once took care of you,
            But now are leveled in the dust,
            In a short time you’ll follow us.

            My loving Friends that are around,
            Our lodgings now are in the ground,
Our children young we leave behind
            Deal you with others, justly and kind

He was appointed ensign in 1767, and Lieutenant in 1773.  Was town treasurer from 1762 to 1766 and from 1768 to 1772 inclusive.  He served as Lieut. In the revolutionary Army, Just before his death.  His son E. Flagg Poole, Jr. was a soldier in the 6 months troops in 1780.
            The children of Eleazer Flagg5 and Mary (Carter) Poole were, -
101a.   i.          Mary6, b. Dec. 28, 1756 d.        m. Mar. 23, 1780, Daniel Smith of Lexington.
101b.   ii.         Jonathan6, b. Sept. 5, 1758, d. Hollis, N. H. July 25, 1797 – m. Elizabeth Hale.
101c.   iii.        Eleazer Flagg6, b. Jan. 19, 1761, m, Mary Reed.

101d.   iv.        Rufus6, b. Mar. 30, 1769, m. Mary (Fanning2)
101e.   v.         Esther Flagg6. b. a twin with Theo. Carter, July 7, 1772, d. Hollis, N. H. Oct. 10, 1858, m. 1794 Dr. William Hale, brother-in-law to her uncle Dr. Jona. Poole, of Hollis, and a son of Mr. John and Elizabeth (Hall) Hale, who was born at Hollis, July 27, 1762, and d. Oct. 10, 1854, age 92.  When less than 15 years of age he enlisted as private in the 1st N. H. Regiment, Col. Poor, with the understanding that he was to be aid to his father as hospital Steward, and served in that capacity of three years.  On his return home he studied medicine with his father, and succeeded him as practising physician.  He was noted as a person of uncommon vital energy, quick perceptions, and being of robust constitution, lived to a great age, surviving all his fellow soldiers, whose names were born on the roll of his regiment.  Their children were – (1) Mary Poole (Hale) b. 1796.  (2) WmPrescot b. 1798 (3) Elizabeth Hall b. 1801.  (4) John, b. 1803 (5) Samuel b. 1805 (6) Esther, b. 1807 d. Oct. 4, 1864.  (6) Susan, b. Aug. 26, 1808, d, Sept. 2, 1834.   (7) Theodore Poole b. April 27, 1810, m. Jan. 8, 1846, Abby W. Vose, of Boston, (he is a merchant in the dry goods commission business, in Boston, His ch. Were (1) a son, b. Dec.