
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Poole Manuscript -- Pages 51-75

On May 31, 2016, I posted the first 25 pages of the Poole Family Manuscript which may be be seen on the link. This is has been a long project, and has now ended with all 257 pages proofed. I can assure you, this is not all about the Pooles of Reading, Massachusetts. There are many other surnames in the manuscript. Each of the page numbers is active and you can see the original manuscript.

            who d. 1745, aged 87.  Their children were:
1.      James Nichols, b. July 2, 1683, who m. May 20, 1707, Joanna Lampson.
2.      Mary, b. Nov. 12, 1685, who m. Dec. 4, 1707, Benjamin Wiley.
3.      Jonathan, b. Feb. 23, 1691, who m. 1st Dec. 10, 1713, Elizab. Boutwell, and 2d, Nov. 7, 1716, Phebe Eaton, whose chil. were:- Jona Nichols, b. Nov. 5, 1717; Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1719; Benj. B. Nov. 4, 1723 and m. Mary Trow, and had Joseph Nichols. b. Apr. 13, 1752, m. Mary Dudley and rem. to Hillsboro; Benj. B. Mar. 4, 1754, m. Rebecca Bancroft and rem. To Gardner; Mary, b. July 1, 1756, m. July 31, 1776, Wm. Beers; Jona. B. June 18, 1756 m. 1775, Elizab. Calnar, and rem. to Wilmington; Jesse, b. May 1, 1760, m. 1 [first] Rebecca Walton, m. 2 [second] Aug. 13, 1789, Elizab. Howard; Ebenezer, b. Mar. 14, 1762, m. 1, 1789, Rebecca Howard, m. 2, Nov. 25, 1790, Betsey Dix.
4.      William, b. Feb. 14, 1691, who m. Abigail.
5.      Sarah, b. Mar. 30, 1699, who m. Dec. 20, 1722, Joseph Burnap, who d. Aug. 19, 1744.
6.      Ebenezer (Col) b. Mar. 29, 1703, m. Susanna – was Representative and Justice.
9.            v.         John3, b. Sept. 20, 1665, d. Lynn, Nov. 22, 1721, m. Mary Gooding, Nov. 17, 1686
10.        vi.        Jonathan3, b. Feb. 28, 1677-8, d. May 23, 1723, m. Dec. 3. 1691, Bridget Fitch.
11.        vii.       Samuel3, b. July 27, 1671, d. Boston, Dec. 21, 1697, m. Nov. 19, 1690, Mary Parker.

12.        viii.      Thomas3, b. Feb. 9, 1673-4, d. Dec. 26, 1732, m. June 18, 1695 Rebecca Boutwell.
13.        ix.        William3, b. Jan. 8, 1676-7, probably died early, or may have rem. To Long Island, New York.
14.        x.         Elizabeth3, b. Dec. 15, 1678, m. 1696 Capt. Thomas Bryant, of North Parish, son of Abraham and Mary b. 1674.  Their children were:-
(1)         Elizabeth Bryant, b. 1697, d. 1698.
(2)         Thomas, b. 1700.
(3)         Elizabeth. b. 1702.
(4)         Mary. b. 1706.
(5)         John, b. 1707.
9.         John Poole3 (Lieut.) son of Capt. Jonathan2 and Judith (John1) was born in Reading, Sept. 20, 1665, d. Nov. 21, 1721, on the old homestead, since occupied by the Rattan factory of Wakefield.  He settled first on the farm at the north end of Lake Quanapowitt or Reading Great Pond, being the Estate bequeathed to him by his grandfather and afterwards added to by his father’s will, including what has been since known as the Wakefield Farm, the Newcomb Mill, and the Cox Farm of Lynnfield.  He was a Lieutenant in the colonial forces.  He removed to Lynn in 1692-3 and sold to William and Samuel Upton, a portion of the land received under his father’s will, in 1694.   That part of Lynn End, to which he removed, in now North Saugus, a part of the Cox Farm, and he occupied the house inherited from his father, which is represented on the map on Lynn by Alonzo Lewis as the

