
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 26-50

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

1st Dorcas Bridges and 2d Hepzibah dau. of Elijah Corbet in 1684.
            From the connection of the Champney with the Poole family is it supposed that Margaret, wife of John Poole, may have been the sister or other near relative of Richard Champney, and that the two families removed to and resided for a time at Billerica, before the former took up his abode in Lynn or Reading. From 1632 to 1634 - 5, the date of his settlement at Lynn, we have no account of him as a resident of Cambridge, nor can we trace him to any other place than Billerica, where he probably took up lands with Mr. Champney, and sold to him on removal.
            The record of John Poole and the first generation of his descendants, stands therefore as follows:
1.      John Pooleb. about 1610, probably at Reading, England, emigrated 1630 – 1-, settled first at Cambridge and m. Margaret (Champney?) 1632-3.
2.      (i) Jonathan2 , b. Cambridge or Billerica 1634, m. Judith 1655, d. Dec. 1678.
3.      ii Sarah2, b. April 1636, m. 1st Joseph Champney or Billerica who d. May 1656, and 2d.[2nd] 19 Aug. 1656, William Barrett of Cambridge. Their children were:
Lydia, b. 17 Sept. 1657 m. 27 Nov. 1673 Arthur Cole.
John b. 6 Feb. 1660-1.
These children received by their grandfather’s will twelve and fifteen pounds respectively, “to be paid between this and the time they come to be fowerten years

of age”.  Their mother, Sarah, d. 21 Aug. 1661, and their father married the following year, Mary Barnard and had 4 children.  She d. in 1673, and he married 3d, Mary Sparhawk, by whom he had no children. He d. Mar. 1689, age 60.
4.       iii.  Mary2 b. 1638, m. 2 December, 1657, Mathew Edwards, of Reading, who came over in the Speedwell the same year from London, was a freeman in 1669, d. 23 Dec. 1683, aged 52.  Of Matthew Edwards we have from the Records that in 1664, the town authorities agreed with him to exchange certain lands “he paying 30 shillings and a gallon of liquor”, indicating that it was then the popular belief that the application of the latter stimulus to the corporate authorities tended to promote a vigorous prosecution of the public business.  Their children were:
Mary b. 25 Mar. 1659,  m. John Polley (or Poole) of Woburn.
Matthew b. 24 Oct. 1662, d. 22 Feb. 1662-3.
Elizabeth b. 11 Jan. 1664, d. young.
Matthew b. 1667, d. 12 Aug. 1689, age 22, and left the estate bequeathed by his father to his sister and bro-in-law John Polley of Woburn.
Tabitha, b. 23 July 1670.
Sarah b. 19 Mar. 1673.
Abigail, b. 28 Feb. 1674-5.
Elizabeth b. 21 Nov. 1679, m. Joseph Hastings 1699
Of these, Mary, Sarah and Elizabeth are mentioned in

their grandfathers will.  No descendants of this family of Edwards survived in the male line.
2.         Jonathan Poole2 (Capt.) (John1) was born probably at Cambridge of perhaps at Billerica before his father removed to Lynn. He was one of the most conspicuous of the early inhabitants of Reading, by whom he was often selected to fill positions of honor and trust, and received from the General Court frequent commissions for the performance of important public duties.  He was particularly prominent in military affairs in the Colony, and held his first commission as cornet or ensign of the “Three County Troop”, a cavalry company organized in 1658, in which year the General Court ordered that Lynn, Reading and Rumney Marsh have liberty to raise a troop of Horse, and chose their officers, “provided they be not ferry free, nor have the five shillings yearly allowed them as other troops have”.  This organization seems to have been formed on a plan similar to the yeomanry cavalry of the rural districts of England, and took its name from the fact that its members were recruited from the three adjoining counties of Essex, Middlesex and Suffolk.  A standard for its use was procured from England, the design for which has been found among the colonial archives of the State Paper office at London.  The copy of this design, here given, is taken from the “History of the Three Co. Troop in the N. E. Hist. & Gen. Reg. Vol. 25:138 contributed by W. H. Whitmore. The misspelling of the last word in

the inscription can hardly be accounted for unless it be ascribed to the illiteracy of the designer, or the possibility that a foreign artist may have been employed to make the sketch.-
            The design as reproduced and published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 25:138 is accompanied by a bill of the charges for the Standard, which is taken from and entry in a Herald-painter’s book of Charles the first’s time, now reserved in the British Museum.  The bill reads as follows:-
[About 2/3 of this page is blank for the inclusion of the design mentioned above]

