
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 176-200

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

172.     iii.        George Franklin7, b. Feb. 18, 1811, m. Sarah Moulton & Mary Emerson.
173.     iv.        Lavina7, b. Aug 2, 1813, d. July 15, 1820
174.     v.         Stephen Decatur7, b. Nov. 26, 1816, d. Sept. 22, 1870 m. Susan Clark.
175.     vi.        Lavinia Rutter7, b. Aug. 6, 1825, d. Sept. 8, 1849.
176.     vii.       Dorcas Mansfield7, b. Apr. 15, 1828, d. Apr. 27, 1828.
105.     William Wellstead Poole6, son of Wm.5 and Hannah Nichols (Benjamin4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1) b. Reading, Mass. May 6, 1756 d. Windsor, Vt. Apr. 8, 1836.  He was born the same year of his father’s removal to Hollis, and was a resident of that town at the beginning of the revolution, when he entered the military service in 1776, and served with the two months troops, on the roll of which is his receipt for 3 for said service.  The name on the roll is entered as Wm. Worsted Pool.  He m. Oct. 17, 1780, Sarah, dau. of Benj. Farley and removed to Windsor, Vt. His children were:
177.     i.          William7, b. abt. 1781, m. Prudeniea Morse.
178.     ii.         James7, b. Aug. 14, 1785, d. Hanover, N. H. July 18, 1828, m. Lucy Weld.  See W. L. Pool’s letter.
179.     iii.        Sarah7, b. Dec. 24, 1787, d. Clairmont, N.H. Nov. 20 1863, m. May 6, 1810.  Ebenezers son of Eben and Matilda (Cook) Brewer b. Claremont, Sept. 13, 1785, d. Nov. 5, 1873, was a yeoman.  Their children were:
            (1) Sarah Matilda, b. Feb. 6, 1811, m. Mr. Goddard of Claremont.
            (2) Hannah Maria, b. Jan. 4, 1813.

(3) Lucy Anne, b. Dec. 3, 1814 d. Apr. 23, 1816.
(4) Wm. Wellstead, b. Jan. 1, 1817 drowned July 4, 1820.
(5) James Poole, b. Dec. 29, 1818, unm. & lives Pittsburg, Pa.
(6) Lucy Anne, b. July 8, 1820, d. Mar. 14, 1870
(7) Martha Miranda, b. Haverhill, N. H. Feb. 25, 1823, m. N. C. Goddard & lives at Malden, Mass.
180.     iv.        Hannah7, b. Hollis, Mar. 4, 1790, d. Clinton Mass. Jan. 10, 1861, m. Nov. 28, 1818, Godfrey Stevens son of Josiah and Matilda b. Claremont, N. H. Sept. 10, 1796 d. Sept. 18, 1842.  Trader.  Their children were:
            (1) Sarah Jane Stevens, b. Aug. 26, 1819, d. July 26, 1821.
(2) Charles G. b. Sept. 16, 1821.  Attorney at law residing at Clinton, Mass., President of First National Bank, Clinton.
(3) James E. P. b. Sept. 4, 1827, d. Dec. 9 1865.
(4) And (5) two children who died in infancy.
106.     James Poole6, son of William5 and Hannah Nichols (Benjamin4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1), was born Reading, Mass. Dec. 21, 1757, d.    1827, m. 1st Caroline? Dau. of Edwd. And Caroline (Levett) Richardson, and 2d Eunice dau. of Chaplin of Ipswich, Mass. b. Aug. 1, 1766. D. Portland, 1855.  He was a soldier of the revolution and served in the Massachusetts line at the capture of Burgoyne at Saratoga, Aug. 1777.  He was subsequently an officer of marines on board the sloop-of-war Alliance, 20 guns, and served in the ship on her successful cruise in the

British Channel and Mediterranean, until near the close of the War, when, on her homeward voyage, she was captured after a gallant and bloody contest by a sixty-gun frigate on the banks off Newfoundland.  He settled at Portland, Me. after the war, and adopted the profession of the law. His eldest son and only child by his first wife was – 
181.     i.          James7,  jr. b. abt. 1789 (?) d.     m. 1803 Patience Humewell, and by his second wife had:-
182.     ii          William Laurens7, b. Portland, Me. Jan. 6, 1804, m. May 12, 1824 Mary Cotton.
183.     iii.        Daniel - C7, b. Portland 1806, d. Lafayette Ind. 1852, a Lawyer by profession, and served as aid to Gov. Fairchild in the Aroostook War,[] in 1835, when Maine attempted to vindicate her territorial rights in the boundary dispute with Great Britain (a controversy settled by the Ashburton treaty.  He served also in the legislature, and was distinguished for his able opposition to President Jackson’s measure of distributing the surplus revenue among the states.  He removed afterwards to Lafayette, Ind., where he followed the practice of the law until his death in 1852.
184.     iv.        Benjamin, b. Portland, Me. 1810, d. St. A[u]gustine, Fla. Nov. 9, 1839.  Appointed Cadet at West Point, June 1826, graduated June 30, 1830 in the class