“John Poole house 1636”, a part of which is now standing in good repair and occupied (1876-77) by Mr. Elijah Wilson.  See map.  He purchased in 1701 from Daniel Marrow of Reading, a tract of land in Lynn, “by Pool’s Plain and Town Common”, called the Great Island.  He appears as a witness to the settlement of Thos. Bancroft’s estate in Lynn, Nov. 23, 1691, he having died intestate.  He was a representative to the General court in 1706.  He left a handsome Estate without making a will, having probably died suddenly, his wife Mary being appointed administratrix, under an order of Court, and a commission of three persons to divide the property was appointed by the same authority.  They divided it as follows:
Division of the Estate of Mr. John Poole3, Lynn.
            “By virtue of a commission bearing date April 16,, 1722, directed to us, Impowering us to Divide ye said Estate, one Third yr off to ye Widow of said Mr. John Poole, Dec’d.: viz: Mrs. Mary Poole: Wee, the Subscribers have sett off to said Widow, One Third of ye building standing by the West End of the Dwelling house, from ye top to ye Bottom, with half the Cellar under itt and so much of ye back lands as is against ye whole Chimney, with liberty of using as she shall have occasion.  (Here follows assignment of one third of other building and lands)  The other Two Shares of Parts we divide as followeth. To his

eldest son John4 all ye upland and swamp land in ye farm westward of ye line of ye said widow’s third, west of ye great Swamp that joyns to ye Meadow, including it and all ye land and swamp that said John Poole4 hath in a deed from his father, Mr. John Poole3, one half of all (of) them to John Poole, eldest son afordsaid, it being laid to them equally without division at ye desire of John and Timothy Poole, and all ye before mentioned pieces of land was apprized at three hundred and twelve pounds.  (A similar portion of land is here set off to Timothy Poole “the Second son of ye Deceased”, without division and valued at Four hundred and twenty-two pounds)”.  On March 13, 1708, Lieut. John Poole of Lynn, Yeoman, conveys to Dr. John Henry Burchstead his 12th lot in 4th range on Great Nahant, 3 ½ Acres.
            Inventory of ye Personall Estate of Mr. John Poole late of Lyn, Deceased, prized upon oath by the subscribers April 16, 1722.
To Wareing Apparell.
£11. 05  0
 “ Beds & Beding of all Sorts
36  00  0
“  Books
02  10  0
“  Sheets and Linen
11  03 L0
“  Pewter 4.11            Brass £4.10
19  01 0
“  Iron Ware 46 s.       Tin ware & Single Lamp 3-6
02  09 6
“  Andirons, Tongs & Fire Pan 28 s. 8 chairs 14s
02  02 00 
“  Armory 45s Saddles, bridles 35s.
04  15 00
“  4 Furkins & Churne/
00 09 00 
“  Oxen, Cows, Horses, Sheeps, Young Cattle, Swine
77 05 00

To Cart, Plows, Utensils of Husbandry & Carpenter’s tools, 
10  11 00
 “ Chest, boxes, Chairs & Lumber,
03  13 00
 “  A Young Mare in Wiles’s keeping
08  00 00
“   A Negroe,
60  00 00
“   Bond due for bond
54  15 00

£301. 18.  6

To Leather fflax Cloth, Corn
Not Prized.
Pork & Beef for yFamily
Joseph Burnap
Prizes Sworn.
Thos. Burrill
Rich’d Johnson

Essex SS. April ye 16, Anno. Do. 1722. Then Mrs. Mary Pole [Poole], Adm’x of ye Estate of ye said John Pole [Poole] deceased, personally appeared and made oath that the above was a true and correct Inventory, and she did what may appear.
            Sworn.   Attest. Dan’l Rogers.  Reg’r.
            In May 17, 1725, the widow exhibited her account of administration, by which the Estate is credited with the value of personal property as above.  £301. 18 -6 to which is added sundry debts received of £8. 7. 1 making £310. 5. 7.  To rates paid 85s.  To Timothy Orne for a Negrow £53. 14. (a low price compared with the value of his kind before the War of 1861)  To Committee for division £2. 10  To ye Widow