“Worke don for New England.
            For painting in oyle on both sides a cornett, one rich crimson damask, with a hand and sword and invelloped with a scarfe about the arms of gold, black and silver.
                                                                                                                        £2. 0. 6
For a plaine Cornett Staffe, with belt, boote and swible at first penny           1. 0. 0
For silk of crimson and silver fring and for a Cornett String                         1.11. 0
For crimson damask                                                                                            11. 0
                                                                                                                        £5. 2. 6
“The existence of this troop being clearly shown by the Massachusetts Records of 1659 – 77, there can be no doubt that the drawing represents its standard. We may imagine it was ordered from England before King Philips War, and that under its folds the best soldiers of the three counties took part in the fight.  Two copies from the drawing agree in representing the inscription on the flag as “thre County trom” (“Trom” in low Dutch, or the language of Holland, signifies a drum) which is supposed to be a mistake, and that the flag really bore the words “Three County Troop”, the name of the Company for which it was ordered”---- N. E. Hist. & Gen. Reg.
            It is possible that this company was called out during the progress of hostilities, though we do not find a record of any of its soldiers in service except the two detachments mentioned below; of its two officers Hutchin-

son, who resigned Oct. 7, 1674, made Cornet May 27, same year, and was not commander of the troop in the war – and John Poole, were the only commissioner officers of the corps, whose names are on the list of those regularly in the service of the Colony.  The former, at the time he was slain by the Indians, was acting in a diplomatic rather than in a military capacity.  Capt. Poole although an officer in the troop, had a separate command, which was a company of foot soldiers doing duty as scouts.  Whether the flag ever was taken into the field in warfare cannot of course be known, nor is it material, the point of interest in it to the public being, namely that it was the first flag designed and floated by the colonists in America, and to his descendants, that Jonathan Poole was the standard bearer of so historic an ensign.  This troop maintained its organization for many years, for we find in Feb. 21, 1675 – 6 that where a requisition for 72 cavalrymen was made for service in the Indian War of King Philip, ten of these were furnished by the Three-County Troop.  On May 6 following, another requisition was made for 80 horsemen from the various cavalry companies in the eastern counties for the same service, and the troops were mustered and forwarded at once to the seat of war.  The first commander of this corps was Edward Hutchinson, Esq., and one of the Lieut’s. was Wm. Hescey (promoted from a cornetcy) who m. Judith, second daughter of Jonathan Poole.  May 

27, 1674.  Ordered, That Cornet William Hescey is appointed to be leftenant and Jonathan Poole to be Cornet of the Three County Troop, under the conduct of Edward Hutchinson, their Captain.  Mas. Records Vol. 5 p. 6.  Capt. Hutchinson in 1675 was sent by the governor to negotiate with the Nipmucks, and prevent their union with King Philips forces, but was treacherously fired upon and mortally wounded by them at a place called Ouaboag or Brookfield, and died a day or two after at Marlborough.  Eight of his companions were also killed and the rest compelled to retreat.  At the outbreak of the Indian War of 1675, Jonathan Poole appears as a commander of a Company of scouts, and was Captain under Major Appleton at Hadley, whither troops were sent after the Indian Massacre at Bloday Brook in which Capt. Lathrop and the “flower of Essex” were cut off to the number of 70 or 80.  He was President of a council of War held in the winter of 1675-6, and in the attack on Hatfield distinguished himself by prompt and vigorous action and great bravery.  The following is the account given by Drake of this engagement. “After the attack on Springfield by the Indians, Major Appleton fixed his quarters at Hadley, Capt. Moseley and Capt. Jona. Poole at Hatfield, and Major Treat of the Connecticut forces at Northampton.  Suddenly on the evening of the 19th October (1675) seven or eight hundred of the enemy made an attack on Hatfield.  After killing several of Capt. Moseley’s