with Gen. R. C. Buchanan, Gen. J. B. Magruder and other promoted brevet, 2d lieutenant in 3d Artillery, though recommended in a commission in the engineers, promoted 2n Lieut., July 1, 1830, and 1st Lieut. Aug. 31, 1836.  He was placed on special engineer duty on the Lakes in 1830 where he served five years and rejoined his regiment at the beginning of the Seminole War in Florida in 1835.  From this service he was ordered to the survey of the Mississippi River had his report and recommendation thereon were adopted by the War Department and a large appropriation asked for, to construct a ship canal direct to the Gulf in accordance with his plan, which in some features resembled that adopted in 1876 to confine the current of that river by means of jetties.  The Autumn of 1839 found him on duty at San A[u]gustine, Florida, where he with a number of other officers of merit were swept away by the Yellow Fever epidemic of that year.
113.     Benjamin Poole6,  son of William5 and Hannah (Benj.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1) b. Hollis, N. H., July 1, 1771, d. April 20, 1836, m. 1794 Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Fletcher of Dunstable, Mass. b. Oct. 22, 1770, d. Oct. 31, 1860.  A farmer. Their children:
185.     i.          Sarah               : twins born     : d. Oct. 7, 1797.
186      ii.         Benjamin         : Jan. 24, 1795:  d. Oct. 11 1787.
187.     iii.        William, b. Aug. 17, 1797, d. Aug. 25, 1797.
188.     iv.        Sarah Nichols, b. Sept. 10, 1798, d. March 28, 1864, m. June 1828, David Hoyt and had one child,
            (1) Sarah, b. 1829, m. George Mahan and resided

            Memphis, Tenn.
189.     v.         Benjamin Fletcher7, b. July 11, 1800 m. Rebecca Eastman.
190.     vi.        Lucy, b. Aug. 29, 1802, d. July 17, 1835, m. Apr. 4, 1823, Dr. B. Gardner Cutter, son of Benoni and Phoebe (Tenney) Cutter of Hollis, b. Jan. 17, 1803, d. July 15, 1849. Is a physician. Their children were:-
            (1) Lucy Caroline b. 1824.
            (2) Benoni, b. 1826, d. age 11 weeks.
            (3) Benjamin Benoni b. 1828.
191.     vii.       Hannah, b. July 27, 1804, m. Daniel Emerson of Hollis. Removed subsequently to Kalamazoo, Mich.
192.     viii.      Susan Fletcher, b. Apr. 8, 1808, m. Mar. 6, 1833, Dr. John H. Cutter, brother of above Dr. B. G. Cutter) b. Aug. 16, 1807, a physician of Hollis.  Their children:-
            (1) Susan Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1834.
            (2) Ralph H.      b. Nov. 6, 1836.
            (3) John Francis b. Jan. 6, 1838, d. Feb 22, 1875.
            (4) Sarah Caroline b. Sept. 20, 1840, d. July 12, 1844
(5) Lucy Fayette b. Dec. 28, 1842.
(6) Kate Humphrey b. Feb. 20, 1845.
(7) Mary Caroline        : twins born
(8) William Poole        : July 17, 1847.
(9) Sarah C b. Aug. 25, 1849.
193.     ix.        John Langdon b. March 30, 1810 m. Mary Boynton.

194.     x.         Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1814, d. June 29, 1835, unmarried.
118.     Samuel Pooleson of Samuel5 and Mehitable (Benj.4 Jona3 Jona2 John1) b. East Sudbury, Mass,. Sept. 12, 1761.  He was administrator of the estate of his father who died in 1776, and whose widow, Hannah (not the mother of Samuel) removed to Reading and died there.  Samuel, the son was living in 1783, at E. Sudbury, and probably succeeded to the estate as well as to the business (that of a tanner) followed by his father.
123.     Ebenezer Poole6, son of Sam’l5 and Hannah (Choate) (Benj.4 Jona3 Jona2 John1) b. East Sudbury, Mass. Feb. 11, 1775, removed to Roxbury, Mass. Thence to Jaffrey, N. H., where he d. Dec. 31, 1857.  Was a yeoman, and m. Olive, dau. of John and Martha (Shed) Ward, b. Roxbury, May 20, 1774, d. Jaffrey, Oct. 9, 1846.  Their children were all b. in Jaffrey, H. H. and were
195.     i.          Mary M7, b. Aug. 4, 1802, residence Brookline, Mass.
196.     ii.         Catharine7, b. Sept. 17, 1803, d. Sept. 3, 1820, Groton, Mass.
197.     iii.        Samuel7, b. Sept. 17, 1803, d. Ashland, Mass. Oct. 18, 1871, m. Clarissa Morse.
198.     iv.        Hannah C7, b. March 7, 1806, d. April 26, 1858, m. Ezekiel Merrill, Roxbury, Carpenter and Builder, and had:-
            (1) Henrietta A. Merrill; (2) Catharine; (3) Martha; (4) Lucy and (5) Walter.