In favor of Law, 10. 07. 6.  To cost of Adm’n £16.9.6-
            The personal Estate being £168. 19. 8 is divided as ye law directs, One Third to ye widow £56. 6 6.  To Timothy Poole One Share, £28. 3. 3 ¼.  To Thomas Poole one ditto £28. 3. 3 ¼.  To Sarah Poole, one ditto £28. 3. 3 ¼.  To Samuel Poole, one ditto £28. 3. 3 ¼. 
            The widow Mary Poole was appointed guardian of the two children Sam’’ and Sarah, minors under 14 years on May 17, 1725.  She was married again, April 11, 1728 to Timothy Osgood of Andover, whose first wife was Deborah Poor of that place, whom he m. May 29, 1689.
            Lieut. John Poole, or Pool as he wrote it, was buried at Reading now Wakefield, in the old graveyard on the banks of the Great Pond, the burial place of his ancestors and most of the old settlers of the town.  The gravestone, an artistic

[Space for picture or sketch of gravestone here]

Page 57

And well preserved monument, is accurately represented in the accompanying engraving.  It may be supposed that poetic tributes to the dead were rarely in those days bestowed upon the underserving, so that in this rude eulogy, though inscribed by the partial hand of friendship, doubtless the minister of the parish, the character of Lieut. Poole, we may believe, was truthfully portrayed, as it appeared to one who knew him well.
His descendants held continuous possession of the old Lynnfield (N. Saugus) homestead until Dec. 28, 1840, when it was conveyed by deed to Phineas Grover of Conn. By Larking M. Poole7, son of Isaac Poole6.  It is now (1876) held by Mr. Jacob Wilson.
            The death of Leiut. John Poole3 occurred at his homestead in Lynn, Nov. 21, 1721.  He was buried in Reading, So, Parish, (now Wakefield) where his gravestone may still be seen.  By his wife, Mary, he had 12 children, as follows:
15.   i.   John4, b. Reading, Jan. 20, 1689-90, d. 1758, aged 70; 1st, Sarah Eaton, 2nd Hannah Green.
16.   ii.  Nathaniel4 b. Reading March 13, 1691-2 d. before 1721.
17.   iii. Timothy4 b. Lynn Dec. 14, 1693, d. Apr. 17, 1697.
18.   iv. Mary4 b. Oct. 15, 1695, m. July 30. 1714.
Timothy Wiley, son of Timo. And Elizabeth of Reading, and had Sarah Wiley b. 1715.

            Susannah, b. 1717, who m. 1741 Isaac Smith.
            Mary, b. 1721, who m. 1745, Moses Bancroft.
            Lydia b. 1724, who m. 1747 Adam Hawkes of Lynnfield from whom descended Geo. L Hawkes, Esq. of Lynnfield, and others of that respectable family.
            Timothy, B. 1725, who m. 1748 Elizabeth Wiley.
            John b. 1727.
Nathaniel b. 1729.
Phineas b. 1731.
19.   v. Sarah4 b. Jan. 11, 1697-8 died young.
20.   vi. Judith4 b. Jan 28, 1700-1, m. Feb. 20, 1720 James Boutwell, mem. 1st church and d. at Lynn End.
21.   vii.            Timothy4 b. Feb. 9, 1702-3 m. Nov. 9, 1725 Elizab. Goodwin.        
22.   viii.           Susanna4 b. Mar. 7, 1704-5.
23.   ix. Thomas4 b. May 8, 1708 m. Dec. 25, 1729, Eunice Green.
24.   x.  James4 b. Jan. 4, 1710 in Eng. – moved to Fitchburg.
25.   xi. Sarah4, b. Sept. 11, 1713.
26.   xii.            Samuel4 b. Aug. 13, 1716 m. Mar. 13, 1738 Prudence Townsend.
10.       Jonathan Poole3, son of Jona2 and Judith (John1) was born Feb. 28, 1667-8 m. Dec. 3, 1691, Bridget, dau. of Deacon Benjamin and Elizabeth (Story) Fitch of Reading, b. Nov. 1, 1669, d. May 2, 1723.  He also died May 23, same year.  He succeeded his father Captain Jonathan2 on the old family homestead on the site of the Wakefield           