men, who were upon an outpost, and cutting off a scout, they entered that end of the town where the commander in chief was, who with great courage and resolution drove them out with loss, while Capt. Poole succeeded in forcing them to retire from the other end, where he was posted. In this affair Maj. Appleton marvelously escaped with his life; a bullet passed through the hair of his head, and one of his sergeants, Freegrace Norton, was mortally wounded by his side. In the Hatfield fight ten of the English were killed, while the loss of the Indians could not be known, as they carried off the killed and wounded.
            In the summer of 1676 just before the death of King Philip, the campaign was characterized by great activity and hardship.  Drake remarks in his history (p. 417), “Notwithstanding great losses sustained by the Colony in the war, great numbers were still ranging in the wood in search of the enemy.  Capt. Jonathan Poole, Capt. John Whipple, Capt. John Cutter, Capt. Richard Sutton, and several others commanded expeditions into the Indian country”.  In one of these excursions, purporting to have been led by Major Swain of Reading, in which Capt. Poole’s company was engaged, the following incident is said to have occurred, as related by Hon. Lilley Eaton, the historian of Reading, in his address at the Bi-Centennial celebration in that town in 1844.  The material error in the tradition is in placing Lieut. Swain of Major Appleton’s Company in command as Major.  He did 

not attain that rank until after the war, as will be seen from the records which are quoted further on.  It is probable, if the incident ever occurred, that the commander was either Maj. Appleton or Capt. Moseley.  Lieut. Swain was present at, and was wounded in the Narraguasett fight of Dec. 10, 1675.

Old Major Swayne, with courage true,
Forth to the post of danger flew,
Was made commander of the free,
And led them on to victory.
And once tis said it so fell out
While Major Swayne was on a scout,
He found the Indians whom he sought,
Gathered in force within a Fort.
Our Hero’s numbers being few
He wished to hide them from their view,
So lurking near their palisade,
Concealed them in an ambuscade,
Then, mounting on a rising stone, 
He cried in loud, undaunted tone,
“We’ve found the foe, we’ll storm the fort,
To drive them thence will be but sport,
Now Captain Poole and Sergeant Brown,
Wheel up your squadrons into line!”
The Indians heard the fearless boast
And thought there came a mighty host.
With terror struck and wild dismay,
They quit the fort and fled away/

Our little band with triumph then
Into the empty fortress ran,
Unfurled the flag of liberty,
And gained a bloodless victory.
            Although Capt. Poole had been appointed Quartermaster of the Three County Troop, under Captain Hutchinson some time previous to the Indian War, he preferred serving in the field with a company of foot to which he was promoted, rather than remain inactive while the stirring events of that contest were going on.  It is probable that during the campaign, besides being an active combatant, he acted as quartermaster, which included the duties of a commissary of subsistence, and was charged with the duty of furnishing supplies to the forces in the field.
            After the close of the war there were numerous applications for relief from persons who had furnished provisions for the soldiers engaged, which the General Court duly considered and generally granted.  Among them was this:-
            “1677.  In answer to the petition of Susanna
“Ayres, late of Quaboag, alias Brookfield, widow, 
“humbly desiring the favor of this Court that what she
“expended on, and the souldjers had of her, for ye Count-
“rey’s use, as, - Five pounds, ten shillings in Swyne, by
“Captain Poole’s order, as also, seventeen and seven
“pence Ephraim Custis had for himself and company of 
“horse on the Country’s account, with what Major Willard

had, which will appear by the account, she may be payed
“and satisfied for:- the Court grants her request”.
Mass. Records Vol. v p. 146
            Of the Three County Troop the following are the items derived from the ancient records.
            In 1658, The General Court ordered, “That Lynn, Reading and Rumney Marsh, have liberty to raise a troop of Horse”, &c.
            May 28, 1659, “in answer to the request of the troopers lately raised in the Counties of Essex, Suffork and Middlesex, for the Court’s confirmation of their officers, the Court judgeth in meete to allow and confirm Edward Hutchinson to be their Captain.”
            June 12, 1662.  In answer to the petition of Edward Hutchinson, Captain of the Three County Troop, the Court judge it meet to declare:
1.      That the Troopers of the Three County Troop presiding in Lynn, are not taken off from that troop whereof of they were.
2.      That the Troop, not troopers of Essex, be divided.
3.      That the said Troop be divided under their present officers.
4.      That the said officers command their respective divisions.
5.      That the troopers of Essex horse, and so of Lynn, be under the command of their respective officers.
6.      That Captain Hutchinson’s commission doth