199.     v.         Martha Shed7, b. July 11, 1807, d. Dec. 23, 1827 at Roxbury, Mass., of Smallpox.
200.     vi.        Caroline7, b. Nov. 18, 1808, d. Jan. 12, 1858 m. Jaffrey, N. H. Parsons (Persons another record says), son of Benj. and Susan Darling, farmer and cooper, and had –
            (1) Mary Miriam Darling, b. May 9, 1837, Jaffrey N. H.
            (2) John Ward b. Jan. 10, 1843, d. a soldier in the war of the rebellion, of the 16th New Hampshire volunteers, in Louisiana, May 19, 1863.
201.     vii.       Ebenezer7, b. July 5, 1810, d. Sandwich Islands, date unknown, m. Roxbury, Mass. Dec. 15, 1833, Clarissa Duisdell.
202.     viii.      John Ward7, b. Aug. 3, 1812, d. Jaffrey Jan. 7, 1875, m. 1st, Edith Cutter, 2d Dorothy Holt.
203.     ix.        William M7, b. Aug. 10, 1814, m. Emeline Sanders.
204.     x.         Elizabeth B. 7, b. Aug. 18, 1818, d. Sept 19, 1819.
205.     xi.        Elizabeth7, b. June 10 1820, d. Nov. 13, 1868, m. Sept. 1, 1844, John H., son of Ephraim H. and Lydia Butler, grocer of Salmon Falls, N. H., b. Moultonboro, Sept. 18, 1819. One child, Emma R., b. Apr. 10, 1848.
124.     Joseph Eaton Poole6,  son of Samuel5 and Elizabeth (Samuel4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1) b. Reading, July 24, 1759,

d. Oct. 20, 1788.  Was a yeoman and inherited the farm of his father, of whose will he was executor.  He married Lydia Hayward, of Malden, Oct. 25, 1786, but had no children.Administration on his estate was granted James and Joseph Bancroft and Nathan Parker, on Oct. 5, 1788.
132.     Thomas Poole6 son of Thomas5 and Mary (Parker) (Sam’l.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1) b. Reading Dec. 5, 1773, d. North Woburn, Mass. whither he removed on marriage, Feb. 5, 1841; m. Aug. 18, 1796 Ruth, dau. of Jabez and Keziah Thompson of Woburn, b. Nov. 2, 1773, d. April 29, 1840  Yeoman. Their children were:-
206.     i.          Mary, b. Jan. 15, 1797, residence (1876) Wakefield, Mass.; m. Oct. 14, 1819 Col. James, son of James and Sarah (Hopkinson) Hartshorn, b. Aug. 13, 1796, d. Apr. 25, 1870.  Their children:-
            (1) Thomas Wilson Hartshorn, b. Aug. 2, 1821, d. Sept. 8, 1822.
            (2) Thomas Wilson, b. Nov. 17, 1823, d. Aug. 18, 1842
            (3) William Hubbard, b. Dec. 3, 1824, d. Aug. 3, 1826
            (4) William Hubbard, b. Sept. 30, 1826.
            (5) Mary Parker, b. Aug. 20, 1830, m. John Rayner.
            (6) Charles Frederick, b. Jan. 20, 1835.
207.     ii.         George, b. Dec. 10, 1798, d. June 26, 1875, m. Clarissa Kimball.
208.     iii.        Ruth Thompson, b. Mar. 28, 1801, unm.
209.     iv.        Jefferson Thomas, b. Mar. 9, 1803, d. Boston, 1853, m. and had 1 ch. Charles H.
210.     v. Thomas Jefferson, b. Also Mar. 9, 1803 (twin)

m. Woburn, Apr. 15. 1828. Rhoda Thompson, dau. of Stephen (of Reading) and Abigail (Tidd) Nichols, b. Woburn, May 4, 1810, d. July 3, 1863.  Children.
            (1) Amanda Francis, b. Oct. 17, 1829.
            (2) Abby Francis, b. Apr. 6, 1837, m. June 11, 1857 Harrison Buckman of Marion, Ia. 1 ch. Nettie, May, b. June, 11, 1858.
211.     vi.        Rufus, b. March 10, 1805, m. Susan Gleason.
212.     vii.       Harriet Clarissa (twin) b. March 23, 1807, m. Oct. 4, 1827, James Howard of North Woburn, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Howard, b. July 9, 1800.  Their children were:-
            (1) Eveline Howard b. June 24, 1828; (2) Harriet b. Feb. 5, 1830, d. March 11, 1875; (3) Eliza, b. Dec. 24, 1862, d. Oct. 20, 1870; (4) James A. b. Dec. 31, 1835; (5) Malvina, b. Nov. 13, 1837, d. June 17, 1866; (6) Warren, b. July 11, 1840; (7) Elizabeth b. Jan. 13, 1872.
213.     viii.      Clarissa Harriet (twin with above) b. March 23, 1807; m. April. 17, 1831, Edwin Fuller, of N. Woburn son of Benj. and Susan (Jackson) Fuller, b. Mar. 16, 1808 d. April 25, 1863; their children:
            (1) Clara Malvina Fuller b. May 8, 1832, d. Nov. 28, 1834.
            (2) George Henry, b. Jan. 20, 1834; (3) ChasEdwin b. May 1, 1836; (4) Anne Elizabeth, b. July 31, 1838, d. Aug. 3 1838. (5) William Marion, b. Oct. 15, 1839. d/ Feb. 24, 1842; (6) Abbe Celestine, b. Jan. 18, 1842; (7) Adelburt Wilson, b. Feb. 8, 1844, d. Dec. 21, 1847; (8) Willis Marion, b. Aug. 29, 1846, d. Sept. 10, 1848;