Rattan works, at the death of the latter in 1678.  He was a noted magistrate, always known as Esquire Jonathan by the townspeople and held the usual offices of trust conferred upon prominent citizens. He was also a soldier in early life and served a campaign against the Indians in Canada.
            In 1690 a company of troops under Capt. Savage went from Reading on the Canada expedition during the war with France, in which Jonathan Poole was 1st Lieut. And Nath. Goodwin 2d Lieut.  In 1697 was appointed to teach in “Free Scoole” (established in 1693) “the young people to wright, reade and case up accounts” (and haply to spell also)  “said scoole to be opened on the 27th of Nov. and soe to continue two months Sartain”, he being allowed £2 per month money and so proportionable for a longer time. In 1691 Lieut. John Poole was appointed to carry the soldiers debentures to Boston and bring them the Bills of Credit for services in the Indian War.  Jonathan Poole of Reading made a Justice April 7, 1715.  (Sewall’s Diary, Vol. 3, -. 45).
            In the list of members of the 1st Church of Reading, Jan. 3, 1720, are the names of “Captain Jona. Poole and Bridget his wife”, he having joined said church July 17, 1691, and his wife April 21, 1695, and in the year 1721 the town voted to strengthen the committee to look after the town’s right to Lynn Common, Capt. Poole, Capt. Burnap and Mr. Timothy Goodwin, who were chosen therefor, are fully empowered to prosecute trespassers,

&c. It is evident he continued to be an officer in the milita, from the title of Captain given him in the records. He was proprietor of and conducted the Mills inherited by him from his father, and was also an agriculturalist. Among the conveyances of real estate in the registry of deeds is one in 1697 to his brother-in-law Thos. Bryant, of 40 acres of land in Poole’s Arch.  In 1713, Feb. 14 he makes a deed of gift to his son Jonathan of the homestead given him by his father-in-law, Dea. Benj. Fitch or Reading, consisting of dwelling, Mill-House, barn, malt-house and 40 acres upland & meadow – with several other lots of land.  In April, same year, he sold a 2 acre lot & also 115 acres North of Ipswitch river to Thos. Bryant above named.
            His will which was made April 12, 1723, is sufficiently interesting from its quaintness to be copied notwithstanding its length and somewhat prolix method of its composition.  It is here given in full.

Will of Jonathan Poole, Esq., 1723.
In the name of God, Amen:  I, Jonathan Poole, Senr, of Reading in the County of Middlesex, within his Majesty’s Province of Massts Bay, New England, Yeoman, being weake of Body but of Perfect Mind and Memory, thanks be given to God therefore: But calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye, Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament: That is to say, Principalye, and firste of all, I Give and Recommend my Sole into the hands of God that gave it, hoping that

through the merits, Death and Pastion of my Saviour Jesus Christ, to have full and free Pardon and Forgiveness of all my Sins, and to Inherit Eternal Life; And my Body I comit to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named; Nothing doubting but at the Generall Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the Mighty Power of God.  And as touching such Worldly Goods and Estate as it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I givedemise and dispose of the Same in the following maner and From: That isto sayFirste I will that all those Debts and Duties that I dow owe In Right or Conscience to any manner of Parson of Parsons, whatsoever, shall be well and truly paid in convenient time after my Death by my Executor hereafter named.
            Item – I doe give and bequeathe to my well beloved Wif Bridget the use of one half of my fulling Mill, and one quarter of my Corn Mill; and a Proportionable part of the preveleges of Pond, Streame and Dams therto belonging, and also all other Utencels to said parts of Saw Mill: and half my Cloth, Press, and Shears for Cloth; half the Bars of taintering: and I doe also give to my above named and Wel beloved wife Bridget, My Negro Man Bedford; with Convenient house Room in my Dwelling, which, and so much of it as she shall cheus; also the use of the Garden, by the House, and one quarter Part of the Barne at the west End of it, through lento (lean-to) with it; and a quarter prevelege in the flore of said Barne, and the use of three Acres of Medow in

my home Modow on the West Side of the Brook that runs from Tho. Burnap’s, Beginning next my Son Benj’s Medow he bought of Mr. Wileys with the Point of Upland that is lying in it: as also two third of the orchard before the house, that is, the Northerly two-thirds next the old River: and three acres of land in the New Field Sotherly of the Highway to Mr. Willyes; and that is whear she shall use it in that field; and the use of the pastareon the Hill before the house for thre Cows, and one hors; with fre liberty of Firewood, and Timber to Repair Fences or Mill or Buildings on any of my land where my Said Wife shall see Reason or she Pleas to take it, making no strip nor waste, and all these land and Mills are in Reading aforesaid, in my Dwelling place: And all the use of the Mills, lands and housing, taking Wood and Timber with the above said Priviledges shall be to my well beloved wife Bridget, so long as she remains my Widow and no longer.
            Memorandum, That my well beloved wife have liberty of the use of my well with Proportionable egress and Pegressffor the using of Improvement of all the said Lands, housings, Mills, Press, tainters, with convenient yard Room at the hous for Wood, and at the Barns for Cattle; and this so long as she Remains my widow as abovesaid.
            My Will is, and I doe hereby give unto my loving wife thre Cows, one horse, Ten Sheep and two Swine; those cows to be such as she shall cheus, and also I