bind him to command the troops residing in Lynn, that are listed with him as formerly.
Oct. 21, 1663.  In answer to the petition of Lynn troopers, this Court having considered the several allegations made referring thereto, and especially the division of Essex troop into two troops, do order, that henceforth the troopers inhabiting in Lynn shall appertain to, and join with the Salem Troop, any former order of the Court otherwise disposing of them notwithstanding, excepting only such as shall rather choose to continue with the Three County Troop, and shall certify their desire so to do, under their hands, at the next meeting of the Salem Troop.
            May 7, 1673.  Upon the request of Lieut. John Tuttle, Lieutenant to the Three County Troop, he is dismissed from that service, and Mr. Eliakim Hutchinson, is to supply that place.
            Oct. 15, 1673.  The above order is repeated.
            May 27, 1674.  Ordered, That Cornet William Haisey (Hescey) is appointed to be Leftenant, and Jonathan Poole is to be Cornet of the Three County Troop, under the conduct of Edward Hutchinson, their Captain.
            Oct. 7, 1674.  In answer to the motion of Captain Edward Hutchinson that he might lay down his Captain’s place, of the Three County Troop, the Court grants his request, and do Order and appoint Mr. Humphrey Davis to be Captain of the Three County Troop and that he have commission accordingly.

[ The war below is the First Indian War or King Philip’s War 1675-78.  See's_War for more details]
            Mr. Humphrey Davis having declared his non-compliance of the office of Captain of the Three County Troop, the Court judgeth it meet to respite any supply for that place til the Court of Election.  Feb. 21, 1675-6.  Ordered that of the 72 Troopers to be raised for the War, the Three County Troop furnish 10.
            May 6, 1676.  That 80 Troopers be raised out of the several Troops in Essex, Suffolk, Middlesex and Norfolk, and the Three County Troop.
            June 1, 1677.  That Jonathan Wade (Ipswich?) is appointed Captain of the Three County Troop, and Corporal Wm. Green, Cornet, and Isaac Brook Quartermaster of that Troop”. – Mass. Records.
            The name of Capt. Poole is appended to a receipt for pay on the Treasurer’s books of the Colony for his services during this war, of which signature this is a fac-simile.
[A space was left here for the signature to be reproduced]

            The Reading records furnish a partial list of the soldiers from that town who served in the War, at the head of which stands the name of Jeremiah Swayne, Major, though his rank was only that of Lieutenant during the war, then Jona. Poole, Captain and Quartermaster, and the following named persons forming the quota required by the General Court: - Thomas Bancroft (who m. Sarah Poole dau. of Capt. Jona., and was ancestor of Rev. Aaron and Hon. Geo. Bancroft, historian), Samuel Lamson, David

Page 39

Batchelder, James Case, Samuel Damon, Gabriel Taylor, Thomas Nichols, William Roberts, Nicholas Lunn, John Arnold, William Arnold, Wm. Robbins, Thomas Brown, Ebenezer Flint, Daniel Flint, Joseph Hartshorn, John Weston, Richard Smith and Richard Hough.  The latter was the son of the Minister, Rev. Sam’l. Hough, and was allowed to furnish a substitute by payment of a bounty.
            In the general alarm and apprehension consequent upon the Indian outbreak and the incursions of predatory bands of Philip’s Warriors among the advanced settlements, the Reading people were in great fear that the enemy might penetrate their outer defences and endanger their town, so near the frontier.  A petition to the Governor and Council in 1676, reads as follows:-
            “Your humble petitioners desire to present for the good of the town:
            1st.       That if you Honours see cause, to give us power to stay our inhabitants together; otherwise we judge it may weaken the whole, and hazard the town.
            2d.      To give power to let land, not improved, to persons in want.
            3d.       Then where you Honours shall see cause, to draw off the Out-towns, that our Town may receive some more Inhabitants to strengthen us to stand as a frontier Towns, we remain still weak and so must come in one after another.
            4th.       Having soldiers out at several Towns, whether and when it may be expedient to have them home, our Town

