
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 151-175

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

besides the other lands, and a silver tankard, the gift of his father, which is valued at £12. 12s.  He died suddenly in the prime of life, aged 44, leaving no Will and his widow was appointed administratrix, May 6, 1776, with Josiah Southwick and Samuel Ward as sureties.
            In dividing the Estate and setting off the dower of the widow it appears that the Medford property still remained in his hands at his death, mention being made of the wharf, the pew in the church, &c in that town.  Mr. Wm. Poole was noted for public spirit, and in 1772 was one of a committee appointed by the town of Danvers to draw a series of resolutions, to present to the Committee of Safety of Boston.  This committee consisted of Francis Symonds, Benj. Proctor, Gideon Putnam, Amos Putnam, Tarrant Putnam, (these of Gen. Israel P’s family) Wm. Shillaber, (ancestor of Benj. P. Shillaber the poet) and William Poole.  These resolutions breathed the same spirit that characterized the immortal declaration of 4 years later at Philadelphia.  The first expresses sentiments of loyalty to the King “in a constitutional way: and adherence to “constitutional” laws, when properly enacted. The second declares that when a government becomes oppressive and tyrannical, it is the duty of the citizens to united to “check the same” lest it deprive them of every valuable privilege. The third, that in the opinion of this town the rights of the Colonists have been infringed by the mother country by the passage of unconstitutional laws, particularly in assuming the right to raise revenues by taxing the Colonies without

their consent, in erecting offices unknown to the charter and investing their incumbents with powers, unconstitutional and destructive to the rights and liberties of Englishmen, in sending the Governor independent of the Assembly, so that he refused consent to impose taxes for the support of the Government unless certain persons were exempted from paying their just proportion of the same, and hath given up the chief fortress (Castle William) into the hands of troops over whom he declared he had no control: in extending the power of courts to such a degree as to deprive the colonists of their right of trial by jury, and that they have reason to fear that the judges of the Superior Court are to be rendered independent of the people, &c.  Fourth, that an Act of Parliament, under which Commissioners have been appointed to enquire after persons concerned in the burning of the Gasper (H. B. M. Schooner) at Providence, hath greatly alarmed us, though far from justifying the Act, we apprehended such proceedings extraordinary, the constitution having provided for the punishment of such offendors, and it thus appears that the unguarded conduct of some particular persons, hath brought upon us the punishment, for our loyalty, due to rebellion only. Fifth, that we will use all lawful endeavors to preserve and maintain the rights and privileges of the people, and stand ready “to risque our lives and our fortunes in defence of those liberties which our forefather purchased at so dear a rate”.  Sixth, that our representative is

instructed to use his influence in the Assembly of this province to contend earnestly in a constitutional was for the just rights and privileges of the people, that they may be handed down inviolate to the latest posterity, and as this can only be done by the united endeavors of all the provinces, we instruct him to promote a strict Union and correspondence with them, and that they unitedly petition his Majesty for a redress of grievances. These spirited resolutions attracted the attention of the royal authorities, and the following year Gov. Gage with two companies of the King’s troops of the 64th Regt. Of Foot took up his residence in the town, but they were so closely watched by the inhabitants whose jealousy was aroused by their presence, that they became fearful of an attack, and after being under arms every night to prevent surprise the governor, troops and all suddenly took their departure of Sept. 25, 1774, in the dead of night for Boston.
            At the time of the separation of the towns of Salem and Danvers in 1752, there were twenty-five slaves held in bondage by the citizens of the latter place. They all became free by the operation of law when Massachusetts formed and adopted its constitution in 1780. Most, if not all of them, remained while they lived, with the families to which they had belonged, and in the service of their former masters.  Some were industrious and valuable citizens and left descendants much respected.

One of these was Mr. Prince Farmer’s, a son of Milo, slave of William Poole, Esq., and who deceased at Salem in 1850.  He was a popular caterer, and for a great number of years kept a noted refreshment saloon in that place which was frequented by the best class of its citizens.  He is understood to have accumulated a handsome competency, which his worthy descendants now enjoy.  Besides the Farmer family there was a family of Shorters the progenitors of which was Shorter, brought by Dr. Cutler of Hamilton from Washington, when he returned thence as Representative from the Essex District in 1804.  Shorter was gardener and coachman for Dr. Cutler, and married his wife Remember from Ipswich, who after Shorter’s demise came to Deacon Fitch Poole’s family to live, and was for many years a valued and trusted servant. They had three children, one of whom, Royal Shorter died in Salem in 1878, employed as janitor at the Holyoke Insurance Office.  There were two daughters, who married and left descendants.  Prince Hall was also a well know colored man, often employed by Mr. Poole, and lived near the source of strong-water brook.  He was a musician, and his fiddle was also in requisition at merry makings in the vicinity.  All these former slaves have left numerous successors, mostly industrious and well-to-do, and such as has been their attachment to the family that every generation of them have, up to the present writing, sent a representative to make a call of respect upon the existing family at the old Poole