(9)   Willis Adelbert, b. Aug. 15, 1849, d. July 5, 1852.
214.     ix.        Warren, b. Oct. 10, 1809, unm. Residence N. Woburn.
215.     x.         Loring, b. Jan. 29, 1811, unm. Res. South Framingham.
216.     xi.        William Henry (twin) b. Jan. 2, 1813, unm. res. Woburn.
217.     xii.       Henry William (twin) b. Jan. 2, 1813, “      “        “
142.     Ward Poole6, son of William5 and Elizabeth Ward (Zachariah4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1) b. South parish of Danvers, now Peabody, Apr. 17, 1763, d. Nov. 14, 1828, m. 1st, Feb. 19, 1792, Sarah, dau. of Rev. Joseph and Sarah Perry of East Winsor, Conn. b. Mar. 2, 1771, d. Jan. 25, by whom he had two children – and 2d March 30, 1797, Rebecca, dau. of Joseph Seccomb of Salem, by whom he had four.  He succeeded on the death of his father to a considerable estate in land and other property dividing with his younger brother Fitch, the business of dealer in wool and manufacturer of morocco and leather.  He was a citizen of public spirit and integrity, of careful and industrious habits, and though greatly respected by his townsmen, never accepted and prominent office in their gift.  He was only thirteen at his father’s death and his elder brother William dying before he became of age, left the care of the family and business to him as eldest surviving son.  He was a successful manufacturer, and devoted also a portion of his time to agriculture.

The inventory of his estate taken shortly after his death, which took place on Nov. 14, 1828. Shows that it had been well managed throughout his life, and comprised homes and land in Danvers, Salem, Rowley and Bradford mills and water privileges, storehouse, tanyards and mowing and tillage land at the homestead, all valued a very low rate, but amounting to $30,488.46, including personal property.  His will dated, Aug. 13, 1828 appoints Abner Sanger executor, and gives his wife Rebecca his dwelling house and furniture and the home-lot of about two acres, with the interest of the principal sum of five thousand Dollars for life, in lieu of bar of dower.  The residue of his property and the principal sum above stated after his wife’s death to go to his grandchildren, Josua Hall, William Frederick, and Henry Ward, children of his son Ward, jr. and Eliza his wife, and any other children they may have, to be divided between them as tenants in common.  The said estate was made chargable with an annual sum to be paid his son Ward Poole, jr., during his life, and that of his wife or the survivor of them.  The will is witnesses by Gen. Wm. Sutton, Dea. Fitch Poole and Fitch Poole, jr., and on being presented for probate, but the executor, was certified by the heirs, Rebecca Poole and Ward Poole, jr, and their consent recorded to the probate and allowance of the will as filed.  Subsequently however, through the counsel of the heirs, Hon. Joshua H. Ward of Salem, the Mass. legislature so far changed the privisions as to permit the use of the property for the benefit and

education of the grandchildren during the life of their parents.  His first wife Sarah Perry, daughter of Rev. Joseph Perry was a lady of great intelligence and personal attractions, and her sister was the first wife of Peter S. Du Ponceau, of Philadelphia, president of the American Philosophical society, whose correspondence with the family continued a numbers of years after her decease.
            The children of Ward Poole and Sarah Perry were two
218.     i.          William, b. Jan. 1, 1794, m. Sarah Smith.
219.     ii.         Joseph Perry, b. Nov. 8, 1795, d. Feb. 14, 1796.
            And of Ward and Rebecca Seecomb, four.
220.     iii.        Joseph, b. Dec. 30, 1797. d/
221.     iv.        Ward, jr. b. Jan 30, 1799, d. May 22, 1864, m. Eliza Wilder.
222.     v.         Rebecca, b. Oct. 4, 1800, d. Oct. 15, 1801.
223.     vi.        Sally, b. April 18, 1802, d. Feb. 27, 1809.
146.     Fitch Poole6 sen., son of William5 and Elizabeth (Zach.4, Jona.3, Jona.2 and John1) b. South Parish of Danvers now Peabody, at the old homestead of 1757, near “Stone bridge over Strong-water brook” on Feb. 13, 1772, and d. Jan. 23, 1838.  He was for nearly 40 years a deacon of the old South Chruch, formerly “Middle Precinct” Church of Salem.  He m. June 13, 1802, Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Hon. And Rev. Manassah Cutler, of Hamilton, D. D., L. L. D. (Yale 1765) and his wife Mary (Balch) of Dedham, dau. of Rev. Thos. Balch of that place and granddaughter of     Sumner. Dea. Poole followed the occupation of his father and brother Ward, to whom, with himself,