being weak, and possibly shortly like to be a Frontier.
Jonathan Poole
Thomas Bancorft.”
            It was proposed by some of the most considerable inhabitants of the towns of Essex and Middlesex Counties in an application made by them to the Court, “that as a necessary expedient for the public welfare, and to secure them from attack by the common enemy, that a line of fence or stockades or stones be made about eight feet high, extending from the Charles River where it is navigable, unto Concord River, from George Farley’s house in Billerica; which fence, the Council were informed, would not be above twelve miles, a good part whereof is already done by large ponds that will conveniently fall into the line, by which the whole tract will be environed for the security and safety (under God) of the people, their houses, goods and cattle, from the rage and fury of the enemy”.  In answer, the Court ordered “that one fit and able man from each of the included towns should meet at Cambridge to survey the ground and estimate the expense.” 
            Instead of the plan proposed, the defense of the towns was generally provided for by the erection of “garrison Houses”, built of thick plank walls and palisaded, so that on alarm the people could retire into them and make a good defense with a small number of men.

By the activity of the scouts and the vigorous conduct of the war the enemy was kept at a distance, and the principal conflicts were in the vicinity of the Connecticut River and on the borders of Rhode Island, at the latter of which places after a spirited campaign the war was ended by the death of King Philip, who was shot by a friendly Indian acting as a guide to Capt. Church of Plymouth. This occurred in the autumn of 1676, after which the troops joyfully returned to their homes with the assurance of a lasting peace, and prosperous future.
            The close of the war did not preclude the necessity however of maintaining an efficient military force in the Colony, and we find that Reading zealously kept up its organized companies of militia men, and vigorously canvassed the election of their officers, as appears by the following entry in the Mass. Records of May 23, 1677- copies verbatim:
“A motion from Redding, 23-3. 1677.
To the Honorable General Court, boath Governour and Majistrates, with the Deputies, new sitting in Boston:- The request of your humble Servants, being part of the Inhabitants of the town of Redding;- This Honored Court, not being altogether ignorant of the state of our Towne, to which you humble suppliants boath belong, Respecting the Compleation of our Military officers, we would not fill up Lines with compliments (complaints?) to trouble this Honored Court, But, Briefly to give a 

narrative of our Condition, and so humbly beging that this Court would put an Issue to out Bissenes, which is like to have so ill a Consequence, if it lay long as it now doth.
            There hath bin some Strange Actions relating to Military Officers whereby we are become tow parties in the Towne, one in opposition against the other; we apprehend wee have bin ingenious (ingenuous) to the other party, notwithstanding great eregularities they run into; our party as wee apprehend is very considerable, though not the Major part in number: we yielded to them that voated for Captain Swaine, and prefered their minds to the Court, but setting our hands to itt that was sent to the Court, though wee voated for Captain Poole, for not one of those hands that voated for the Captain Swaine was sent to the Court when he was presented to the Court: now, notwithstanding there is in our parts, the Chiefest partes for heads and Estates amongst which are Deacons, Commissioners and Select Men, and the Major parte of the Freemen, yet wee, not being willful, but condescended to prefer their minds to the Court, and concluded, that though Captain Swaine was not a Freeman, yet if the General Court see cause to confirm him, wee should have been Satisfied with what your Honours, had done – But he being not accepted, the Matter is yet to doe; the Town running only upon tow perssons, wee would be gald to have our bissenis to bee

promoted to the Consideration of the Honoured Court.
            Our number upon trial for voate for Captain Poole was 2d voate. There hath been several meetings and agetations since Capt. Swaine was presented to the Court and they will have all of the Youth to voate that hath not taken the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth.  And so wee are Outvoated, and they are not willing the Court should hear boath parties and what wee have to saye – this being delivered after our ingenuity (ingenuousness) to them, and they will do nothing:- and so the Towne is brought into tow parties.
            And it begins to have influence into Town matters to strive to circumvent one Another in our Actions, which wee fear will have a bad consequence.  Therefore we humbly intreate the Honoured Court that you would be pleased to issue the case for us, and Settell some Abell and meete person in the place of a Capten Amongst us, that our Strife may bee at an Ende. And wee know wee must at your Houners Apoyntment sitt downe quiett.  As to our Leiutenant wee could wish the Honoured Court did thouerly understand his Abillities as to Heade and Estate.
            Your humble Servants, not having else to add, but ever to praye for Divine protection and Guidance, to your honours, - and remayne you humble petitioners.
William Cowdrey.
Thomas Parker.