homestead in Peabody every successive year.  In the adjacent burial ground (on Poole’s Hill) the first interment in which was made as early as 1650, there is a space of ground set apart for the burial of this which is situated in the S. W. corner, and is crowded with graves, showing how numerous must have been the earlier generations of these families.  In the year 1852, one hundred years after the division of the town it was stated by J. W. Proctor, Esq., in his centennial address, that not one individual of the colored race was at that time an inhabitant of the town of Danvers.
            Mr. Wm. Pool was a person of sedate and quiet disposition, but known in social life for his wit and humor.
            He was twice married; 1st Jan. 22, 1756, after or about the time he had established himself in business at Danvers, to Miss Mary Floyd, dau. of ______Floyd of Medford, b. 1731, d. Feb. 13, 1760, by whom he had two children, and 2d Oct. 1761 to Elizabeth dau. of Miles Ward, jr. and Hannah (widow of Benjamin Hawthorn uncle of the writer Nathl. H, and dau. of Samuel and Hannah Derby, descendant of Roger Derby1 of Salem in the third generation, through Roger2 and said Samuel3) who was born Salem, July 9, 1738, d. Jan. 20, 1806, by whom he had seven children.  Hannah (Derby) Ward, mother of Elizabeth, was b. at Southold, L. I., 1702, and d. Salem, Oct. 28, 1796.  She m. 1st (being his 2d wife) May 25, 1727, Benjamin, son of Col. John and Ruth (Gardner)

Hawthorne – or Hathorn, as then spelled – a descendant of Major William Hawthorne, famous in the earliest annals of Salem.  By this marriage she had two children; Benjamin Bapt. Feb. 18, 1728, and Hannah, bapt. April 5. 1730.  After his death she m. 2d Oct. 10, 1737, Miles, son of Miles and Sarah (Massey) Ward, b. April 18, 1704, d. June 1792.  Miles, jr. by his 1st wife Elizabeth (Phippen) had eight children, and by his 2d, Hanna, had eight more, which number with her, own gave them eighteen children for their family circle.  Elizab. was the 1st child by the 2d marriage.  Samuel Derby, father of Hannah, was son of Roger and Lucretia Derby, and brother of Roger, jr., of whom the Poole homestead was purchased, b. Ipswich, Nov. 24, 1673, and died at sea, date unknown.  Roger Derby, the first of the name was born in Topsham, Devonshire, England, in 1643, emigrated and arrived at Boston, July 18, 1671; removed to Ipswich, then to Salem, where he died, Sept. 26, 1698. His sons and their descendants for several generations were remarkable for their commercial enterprise, and built up a foreign trade for the port of Salem, that at the close of the last century left it almost without a rival as a mart of commerce, at the same time so enriching the family that at the death of Elias Haskett Derby, one of his grandsons, in 1799, he alone accounted the wealthiest man in America.
            The children by Mary Floyd were:
140.     i.          William, B. Nov. 6, 1756, d. Mar. 30, 1782

m. Mary.  He was of scholarly tastes and studious habits and taught a school for a time in Danvers, and is termed “Schoolmaster” in the Probate Records, in which administration is granted his widow “Polly”, June 4, 1783.
141.     iv.        Mary, b. Dec. 6, 1758, d. April 2, 1806.  She m. Feb. 12, 1793 Hon. Jonathan Ingersoll of Danvers, afterwards of Salem, a leading lawyer and judge, becoming his 2d wife. This lady was noted for great personal charms both of mind and manners, and said to have become as lovely in form and features as she was brilliant in intellect, and remained queen of society for some years before and after her marriage.  No issue.  Judge Ingersoll was son of Nathaniel and Bethia (Gardner) Ingersoll, a descendant of Richard Ingersoll of Salem, b. Dec. 2, 1755, d. Jan. 24, 1791.  Both were members of St. Peter’s Church.  Their children were.  Nathaniel, George and Mary Ingersoll.  The latter became the wife of Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, L. L. D., the learned mathematician, translator of La Place and author of the “Navigator”, and their children were.  Nathl. Ingersoll Bowditch, bap. Oct. 16, 1806, Henry Ingersoll, bap. Oct. 30, 1808, Mary Ingersoll, bap. May 19, 1816.  William, b. Aug. 15, 1819 & Elizabeth Boardman

            bapt. Aug. 14, 1823.  Judge Ingersol m. also a third wife, Sarah Blythe, dau. of Aaron Purbeck, Feb. 15, 1808.
The children of Elizabeth were:

142.     iii.        Ward, b. South Danvers, Apr. 17, 1763, d. Nov. 14, 1828.
                        He m. two wives, Sarah Perry and Rebecca Seccomb.
143.     iv.        Zachariah, b. Oct 5, 1764, d. Sept. 2, 1807, was unmarried, a mariner and well known for his social and genial habits, much addicted to story telling of which his sea faring experience gave him a large fund. From Geo. G. Smith.  He was noted for great urbanity of manner and was a popular visitor in the family circles of the neighborhood.
144.     v.         Nathaniel, b. Sept. 30, 1766, also a mariner, d. at sea, no exact date, in 1790, at the early age of 24.
145.     vi.        Elizabeth Ward, b. April 30, 1770, d. Oct. 17, 1827, m. Jan. 1, 1797, becoming his 2d wife, Major Sylvester Osborn of Danvers, son of Joseph and Mary (Proctor) Osborne, b. Danvers, Nov. 10, 1758, d. Oct. 2, 1845. He was a soldier of the revolution and was the youngest member of the first company of “Minute men” that started from [for handwritten]  Lexington of the first alarm that the British were marching on Concord, Apr. 19, 1775. Of this company seven were slain in battle, and young Osborn is said to have had a narrow escape losing the

lock of his musket by a bullet toward the close of the engagement.  He became a successful merchant, and filled many positions of trust in the civil and military life.  Their children were:
(1)   Elizabeth Osborne, b. Apr. 13, 1798, d. Mar. 7, 1850. M. Nov. 8, 1824, Col. Caleb Lowe, son of Stephen and Sally (Jacobs) Low, b. May 31, 1796, d.     Col. Lowe was son of Stephen and grandson of Major Caleb Low of the Revolutionary Army, who was present at the execution of Andre and commanded a detachment at Fishkill, under the immediate eye of Washington. Some original orders to Major Lowe in the handwriting of Washington are now in the possession of the family.  The children of Col. Lowe and Elizabeth were: 1stCaleb Francis Low, b. Aug 28, 1825, d. Feb. 25, 1826: 2d, Elizabeth Osborne, b. June 6, 1827 and d. Mar. 7, 1852: 34d, Caleb Frances, b. Apr. 5, 1829, d. Apr. 7, 1844: 4thEdward West, b. July 19, 1830 and d. Sept. 15, 1831: Sarah Jacobs, b. Dec 15, 1831, d. Jan. 4, 1832: 5th,Sarah Jacobs, b. June 27, 1833, m. Nov. 1, 1858, John M. Hall of Rutland (and had 1stElizabeth Low Hall, b. May 22, 1861 and 2nd Mary Frost, b. Apr. 27, 1869) (6)Mary Frost Low, b. Dec. 16, 1837, m. at Rutland, Vt. in 1863, Geo. R. Hall of that place.
(2)   Augustus Kendall Osborne, b. July 7, 1800 d. at Boston Mar. 18, 1849, m. Danvers Jan. 3, 1833, Mary, Dau. of Squires Shove of Danvers, b. Apr. 3, 1803,

d. at Boston Mar. 30, 1842.  He went to sea early in life, and was afterwards for many years Cashier of Warren Bank in South Danvers, and subsequently a banker in Boston.  His children were (1) Francis Agustus, a distinguished officier in the war of the rebellion, served as Leiut. Col., Colonel and Brig General of Mass. Volunteers, was mustered out at the close of the War, since which period he has been in business as a banker in Boston.  He was b. Danvers, Sept. 22, 1833, m. Boston Sept. 5, 1867, Mary Moore, dau. of Granville Mears b. June 18, 1840, d. July 20, 1875, Leaving 1 dau. Esther Osborn, b. Feb. 15, 1869; (2) Edward Hacker, b. Danvers July 16, 1835, d. Aug. 26, 1839 (3) Sylvester Kendall, b. Aug 28, 1837, d. Aug. 17, 1839, (4) Charles Howland, b. Oct. 12, 1839 d. Boston, Jan. 19, 1866, and (5) Mary Shove, b. Mar. 17, 1842.

(3)   Mary Ingersoll Osborn, b. Mar. 2, 1804, d.    1855 m. May 23, 1825, John W. Proctor, Esq., son of Capt. Johnson Proctor, and was a distinguished lawyer of Danvers. b.             d.        1874. Their children were (1) Mary Ingersoll, b. Aug. 3, 1825, d. y.  (2) Elizabeth Osborn, b. Sept. 11, 1827, d. young.  (3) Aug. Holyoke, b. Aug. 1, 1829, d. Jan. 8, 1862, m. Mar. 4, 1856 Dolly A. Nichols, of Salem, (and had (1) Arthur Watus Proctor, b. Sept. 29, 1856, (2) Mary Ellen b. Mar. 26, 1858 (3) Carrie Borden, b. Feb. 18, 1860, d. young and (4) Augusta Holyoke b. June 22, 1862) (4) Elizabeth