do give to my said wife all my houseold goods and houseold stuff or Indoor Movables, and one quarter of my Books, (three quarters of my Books, wearing cloths (clothes?) and one quarter of the Books to be at my said wife’s disposes;) and if my wife should marry againe, and (then?) she is not to have the use of any of my Real Estate, nor my negro Bedford, which shall leave with my land.
            I give unto my well beloved wife fifteen pounds a year, yearly, every year of her life after she is maryed againe, in Curant Bills of Credit, or Passable money or other Estate to the Satisfaction, to be paid to her by my thre Sons, and to each of them to Pay five Pound a piece.  And my Will is and I doe hereby give unto my well beloved wife Bridget Sixty Pounds in Corrant Bills of Credit or Passable money or other Estate to the Satisfaction, In token of my love and good will to her,- to be paid by my Exsetr in thre years after my deceas.
            Item.    I give to my son Jonathan Poole my Cloak and my kane; and is over and above what I had given him before by deed, which I count was more than a double Portion that I gave by Deed.
            Item     I give unto my Son Benjamin Poole, whom I constitute and apoynt, make and ordain, my only and sole Executor of this my last will and testament, One half of my whomstead that is within fence as it is hearafter described, that is to say, the line of Division shall

begin at the fence at the Bridg before the house, and run Eastward as the fence now stands to the Old River: and then down the old River to the little sluce, and then a strait line from said sluice to a Poplar tree that stands by and old Dick (dike) that was made through the upland by the highway that is in to the Neck, and then by the said Way to the geat (gate) and then round as the fence standeth, to Tho. Burnap’s land; then Northerly by Tho. Burnap’s land and my said son Benj’s Medow West the highway, with the hous, Barn and Corn Mill and out housing and orchard that is on the same, with the prevelig of the Stream and dams for the use of said Corn Mill, Reserving a prevelege of stream and dams for the fulling to another, with Egress and Regress to improve the said fulling Mill and tainters, Excepting always the use that I have given to my wife to use according as I have given it, of said hous and Mills and with apirtenances thereunto: And also one third part of the unfenced land in the Neck so called; and that for quantity and quality.  Also all my quick stock not given away before: and all Debts, Bills or Bonds due to me.  And my will is that my Son Benjamin out of said Stock and Debts, Pay Funeral charges and all debts that I owe or is due from me.  And the overplus, if any be, shall be paid toward my wife’s Sixty pounds, and I doe hereby give to my Son Benjamin half of my husbandry utencels, and other tools that I have: and this that I have given unto my said Son Benjamin shall be to him had his heirs and assigns forever.

            Item.    I give unto my son Samuel4 Poole, (of whom the Rev. Wm Hobby, pastor of his parish wrote on recording his death in 1752, “He was my kind and good neighbor”) his heirs and assigns forever, the southerly half of my farm or dwelling Place as it is hereafter described by a line began at the Fence by the Bridg before the Dore, then Easterly as that fence stands to the old River and then as the Old River runs to a little sluce, and from said sluce straight to a Poplar tree standing by an old Dick (dike) that was made through the upland by the Way that leads in to the Neck, then on the Sotherly side of said Way to the geate (gate) and then turns Sotherly and Round by the Fence until it com to the River, then bounded Sotherly by that which was Clark’s Medow and Smith (‘s) land and the highway, and Westerly as the fence stands to the said Bridge before my Door, Excepting the use of the Pastering and orchard give(n) to my wife in it, with one third of the land in the neck that is unfenced, and that for quantity and quality, and also all my fulling Mill, Press, shears, and tainters, a suitable part of the stream and dam for the said fulling Mill, and the liberty of Egress and Regress and suitable accommodation for the using of said fulling Mill and the apertinances of the same; excepting my wive’s using given before; together with one half of my husbandry utencils and other tools, as also one acre and half of Meadow at the lower end of Saw Mill Medow.
            Item.    I give my Pine Swamp Division, and father Fitche’s Pine Swamp Division Eaqually between my three