the paternal estate descended, and was for many years a tanner and considerable dealer in wool, the front of his place of business being ornamented with “the sign of the Lamb”, an artistic carved snow white figure of which served as a landmark for many years, and which was also, of the character and life of its proprietor.  He was distinguished for modesty, piety and benevolence, and possessed all the traits of character which could endear him to his friends and the community at large. He was zealous in every good work, and particularly active in the temperance movement, and in connection with his brother-in-law, Dr. Joseph Terrey, originated what is claimed to have been the first temperance society formed in America, and perhaps in the world, in the year 1812.  It was called the Moral Society, and was organized with Judge Sam’l. Holten as President, Dr. Torrey, Secretary and Fitch Poole, Treasurer.  They declared in that early day when social drinking was an almost universal practice, that “the use if intoxicating liquors as a beverage was an evil, and only evil continually.”
            He was also a liberal contributor to local charities, and aided with his power and influence every moral and religious enterprise.  Though declining political office, to which he had a repugnance, to the parties, he was commissioned and held position for many years as Justice of the Peace, and was in early manhood an officer of militia, having been appointed Ensign by Gov. Sumner

during the exciting period of ’97-99 when a war with France was imminent, and afterwards promoted to be Captain.  He prized above all others the office of Deacon of the Church, which he held forty years, and was esteemed one of the chief pillars of the ancient Orthodox faith.
            His wife, the daughter of Dr. Cutler was b. July 6, 1779, and d. April 22,, 1854. She was noted for personal beauty, and a great amiability of character, and for the constant practice of hospitality, benevolence, and all the kindly graces of social life.  Their house was the frequent resort of the clergy of that day, who were then, whatever they may be alleged to have been since, the most cultured, learned and accomplished individuals to be found in the ranks of the educated classes of the period.  The children of this family, eleven in number, all born in South Danvers, now Peabody, were:-
224.     i.          Fitch, jr. b. June 13, 1803, d. Aug. 19, 1873, m. Mary Anne Poor.
225.     ii.         Eliza Cutler, b. Jan. 22, 1805, m. Wm. D. Wheeler of Worcester, Mass., July 11, 1833, a lawyer by profession and Clerk of the Probate Court of that County at the time of his death which occurred on June 23, 1834, less than one year after their marriage.  She inherited a decided literary and artistic taste, cultivated by the education in the best schools New England afforded in the early part of the Century, being a graduate of Hartford Seminary, then under the charge of Miss. Catharine and Miss. Harriet Beecher (Stowe) and was afterward a 

teacher in the female seminary of Georgetown, D. C, She was fond of the study of literature, and though not in the ordinary sense an authoress, yet she contributed a number of articles on social and religious subjects to the periodical press, and edited the Lady’s Almanac, a favorite annual publication, for several years.  Her only child by Mr. Wheeler was
            Sophia Williamina, b. Apr. 22, 1834, unmarried, and accomplished scholar and proficient in music.
226.     iii.        Leonard, b. Jan. 12, 1807, d. Oct. 6, 1859 m. Mary M. Wilder.
227.     iv         Maria, b. Oct. 30, 1808, d. June 10, 1810.
228.     v.         Sarah Perry, b. Dec. 26, 1810, d. Jan. 23, 1856;? m. Dec. 26, 1843, Hon. Caleb L. Frost of Danvers son of John and Lucy (Lowe) Frost, b. Mar. 15, 1792, d. 1852.  She was his third wife, he having m. 1st Nov. 11, 1819. Sally Daniels, b. Aug. 16, 1800, d. Sept. 28, 1833, by whom he had (1) Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 19, 1821, d. Nov. 19, 1822 (?) Lucy Frye b. June 16, 1825, m. James M Caller [not clear whether this should be M. Caller or McCaller] (3) John, b. Sept. 2, 1833.  He m. 2d May 9, 1838, Mrs. Elizabeth, dau. of Enoch  & Sarah Shillaber Poor, neice of Rev. Dr. Dan’l Poor missionary and widow of Nathan Lakeman, b. Oct. 26, 1810, d. May 1, 1839.  Mr. Frost was a successful business man, a representative and senator in the state legislature, and highly esteemed in all the relations of life.
229.     vi.        Edward, b. May 15, 1812, d. Keene, N. H.,

May 7, 1847, m. Elvira Wilder.
230.     vii.       Horace, b. Sept. 18, 1815, d. Feb. 13, 1834, from debility, terminating in consumption, induced by an injury to one of his limbs, by which he became a cripple.  He was a young man of great promise and for a year or two had an important trust in one of the banks of his native town.
231.     viii.      Rebecca, b. Aug. 23, 1819, m. Aug. 19, 1847, Leonard, son of Leonard and Sarah Pratt, of Pembroke, N. H., b. April 12, 1819.  His business is that of a baker, and for many years was a popular caterer for large public assemblies in the cities and towns in the vicinity of his residence.  Their children:-
(1) Helen Noyes Pratt, b. Feb. 17, 1850, m. Oct. 12, 1868, Wm. S Bulkey of Peabody, and had (1) Annie Francis, b. May 11, 1874; (2) Macy Eliza, b. Dec. 29, 1876.
(2) Carrie Lizzie, b. Jan. 4, 1851, d. Aug. 16, 1854.
(3) Annie, b. Nov. 14, 1859, d. Jan. 22, 1864.
232.     ix.        Samuel Augustus, b. Dec. 12, 1820, d. Dec. 8, 1862, unmarried.  Was an early emigrant to California, on Argonaut of ’49, and returned in 1859, broken in health from which he never recovered.
233.     x.         Maria, b. Jan. 17, 1823, d. unm. Sept. 29, 1869.
234,     xi.        Charles Henry, b. Feb. 5, 1825, m. Mary A.