Osborn, b. Oct. 16, 1831 (5) John Webster, b. Dec. 7, 1834, d. young (6) Caroline Waters, b. March 26, 1836, d. Aug. 1, 1858 (7) Augusta Osbourn, b. Dec. 28, 1838, d. young (8) Henry Harrison, b. Dec. 18, 1840, m.     1862 Ellen A. Perkins of Peabody, Mass. (and had (1) Frank Ingersol, b. Aug 23, 1864 (2) Charles Anderson, b. Oct. 24, 1866) (9) Edward Waters, b. Mar. 4, 1842 m. (4)  Rebecca Poole Osborn b. Feb. 28, 1808, m. 1839, Henry M. Wilder of Leominster, and d.    1844, leaving 1 daughter Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 6, 1841, who m. Dec. 24, 1877, Albert H. Mason of Brockton, Mass.
146.     vii.       Fitch (Dea.) b. Feb. 13, 1772, d. Jan. 23, 1838; m. Elizabeth Cutler.
147.     viii.      Rebecca, b. Oct. 18, 1774, d. April 2, 1785.

79.       Fitch Pool5 son of Zachariah4 and Rebecca (Jona3 Jona2 and John1) b. Reading, May 28, 1737, d. Boston Sept. 2, 1770, m. Anne.  Was a distinguished merchant of Boston, and frequently mentioned in the town records as having been selected to perform public duties, among others that of overseer of clerks of the markets in which his name appears with the following associates: Samuel Calef, John Gore, George Greene, added to the list of the preceding year (1769) which consisted of Francis Green, Samuel Barrett and John Leighton Copley, the latter the eminent painter who removed to England, and was father of the late Lord Lyndhunt, High Chancellor of England.  In the list of the “Sons of Liberty” a patriotic society which was formed to resist the

encroachments of the British government upon rights of the colonists, and which association dined at Dorchester, at a tavern called the “Liberty Tree” on August 14, 1769, appears the name of Fitch Pool, the Merchant of Boston, in the company with Josiah Quincy, Sam’l Quincy, John Adams, Sam Adams, John Hancock , Paul Revere, and a number of others who were leaders in the contest of which six years later, culminated in the Revolutionary War. His tomb is in the Granary Burial ground on Tremont Street, and is situated 75 feet southwest of the Franklin monument near the tomb of Jeremiah Fitch, his (uncle?).

Will of Fitch Pooleof Boston1770.
            BostonSept. 1, 1770 – I, Fitch Pool, of Boston aforesaid, Merchant, do by these presents give to Anne Pool, my wife, after my decease, the use of all the house hold furniture which I am now possessed of, until she be again married, or until my two children, Fitch and Anne Pool shall arrive at lawful age; excepting only the following articles (which I would have sold) viz: a sett of new chairs, a large looking glass, a Shagreen case of

ivory handled knives and forks, and a box of the same; a Wilton Carpet, a mahogany bedstead, and one piece of Bandanna and some pieces of Bolton Romall Handkerchiefs.
            And I will that my said Wife shall have after my decease three pieces of bed furniture now in my dwelling house in Boston aforesaid, to be disposed of as the shall think proper without being accountable to any person for the same: And furthermore I give to Rebecca Stow of Boston aforesaid widow, six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence.  Also I give to William Wilkins of Boston aforesaid six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence, which sums I desire that my administrators would pay out of my estate after my decease.   And it is my will that the said Wilkins be continued to settle my business after my decease, as I think him the most able to do it.  And I desire that my wife and Timothy Newhall of Boston may be administrators to my Estate.
                                                            (Signed) Fitch Pool.
Signed and delivered in the presence of 
Joseph Morton
James Frost.
Elizabeth Gray.
Will proved Sept. 14, 1770  Inventory of estate £3153 1s 11d and includes 5 Vessels, a wharf, still house, the family pew in Trinity Church, numbered 35,one negro boy Cato and one named Pompey.
            The two children Fitch and Ann Pool, minors under 14, were placed under the guardianship of their mother

Ann Pool, Oct. 6, 1771?  They received under their grandfather’s will (P. 104) severally a silver tankard and silver can “to be delivered at a lawful age.”
            After the decease of her husband, Anne m. 2d Dr. John Taylor of Lunenburg, July 2, 1772.
            The children of Fitch and Ann Pool were, 
148.     i.          Anne, Called Nancy in records, b. 1769. d.
149.     ii          Fitch, b. 1761, d. March 1785 aged 24.