Matthew Edwards.
Thomas Hartshorn.
Nathaniel Cowdrey.
John Brown.
John Batcheller.
Benjamin Fitch.
Hananniah Parker.”
The election of officers for the Colonial troop was a matter of great interest to the inhabitants of the different towns, and there was developed a great degree of partisan feeling among the friends of different candidates. The propensity to electioneer was apparently quite as rife then as it ever has been at any subsequent period.  The contest in the instance was between the old and the young parties, into which the town was divided.  Capt. Poole having the favor of the old and substantial element was opposed by the masses, while Swaine was a young aspirant drew the youthful portion of the community to his support.
            The antagonism of “the two parties in the Towne” marks the prevalence of an eager party spirit in the days of our forefathers, and the array of the Conservative and solid men against the younger, more active and perhaps more unscrupulous politicians, is but an early example of the later methods and principles actuating their posterity at the present day.  The Radicals and Conservatives were then as now at war. Capt. Poole was the

older, wealthier and more experienced candidate for Military honors, having already held the office of Captain, while Capt. Swain was ten years the junior of his rival.  He had been as stated a lieutenant in the war in Capt. Appleton’s command, and both equally had won laurels in the campaign of the previous year, and both were sons of the first and most distinguished settlers of the town.
            In spite, however, of the wealth, age and official dignity which supported Capt. Poole in this active competition, Capt. Swaine seems to have won the race, for he was shortly after appointed Major, and Captain Poole continued to be Captain, and was also commissioned Quartermaster.  The order of the General Court, dated June 1, 1677, reads, “John Hawthorne is appointed Captain of the foot Company in Beverly, and Jonathan Poole, Captain for Redding.”
             Besides his military employment, he was equally prominent in civil affairs.  He was several times elected a Deputy to the General Court, and was a member of that body in 1662-63-64, also from 1668 to 1674, reelected in 1676 and chosen last on May 24, 1677, to represent the town of Reading, and served the commonwealth on a number of commissions for the settlement of sundry matters in controversy.  In May, 1678, he was appointed by the town to lay before that body a petition for the relief of its inhabitants, on which a hearing was granted the following October.  The same year he was placed on

a commission to settle the differences relating to the bounds of several farms of the Francis Nurse, Gov. Endicott and “any others adjoining”.  The commission duly performed that duty, but the untimely death of Captain Poole in December of that year, and the Court at its next session duly acknowledged the receipt of its report, with his signature, together with that of two other commissions, of which he was a member, charged with establishing a division line between Wenham, Beverly and Salem Village, and fixing the bounds of the farm of the Rev. Joseph Allin of Boston, known a “Bishop’s Farme” in Salem.

            The decisions in these cases were made before his death, as his name is appended to the reports.  At the session of May 1679, the Court passed an order “that Jeremy Swain be Captain of the foot company in Redding in Stead of the late Captain Jonathan Poole, deceased, and that he have his commission accordingly[”].

            February 3, 1661 “the town did agree with Jonathan Poole, John Brown, Jr. and Matthew Edwards and Nathaniel Cowdrey about their Gallery, namely, that it should be taken down and set up in the West side of the new meeting house, but one set broad and the said young man should sit in it so long as the town should see cause, and that the town should give them three pounds”. This sum was perhaps to reimburse them for the expense of making the alteration.  At that period the two sexes kept themselves separate during divine service.

            We have no knowledge of what caused his early death.  Eaton remarks that he died greatly lamented, and that as an officer in the Indians Wars his name is famous.  His gravestone, a correct representation of which is here given is the oldest date and the most elaborate in its workmanship of any of the old monuments of the town of Reading.  The epitaph in its quaint language and Latin mottoe above indicates that its author was the Rev. William Brock, the respected minister of the parish[.]