Daniels; d. Jan. 25, 1880.
151.     Luke Poole7, son of Jonathan6, and Anne Bancroft (Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1), born Nov. 4, 1777, at Reading; was killed in battle at the siege of York in Canada, during the last war with England, April 27, 1813.  He was by occupation a carpenter and builder and m. Dec. 14, 1800, Susanna Hill, dau. of Joseph and Mary Bates, of Cambridge, b. Feb. 25, 1778, d. March 4, 1808; their children were:-
235.     i.          Leonard8, b. Reading, Oct. 22, 1801, d. Worchester, Mass., May 13, 1862, m. Lydia Earle.
236.     ii.         Susan, b. Reading, Nov. 16, 1803, d. 1821, age 18.
237.     iii.        Charles, b. Cambridge, Aug. 1, 1806, d. Charlestown, May 6, 1863, m. Charlotte Green.
238.     iv.        Nancy, b. Cambridge, Feb. 3, 1808, d. Feb. 13, 1808.
            152.     Charles Poole, son of Jonathan6, brother of Luke, above named, b. Reading, Feb. 12, 1780. D. Salisbury, N. H. about 1850.  He m. Betsey Smith. (Dr. Alex Poole states him to have a quantity of old family paper, etc.).
153.     Haven Poole7, son of Jona6 (Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1), b. Reading, July 28, 1782, d. Salem, Mass., June 28, 1811.  He m. Oct. 15, 1804, Mary, dau. of Capt. George Chapman if Salem, b. Aug. 8, 1783, d. Aug. 17, 1868, age 85 yrs.  He was named for the Rev. Thos. Haven, pastor of the first church of Reading, of which his parents were members, who d. May 7, 1782, a

few weeks before his birth.  In 1798-9 he was apprenticed to Wm. Carleton and Thos. Cushing, booksellers and publishers of the Salem Gazette, and in 1800, Carleton having established a new paper, called the Salem Impartial Register, [] he became connected with that journal and finally it proprietor after Carleton’s death, which took place in May 1805.  He continued to publish it in Company with Warwick Palfray, an associate in the office (who m. Hannah Chapman, sister of Poole’s wife) till his untimely death, aged 29, in 1811.  This paper which still flourishes [ceased publication 1911], had from its first establishment the powerful aid and support of the Rev. Wm. Bentley, a clergyman of extensive and varied attainments, and Hon. Joseph Story, afterward Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, whose able contributions to its columns, placed it in the front rank of the influential political journals of the day.  Its politics were Republican, or anti federal, and Thomas Jefferson was its idol. Judge Story, then a rising lawyer, wrote for his young friend the celebrated motto which still stands at the heat of the Register,  “Here shall the Press the people’s rights maintain, unawed by influence, and unbribed by gain; Here patriot truth, her glorious precepts draw, pledged to Religion, Liberty and Law.”  Many other newspapers have adopted these lines without being aware of the distinguished authorship of this matchless quatrain.  Mr. Haven Pool was also the publisher of a literary paper called the “Weekly Visitant”, during the year 1806, and of another weekly called The Friend, in 1807.

After the death of Mr. Poole the paper was conducted by Mr. Palfray, who in 1835 admitted Mr. John Chapman a relative of the wife of Poole, to partnership with him, and died three years afterwards. The son of Mr. Palfray succeeded his gather as editor (Charles Warwick Palfray Havard, 1835) under whose able management the paper is still conducted.  The children of Haven Pool and Mary Chapman were:-
            239.     i.          Mary Anne8, b. May 1, 1803, d. Oct. 20 1806.
            240.     ii.         Martha Tucker8 b. Dec. 1807, d. 1836 m. Mar. 4, 1831, Nathan, son of Benj. and Rachel Smith, b. Marblehead, 1800, d. April 1864.  He changed his name by legan enactment, in April 1831, to Nathan Poole, and had one daughter, Martha Matilda Poole9, b. Feb. 8, 1835, d. June 3, 1857.
            241.     iii.        Matilda, b. 1809, d. May 1841, m. Oct. 23, 1837, Nathan Poole her deceased sister’s husband, who afterwards m. her first cousin Maria M. daughter of Lot Poole of Charlestown.