88.       Jonathan Poole6, son of Jona5 and Mary Leaman (Jona4 Jona3 Jona2 and John1) b. Reading Apr. 21, 1747, d. Oct. 25, 1807, m. Apr. 25, 1789, Anne dau. of Samuel and Lynda Bancroft b. Apr. 3, 1749, d. Dec. 31, 1831, aged 82 years, 8 mo., 28 days.  Was a yeoman of the West Parish of Reading, and was known as Jona. Poole, 3d, their being two others of the same name relatives and contemporaries, his father above named Jona.5 b. 1737, his 2d cousin.  He served in the Revolutionary War as        in Colonel David Green’s Regiment and is recorded as on duty April 19, 1775, though not in the battle of that day at Lexington.
            The children of Jona. And Anne were:-
148.     i.          Jonathan7, b. March 3, 1770, d. June 30, 1770
149.     ii.         Nancy7, b. Nov. 29, 1772, d. Feb. 21, 1789.
150.     iii.        Jonathan7, b. Sept. 6, 1775, d. Nov. 29, 1776.
151.     iv.        Luke7, b. Nov. 4, 1777, d. Apr. 27, 1813, m. Susannah Hill Bates.
152.     v.         Charles7, b. Feb. 12, 1780. d. no date m. Betsey Smith of N. H.

153.     vi         Haven7, b. July 23, 1782, d. June 28, 1811, m. Mary Chapman, Salem.
154.     vii.       Lot7, b. May 13, 1784, d. March 28, 1836, m. 1st Lydia Parker & 2d Fanny Oliva.
155,     viii.      Matilda7, b. June, 2, 1786, d. Dec. 21, 1822, m. Apr. 18, 1807, Dea. Caleb, son of Timothy and Susanna Wakefield, b. Apr. 15, 1785, residence Wakefield, Mass. Their children were-
(1)   Caleb Horace Poole Wakefield8 (M.D.) Supt. State Alms House at Monson, Mass.
(2)   Marvella8, b. Dec. 10, 1810, d. Dec. 11, 1810, 1 day old.
(3)   Edwards8, b. Sept. 12, 1817, d. Sept 14, 1818.
(4)   Matilda, b. Jan. 14, 1821.
After the death of his wife Matilda in 1822, he M. 2s, Nov. 3, 1823, Nancy Temple.
156.     ix         John, b. Oct. 12, 1788, Oct. 23, 1789.
157.     x.         Henry, recorded as Harry, b. Feb. 9, 1791, d. Portland, Me. unmarried Sept. 1822 and was a printer.
90.       Samuel Sheldon6, son of Lieut. Jonathan (John4, Jona3 Jona2 and John1), b. Mar. 25, 1751, at Reading, d. Yarmoth, Nova Scotia, Oct. 7, 1835, m. Yarmouth, 1775 Elizabeth, dau. of Seth Barnes, Esq.  He was educated at Harvard College, and graduated 1770 became a clergyman, also taught school for two years in his native town.  He removed to Nova Scotia in 1774.  This date is fixed by the endorsement on Mf. sermon in the possession of Dr. Alex. Poole of Wakefield, which recites, “preached

at Yarmouth, August 7, 1774”.  The town records of Reading show that he was teacher of the public school there, the previous year..  Credited with the sentiments of loyalty to the English crown, and in Nova Scotia pursued his calling of preacher, and teacher of a grammar school, for some years.  He was a member of the Colonial legislature, and was re-elected annually from 1785 to 1835, a period of fifty years, acquiring from this long public service the title of father of the home.  For many years he also held the judicial position of Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and in an eminent degree possessed the esteem and respect of the Governors of the Province, one of whom, Sir Joseph Kempt, specially honored him on occasions of ceremony, and made him a prominent guest at his state dinners.  He was both pious and learned, as his written sermons, many of which are preserved, sufficiently attest.  He lived a long, honorable and useful life, and if it be true that his devotion to the king and government of Great Britain, was the occasion of his emigration to Nova Scotia at the beginning of the controversy which culminated in the American revolution, the remembrance of that life deserves to be cherished by his descendants, for there can be no sacrifice more noble save that of life itself – than the voluntary abandonment of country, birthplace, family, friends, and reputation, for a principle founded upon a conscientious conviction of duty.  In Sabinis American Loyalists is related and anecdote relative to Judge Poole

in connection with his membership of the Nova Scotia legislature, which is probably the offspring of some idle brain, and originally intended as a parliamentary joke.
            His wife was the daughter of Seth Barnes, Esq., a merchant of Yarmouth, whose property suffered greatly from the depredations of privateers during the revolution.  In Felt’s Annals of Salem it is state “As the people of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia had been friendly to Americans, and Seth Barnes, Esq. of that place had a large sum taken from him by a Salem privateer, some of the inhabitants of Salem petition the legislature, July 2, 1782 that they may be free from such molestations. But a majority of the town have different views, and wish their representatives to oppose any bill to this effect.  Still the General Court prohibit hostilities against Yarmouth.”
            In May previous, several gentlemen sent a petition to the legislature from Salem and Beverly, asking that the people of Yarmouth may not be plundered by our privateers, “because the greater part of them moved thither from this quarter a few years ago, and have been very kind to our men who have been thrown among them by the events of the War. Seth Barnes, Esq. had a large sum taken from him by one of our privateers”. From this evidence it appears that Judge Poole was not the only emigrant from the colony to Nova Scotia before the War, and that the town of Yarmouth was largely settled by citizens from Massachusetts.