[Here it looks like space was allotted for a drawing or transcription of the gravestone.  The gravestone may be viewed here.]

An entry in the Registry of Deeds of Middlesex County, gives a conveyance on April 25, 1677 of 23 acres of land in Reading to his son-in-law, Thomas Bancroft, with one-quarter of his meadow called Bear Meadow, and two-fifths of the wood and herbage appertaining to his dwelling house. His wife subsequently quit claims her right to dower in the same estate.

The following is a verbatim copy of his will as it appears on the records of Middlesex County, Probate Court.
            CaptJonathan Poole’s Will.
1stly.               Dated ye 21:  10 mo. 1678.
            That I Jonathan Poole, being in my right minde. After my body (being) decently buried, my Soul I do bequeath to God that gave it to me.  My while estate, the improvement of I gave to Judith Poole, my wife, so long as she lives a widow, for her comfort and bringing up her children.
2dly.    In case she marry two-thirds to be disposed to the children by the discretion of the overseers, and the other third to be delivered to the children at her death.
3dly.    To my son John, my will is that he shall have added to the third of the Saw Mill Farme that his grandfather gave him, it shall be made up half, and he is my eldest son, of the Estate to be made up a double portion and this shall be to him and his children.
4ly.      In case he dye before he is of age for the next son to have the double portion.
5ly.      My daughter Sarah Bancroft shall have twenty pounds, and if my wife please, to have some more addition this is to be for her and her children.
6ly.      And the remainder of my estate to be equally divided among the rest of my children as they grow up to age, and this my Estate to be disposed of to none other but them and their heirs.

7ly.      Judah Poole, being my sole executrix.
8ly.      For Overseers, Enisgne Thomas Bancroft, Corporal John Brown, Serjante (H) Ananniah Parker: and in case it please God to take my wife away, here to add Mr. Joseph Dudley, Esq. to the rest, to be helpful in the disposal of the Estate and Children.
9ly.      That Jno Poole, my Eldest son, or any other (son) that shall survive after his mother’s death shall have the liberty either to have the Saw Mill Farme or the Homestead.  This homestead was on the site of the present Wakefield rattan Factory.
            Signed in the Pr’sents of us
            Thomas Bancroft, Sen’r.
Isaack Broockes.
Joseph Lammon.
Sworhe in the Courte pr. The witnesses.  1st: 2d mo. 1679.

            Capt. Poole2 by his wife Judith, when [whom penciled in above when] he married in 1654-5 had ten children, all born in Reading, namely:-
5.      i. Sarah3 b. July 11, 1656, who m. April 10, 1673, Thomas Bancroft, deacon of 1st church in Reading, son of Lieut. Thomas and Elizabeth (Metcalf) b. 1649 and was an officer in King Philip’s war.  Their children were:
Thomas Bancroft, b. Sept. 8, 1673, a Capt. And representative, who m. Mary Webster and d. 1731.
Jonathan, b. Oct. 28, 1675 and d. young.
                        Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1676, who m. Abraham Bryant – d. 1714.
                        Manitabel, b. Feb. 1, 1678, who m. Jonathan Parker and d. 1703.
                        Jonathan b. Oct. 4, 1681, who m. Sarah and d. 1702.
                        Raham, b. Feb. 14, 1683, and d. young.
Judith, b. Mar. 7, 1688, who m. Samuel (?) Parker.
Samuel, b. Dec. 13, 1691 and d. young.
Samuel, b. Dec. 28, 1693, who m. Sarah Lampson.
Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1696 , who m. John Lampson.
6.      ii. Judith3, b. Sept. 1, 1658, who m. May 16, 1681, William Hescey, b. 1654, d. May 30, 1684, of Lynn, a Cornet and Lieutenant of the Tree Co. Troop.  He was a person of note, and with his brothers, owned considerable land at Pumny Marsh, now Chelesa.  Their descendants, of [if?] any, are not known to the records.
7.      iii.  Mary3, b. Aug. 21, 1660, d. Nov. 14, 1661.

8.      iv. Mary3, b. Nov. 14, 1662, d. July 18, 1711, m. Oct. 9, 1680, James Nichols, son of Rich’d. and Amas,