154.     Lot Poole7, son of Jona6 (Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Reading, May 13, 1784, d. Lynn, Mar. 28, 1856.  Removed to Charlestown where he m. 1st, Nov. 28, 1805, Lydia, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna Parker, of Reading, b. July 23, 1785, d. Dec. 16, 1847.  He m. 2d 1848, Fanny, dau. of Daniel and Sarah K. Briggs and widow of      Oliver, b. Mansfield, Mass., Mar. 1, 1794, d. Lynn, Sept. 18, 1873.  He was by occupation a carpenter, contractor and builder, and was a representative from Charlestown of the State Legislature. His children, all by Lydia, were:-
242.     i.          Alexis8, b. Reading, Aug. 6, 1806, d. Mar. 1865 – m. Mindwell W. Harrington.
243.     ii.         Ethelinda8 b. Reading, Sept. 5, 1808, d. Boston, Jan. 10, 1842 – m. Apr. 7, 1830, John son of John and Lydia Earle, b. Worcester, Jan. 31, 1806, head of the noted frim of John Earle, Jr. and Co. Merchant Tailors of Boston.  Children – (1) Frederick Earle, b. Dec. 10, 1830 d. Oct. 1840 (2) Walter, b. Jan. 14, 1835.
244.     iii.        Maria Mahala8, b. Reading, Apr. 6, 1810, m. May 12, 1843, Nathan Poole, of Salem (formerly Smith who had previously m. successively the 2 daughters of Haven Pool of Salem.  The children of Nathan and Maria M. Poole were (1) Lydia Parker9, b. Salem, Sept. 18, 1845; and m. 1st Apr. 1, 1861 Oliver Ober of Salem b. Apr. 23, 1842 who d. while in the army during the rebellion at Mound City, Ill., Aug. 13,

            1863; 2d – Apr. 12, 1876, Owen B, Stone, b. Sweden, Me., Mar. 10, 1835. The only child of Lydia P. and Oliver Ober, was Martha West Poole10 b. Apr. 1, 1861.
245.     iv.        Geraldine8, b. Dec. 3, 1812, d. Aug. 2, 1842 – m. Mar. 8, 1837, John Goss of Boston. Children:
            (1) Maria, b.   1838; m. Geo. Kellogg.
            (2) Martha, b. 1840?
246.     v.         Lot Haven8, b. Reading, Dec. 11, 1813, m. removed to Chicago thence to Bloomington, Ill. where he resides.
247.     vi.        Henry Strong8, b. Oct. 13, 1815, (another says Oct. 15, 1816) d. Boston, Aug. 29, 1843; M. Lydia Judkins.
248.     vii.       Matilda Anne8, b. April 12, 1818, Charlestown, m. at Newton, Mass. Dr. Henry Bigelow, son of Lewis and Sophia Bigelow, b. May 20, 1817, d. Jan. 21, 1866.  He was a physician, and their children were:
            (1) Ethie Maria Bigelow, b. Feb. 4, 1844.
            (2) Ella, b. Mar. 8, 1851, d. April 29, 1851.
            (3) Lewis, b. July 8, 1853.
            (4) Helen Tyler, b. Aug. 18, 1858.
249.     viii.      George Wakefield8, b. Charlestown, May 15, 1820; d. Somerville, Mass., 1860, a shipmaster, m. Charlestown, March 29, 1842, Maria Louisa, dau. of Reuben K. and Mary G. Blanchard,

            b. Jan. 18, 1821, Capt. Poole’s widow res. In California; Their children:- Sarah, b. Feb. 12, 1846, m. Wm. Pousland of Cambridge (2) Angeline, b. 1848, m. Frederick Powers.
250.     ix         Angelinea8, b. Dec. 12, 1821, d. Aug. 2, 1829.
251.     x.         Harriet8, b. Apr. 22, 1824, d. Nov. 6, 1831.
252.     xi.        Samuel8, b. Feb. 23, 1826, m. 1st, Dec. 6, 1848 Maria Gilmore and 2d Abby Gleason.
253.     xii.       Charles8, b. Aug. 9, 1827, d. Sept. 2, 1848/
            159.     Seth Pool7 son of Judge Sam’l. Sheldon6, of Nova Scotia (Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Apr. 9, 1799, d. June 20, 1813.  Was a master mariner, and as a British subject command a private armed vessel on a letter of marque in the war of 1812.  He took as prize a small schooner under American colors, went aboard as a prize-master, to take her into Yarmoth, and placed he crew in irons.  The captain whose name was Snow, was a cripple with a wooden leg, for which reason and because he made himself know as a free mason, to which brotherhood Capt. Poole belonged, he was released from his irons and given the liberty of the ship.  Expressing a wish to go down into the hold for some article, and it being difficult to get up and down on account of his leg, Cpat. Poole kindly offered to go in his stead, and in coming up the hatchway was struck a deadly blow on the head by Snow