            Of the original settlers of Yarmouth, his wife Elizabeth Barnes was b. Plymouth, N.S., Dec. 25, 1754, survived her husband, and died aged 84, March 13, 1839.
Their children were:
158.     i.          Samuel7, b. Sept. 11, 1776, d. August 17, 1819. Was educated at Harvard Coll. Where he was graduated in 1799; became a teacher, was principal of the Grammar School and then a merchant of Yarmouth, m. Hannah Coffran, dau. of William Coffran of that Place, but left no issue.  His widow         Baker.
159.     ii.         Seth7, b. Yarmouth, April 9, 1779, d. June 20, 1813 m. Mary Cushenburg.
160.     iii.        John7, b.     Sept. 10, 1780, d. at sea or at West Indies of fever 1816.
161.     iv.        Timothy7, b. Dec 25, 1783, d. July 15, 1784.
162.     v.         Elizabeth7, b. May 15, 1785, d. Dec. 14, 1875, age 90; m. 1st Thomas Dalton, who died soon after and 2d Benjamin Lewis of Yarmouth, son of Waitstill and Chloe Lewis, May 3, 1784, d. Mar. 8, 1838 – their ch.
            (1) Waitstill Lewis, b. Oct. 1808, a mariner, lost at sea.
(2) Nathan Lewis, b. Nov. 16, 1810, m. Feb. 14, 1838, Mary Eliza Baker of Y. and had 1st James b. Nov. 29, 1838; 2d, Nancy, b. Nov. 8, 1840; 3rd, Charles, b. June 7, 1842, d. Apr. 1, 1862; 4th Annie b. Jan. 12, 1844; 5th, Benj. b. Nov. 28, 1845, d. Sept. 24, 1846; 6th, Benj. b.

Apr. 2, 1848; 7th Josiah Baker, b. Feb 10, 1850; 8th Harriet Alien, b. Nov. 8, 1851, d. Mar. 9, 1852; 9th Mary Eliza., b. Jan 13, 1854; 10th, Nathan b. July 24, 1855, d. Aug. 8, 1855; 11th Franklin Poole, b. Aug. 17, 1856; 12th Henry August, b. Oct. 6, 1860.
(3)   Sheldon, b. Feb. 26, 1812, m. Jan. 23, 1850, Matilda Ann Kelley, b. Aug. 27, 1824, their chil: (1) John Lewis, b. Dec. 22, 1850, d. Jan. 20 1851. (2) Louisa Durkee, b. Oct. 14, 1852; (3) Alexander Poole, b. May 28, 1854; Mary Kelley, b. Oct. 12, 1862.
(4)   Benjamin, b. Apr. 15, 1815.
(5)   John b.
(6)   Charles, b. 
(7)   Sophia, b. [pencil handwritten: Hernlow???]
(8)   Elizabeth b. [pencil handwritten: Gardrier???]
(9)   Nancy b. [pencil handwritten: Patch??]
163.     Sophia, b. Oct. 18. 1787, d. Aug. 17, 1817, m. abt. 1810 William Bain, and had:
            (1) Warren, b. abt. 1810, d. Feb. 28, 1873.
(2) Robert, b. June 10, 1812, d. May 10, 1863.
93.       Timothy Poole6, son of Jonathan5 and Mary Sheldon (John4, Jona3 Jona2 and John1) was b. May 3, 1762, d. Feb. 10, 1828, m. 1st Mar. 25, 1787, Lucy dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Pope, b. Feb. 13, 1762, d. Nov. 21, 1796, and m. 2d Dec. 27, 1798, Jonathan [hand written above: Jerusha] Fitch, dau. of Josiah and Jerusha (Brooks) Richardson, b. Woburn, May 4, 1777, d. Reading, Aug. 15, 1839.  (The Richardson Genealogy states the parents of Jerusha to have been Bartholomew and Abigail

(Merriam) Richardson of Woburn, which appears to be an error).  Was a decoration painter and artist, in which he displayed considerable talent, which had been inherited by one of this sons, was famous for wit, and a fondness for practical humor, withal an upright citizen and kind neighbor, and noted as a prominent founder in 1813, of the Universalist Church in South Reading.  He died greatly lamented, from the effects of a fall from an upper scaffold in his barn, at the age of 66.  His children, the first by Lucy, the others by Jerusha, were:
164.     i.          Lucy7, b. June 29, 1789, d. Sept. 4, 1869 m. Mr. Jennings.
165.     ii.         Caroline Boardman7, b. May 24, 1802, d. in Cambridge, Oct. 27, 1844. Unm.
166.     iii.        Alexander7, b. July 25, 1804, d. 1878. m. 1st, Nov. 11, 1847, Cynthia, dau. of Daniel and Esther Rugg, b. Heath, Mass., Nov. 26, 1816, d. July 30, 1871.  He m. 2d April 2, 1873, Lucy Ann, dau. of Capt. Robert and Lucy Upton of Salem, b. Nov. 12, 1822.  They have no children:  He received a medical education, was a practicing physician in Cambridge and Chelsea, and later in Wakefield his native place.
167.     iv.        Franklin7, b. Oct. 19, 1808 m. at Deerfield, N. H. Aug. 19, 1840, Rebecca Prescott Rollins.  Is an artist by profession, resides on the old homestead of his father, Salem Street, Wakefield.  He was a representative to the Legislature from South Reading, 1847.
98.       Isaac Poole6, son of John5 and Susannah (Timothy4

Jona3 Jona2 and John1), b. Lynnfield (N. Saugus) on the old Poole place of 1636, Jan. 19, 1775, d. Feb. 12, 1814, m. Jan. 18, 1807, Eliza Black (of Lynn?)  Was a yeoman, and resided at Lynn.  Children:
168,     i.          Larkin Ward7, b. Nov. 17, 1807, d. April 25, 1859 in Australia, where he went for his health in 1853.  He was employed in the manufacture of shoes while in Lynn.  He m. Aug. 18, 1844, Adeline, dau. of Daniel and Nancy Kidder, b. Boston, May 11, 1822.
169,     ii.         Thomas7, b. Sept. 20, 1809, d. Dec. 5, 1809.
99.       Thomas Poole6, son of John5, and Susannah (Timothy4, Jona3 Jona2 and John1) b. May 20, 1777, d. 1825 m. Oct. 19, 1799 Susanna Stimpson of Reading, -  Made a voyage to the West Indies for the recovery of his health, and was seized with Yellow Fever and died there.  By church records of Wakefield he is stated to have had an adopted son, Charles Melville Poole, who was baptized Oct. 12, 1806. By his wife he had no issue.
101-b   Jonathan Poole6, son of Eleazer Flagg5 and Mary (Jona.4 Jona.3 Jona.2 and John1) b. Woburn, Sept. 5, 1758. Removed to Hollis, N. H. and m. Dec. 7, 1780, Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. John and Elizabeth (Hall) Hale of Pepperell, Mass. b. Sept. 28, 1762 d. Haverhill, N. H. Dec. 12, 1846 at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Rebecca Hunt. (She m. 2d. April 2, 1808, Oxford, N. H. Judge James Woodward of the District Court, who was b. March 28, 1741, d, Haverhill Jan. 11, 1821.)
            Jonathan was educated as a physician under the care of Dr. John Hale of Hollis, with whom he remained several years.  Dr. Hale was appointed Assistant Surgeon

in the Colonial Army in 1755, serving in Col. Blanchard’s regiment in the expedition against the French and Indians at Crown Point in that year, and was surgeon in the second expedition of 1758, in the regiment of Col. Hart.  In 1777 he was commissioned again as Surgeon in Col. Poor’s New Hampshire regiment of the Revolutionary Army, and young Jonathan Poole, then a medical student, accompanied him as assistant and continued for over three years in the military service, and faithfully discharging the duty of a medical officer, until on June 4, 1780, he retired from duty in the field to his home in Hollis, and settled as resident physician enjoying an extensive practice until his death in July 25, 1797.  A young son of Dr. John Hale also accompanied his father, as assistant and hospital steward, and served three years, and afterwards m. Esther, one of the sisters of Dr. Jona. Poole.
            Dr. Poole’s wife was neice of Col. William Prescott the commander of the American troops at Bunker Hill, through the latter’s marriage to Dr. John Hale’s sister and he was the ancestor of William H. Prescott the historian.  Dr. Hale was one of the most active agents in organizing the N. H. troops who were forwarded to Cambridge and participated in the battle of the 17th June, having been an influential member of the convention the previous April, which assembled at Exeter, N. H., and it is probable his influence contributed to place his brother-in-law, Col. Prescott in the responsible position in which though suffering defeat, he won for himself