with a handspike, and falling backward, his neck striking across a shifting plank in the hold, was instantly killed.  No one being on deck by Snow, he put on the hatch and liberating his men bore away for Eastport, securing his vessel and prisoner and making good his escape.
Capt. Seth Poole m. Yarmouth Nov. 24, 1807, Mary, dau. of Peter and Hannah Cashenburg, b. Jan. 4, 1785, d. Portland, Me. Aug. 7, 1863; their children were:-
254.     i.          Albert Harris8, b. Yarmouth, Mar. 19, 1808; d. Saxonville, Mass. Oct. 30, 1853; m. Elizabeth Hobson.
255.     ii.         Susan Harris8, b.  Yarmouth, Jan. 26, 1810, d. Aug. 27, 1871; m. Mar. 17, 1831, Benj. Thompson of St. Johns, N. B,; resides at Saxonville, Mass. Their children:-
            (1) Charles Albert Thompson9, b. St. Johns, Dec. 19, 1831; removed 1851 & resides in California.
            (2) James Poole9, b. Charlestown, Mass., May 1, 1834; removed to California and is by occupation a Piano-fort maker and tuner.
            (3) William Augustus9, b. at Framingham, June 16, 1836, a druggist, at Saxonville, Mass.
            (4) BenjLeRoy9, b. Framingham, May 23, 1839, a jeweler.
256.     iii.        Seth Barnes8, b. Yarmouth, N. S., Aug. 28, 1811, m. Lydia Darling.
257.     iv.        Peter Cashenburg8, b. Yarmouth, June 22, 1813 d. Liverpool, Eng., Oct. 22, 1848, m. Anne Bell

160.     John Poole7, Son of Judge Sam’l S.6 (Jona.5, John4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Yarmouth, Sept. 10, 1781 d. at sea winter of 1816, a Master-Mariner. m. Elizabeth Lewis of Yarmouth, dau. of Benj.   Their children were:-
258.     i.          Sam’lSheldon, b. 18__   d. at sea in 1852.  He m. Mahulda Cook; no children.
259.     ii.         John, b. 1804(?) m. Harriet Dane.
260.     iii.        William, b. 1806(?), d. at Yarmouth Sept. 16, 1870, m. Ruth Gardner.
261.     iv.        Caroline, b. 1808(?).
262.     v.         Mary Anne, b. 1810(?) m. abt. 1833, Wm. Berry, b. June 11, 1803, and had: (1) Adolphus Perry, b. 1835; (2) Maria, b. Apr. 21, 1837; (3) Emma, b. July 1, 1839; (4) William , b. May 9, 1841; (5) Robert b. Oct. 14, 1843; (6) Charles b. 1945; (7) Eliza, b. June 3, 1848.
263.     vi.        Maria, b. 1808; unm.
264.     vii.       Eliza, b. Sept. 12, 1810, unm.
168.     Larkin Ward Poole7 son of Isaac6 and Eliza Black (Jona.5, Timothy4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Nov. 17, 1807, in Lynn; d. in Australia, Apr. 25, 1859, where he went for the benefit of his health in 1859.  He m. Adeline Kidder of Boston, by whom he had, -
265.     i.          Larkin Ward, jr. b. Oct. 1, 1849; removed to Philadelphia; unmarried.
266.     ii.         Thomas Derby Pousland, b. Aug. 4, 1851; resides at Salem, Mass.
267.     iii.        Alonzo Wesley, b. July 12, 1858; d.

267.     iii.        Alonzo Wesley, b. July 12, 1858; d. Australia 1850(?) whither he went with his father.
169 c.  Samuel Hale Poole7, son of Dr. Jona. 6 (Eleazer F.5, Timothy4, John3, Jona.2 John1) b. Hollis, N. H., Nov. 23, 1784, d. Bristol, Me. Apr. 22, 1869. He was a Master-Mariner, but left the sea and settled as a farmer at Bristol.  He m. 1st, Dec. 25, 1808 Sally, dau.  of Geo. W. and Nancy Yates, b. Feb. 26, 1784; d. Bristol June 30, 1838 – and 2d, Dec. 24, 1840, Betsey (or Elizabeth) Yates, sister to Sally, his first wife.  She was b. Nov. 29, 1791, and was living in 1876 at Bristol.
Their children
277.     i.          Samuel Hale8, b. May 27, 1810; m. Syrena Yates.
278.     ii.         Eliza8, b. Feb. 27, 1812, d. May 9, 1873, m. July 14, 1836, Leonard, son of Wm. And Sarah (Hunter) Chamberlain, b. Fev. 19, 1800. Residence, Bristol, Me. a carpenter and builder.  Their children – (1) Joseph Austin Chamberlain, b. Dec. 6, 1838; (2) Charles Edward, b. Aug. 23, 1845.
279.     iii.        George James8, b. May 4, 1814, d. at sea 1832
280.     iv.        Theodore8, b. May 4, 1816, m. Maria Poland.
281.     v.         John8, b. Aug. 8, 1818, m. Caroline Hatch and 2nd Harriet Kelsey.
282.     vi.        Nancy Jane8, b. July 5, 1820, m. June 23, 1845, Jos. W. son of Abel and Wealthy (Gatchel) Kimball, b. Durham, Me. Apr. 18, 1818. Resides at South Boston and is a painter.  Their painter [children] were (1) Charles Henry Kimball, b. Gardner, Me., May 19, 1846 d. June 5, 1873;