and his undisciplined command, not only the respect of the enemy but imperishable renown.
            The children of Dr. Jona. Poole6 and his wife Elizabeth were:-
169-a.              Jonathan7 b. Hollis, June 2, 1781, d. Hollis in infancy.
169-b.  ii.         Eliza7, b. Mar. 26, 1783, d. unm Haverhill, N. H., Mar. 23, 1873.
169-c.  iii.        Samuel Hale7, b. Nov. 23, 1784, d. Bristol, Me. Apr. 22, 1869.
169-d.  iv.        Jonathan7, b. June 3, 1787, d. Northumberland, N. H. Oct. 27, 1872, M. Rebecca Gage.   
169-e   v.         Susan7, b. Aug. 17, 1790, d. Haverhill, N. H. May 14, 1875, m. Apr. 28, 1813, Joshua, son of Judge James and Hanna (Clark) Woodward b. Haverhill, N. H. Oct. 2, 1786, d. Mar. 12, 1863, a yeoman.
            Their children:- (1) Elizabeth, b. Mar. 19, 1814, d. Dec. 26, 1838; (2) Susan, b. Jan. 8, 1816, d. May 6, 1838; (3) James, b. June 21, 1818; (4) Joshua Henry b. Oct. 27, 1820
169-f.  vi.        Rebecca7, b. Hollis, Nov. 20, 1791, d. Haverhill, N. H. Nov. 8, 1863, m. Dec 24, 1811, Caleb son of Henry and Elizabeth (Seaver) Hunt, b. Bath, N. H. Aug. 3, 1782, d. June 10, 1861, Haverhill; was originally a woolen manufacturer, afterwards farmer, a descendant of Edward and Anne (Weed) Hunt of Amesburg, Mass. Their children were: (1) Caleb Seaver, b. 1815; (2) Rebecca b. 1817, d. 1853; (3) Harriet b. 1819; d. 1829; (4)

Louisa Gibbs, b. 1821; (5) Eliza Jane, b. 1823, d. 1856; Horace b. Feb. 24, 1825; (7) Wm. Prescott, b. Jan. 14, 1827 (8) Harriet, b. 1829 (9) Henry Clay, b. 1831; and (10) Ellen Cornelia, b. 1834.
101-c.  Eleazer Flagg Poole6, son of Eleazer F5 (Jona.4 Jona.3 Jona.2 and John1) b. Woburn, Jan. 19, 1761; He married Sept. 8, 1777, Mary dau. of Joshua and Rachel Reed, b. June 3, 1760, d. Nov. 27, 1796.  He was a soldier in the six months troop, raised in N. H. in 1780, being then under age, though he had been married nearly three years, and one child had already born to him.
By his wife Mary he had –
169-g.  i.          Eleazer Flagg7, b. Feb. 25, 1799, d. Dec. 30, 1856; m. widow Abigail (Edgell) Thayer.
169-h.  ii.         Mary7, recorded as Polly, b. Jan. 23, 1781; m. Joshua Davis and removed to Springfield, Vt., and had several children.
169-i.   iii.        William7, b. 1782, d. Londonderry, N. H. 1821, Married Anne Richardson.
169-j.   iv.        Rufus7, b.  Mar. 24, 1785, d. Westford, July 21, 1825, married Martha Raymond.
            101d.   Rufus Pool6, son of Eleazer F5. (Jona.4 Jona.3 Jona.2 and John1) b. Woburn, March 30, 1769, removed from Woburn and resided in various places, married in Boston Mary Fanning, July 22, 1788, one child only recorded.  He removed last to Stanstead, Canada East, when he died.
169-k.  i.          Sarah b. Newton, Mass. Mar. 6, 1792.

101 f.   Theodore Carter Poole6, son of Eleazer F. and b. a twin with Esther Flagg, Woburn, July 7, 1772, removed to Canada with his brother Rufus, married and has a family and d. there.
101.     James Poole6, son of John5 and Susannah (Timothy4, John3, Jona.2 and John1) b. N. Saugus, Mar. 2, 1784; d. Apr. 15, 1856.  Resided at the old homestead, was a builder and mason, m. 1st Sept. 10, 1806, Dorcas, dau. of William and Betsey Mansfield, b. Mar. 11, 1784, d. Mar. 28, 1843?  He m. 2d 1845 Clarissa, dau. of Harvey Jacobs, and widow of Elijah Downing, b. 1792, d. Oct. 9, 1862, age 70.  Children, all by Dorcas:-
170.     i.          Sally7, b. May 26, 1807, m. Lynn, Mar. 8, 1828, Otis, son of Allen and Michael Newhall, b. Oct. 16, 1806, d. Jan. 9, 1867.  The widow resides in Lynn.  Children:-
            (1) Sarah Maria, Mansfield8 b. June 15, 1828.
            (2) James Otis8, b. April 11, 1830.
            (3) George Franklin8, b. Jan. 31, 1832; d. Aug. 23, 1864.
            (4) Mary Eliza8, b. Apr. 13, 1834.
            (5) Edward Everett8, b. May 29, 1836, d. Oct. 6 1864.
            (6) Herman Chauncey8, b. May 13, 1838.
            (7) Henry Allen8, b. Aug. 14, 1840.
            (8) Susan Lucy8, b. Apr. 24, 1843.
            (9) Jesse Rhodes8, b. July 5, 1853.
171.     ii.         James7, b. Mar. 16, 1809, m. Mary Downing and Eliza. Holt.