sons Benjamin, Samuel and Zachariah Poole, to be divided quantity and quality.
            Item.    I give to my son Zachariah all that Place or tenement that I bought of Jno. Parker and my son Benjamin improved of it, that is the hous, barn, orchard and the lot adjoining and all the medow in Saw Mill Medow: Excepting one acre and a half of medow at the lower end of it that I have given to Samuel above said, and also one third part of the unfenced land in the neck; and this to Zachariah Poole his heirs and assignes forever, all the above said land lying in the township of Reading above said.
            Item.    I give to my daughter (Elizabeth) Belknap or her heirs Eigth Pounds to be paid in Bills of Credit corrant or Passable money within five year after my deceas.
            Item.    I give to my daughter Bridget two hundred Pound, one hundred to be paid to her or her heirs in Corrant Bills of Credit or Passable Money when she is twenty two years of age or at her marage.  And the other hundred; thirtye Pounds to be paid within five years after my decease., and the other Seventy Pounds after or within one year after my wives decease.
            Item.    I give unto my daughter Mary (who m. Wesson) two hundred Pounds; one hundred to be paid In corrant Bills of Credit or Passable Money when she is twenty-one years of age or at her marage, and the other hundred, thirty pounds to be paid within five years after

my wives decease.
            Item.    My will is and I doe hereby order that my son Benja., out of what I have given him, Pay the two first payments to Bridget and Mary one hundred each, and the said Sixty pounds to my loving wife.
            Item.    I will and order that the Remaining Part of the Legesis of my Son Benjamin shall pay Eighty Pounds and Samuel my son shall pay one hundred Pounds, and my son Zachariah shall pay sixty pounds and payment to be made in Corrant Bills of Credit or in Passable Money, and they shall pay Proportionably to Each Legasis as they shall become due. My will is that three quarters of my Books be divided among all my children, and I doe hereby give all my wearing cloths (clothes) unto my two sons Samuel and Zachh, excepting my best Wig, and which I give unto my son Benjamin. And I doe give my Military Arms to be equally Divided between my sons Samuel and Zachariah, and all other Estate of what kind soever, not named in this Will I give to my Executor.
            And thus pauseing, by the help of God Finished this my last Will and Testament, I Revoke and disallow all other Wills and testament, and Ratify this and no other to be my last Will, and In Witness Whereof I the said Jonathan Poole have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this Twelf day of Aprell in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty-three, and in the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, George,

King of Greate Britten, &c &c.
            But if God should order that my Son Samuel or Zachariah should not live to be of Age and take possession of what I have Willed to either of them, then my Will is, and I order that that which was willed to that child (before) Death shall be equally Divided between the other two sons that I have given my land to in this will, and they shall pay the Legasie that was to be paid out of it, and allso pay my Son Jonathan fifteen pounds, my daughter (Elizabeth) Belknap twenty pounds, and to Bridget4 and Mary4 my daughters, fifteen pounds apiece, or, fifteen pounds to each of them.
Digned, Sealed, Published, pronounced and declared by the said Jonathan Poole as his last Will and testament.  In presence of us witnesses.
            Thomas Nichols 3d.
            Thomas Bancroft.
            Joseph Burnap.
                        (Proved June 10, 1723)
            On June 10, 1723, Jna. Poole and Thomas Bancroft were appointed guardians of his son Zachariah, and same date Nicholas Belknap of Boston, a son-in-law, and Joseph Burnap of Reading were appointed Guardians of hes Dau. Mary, who subsequently married Ephraim Wesson.

            By his wife Bridget, daughter of Dea. Benjamin Fitch, one of the most respected citizens of Reading, and son of one of the earliest settlers, Esquire Poole had six sons and four daughters, namely:
27.       (i. Jonathan4, b. Sept. 14, 1692 [typo in manuscript 1792], d. Woburn, Feb. 8, 1755, m. Esther Flagg, a member of 1st church, 1720-21.
28.       ii. Benjamin4, b. Apr. 17, 1694, d, Dec. 17, 1732, m. Bethiah Mansfield, also recorded as of, 1st church, of Lynn, 2d, Mehitable Gibson of Boston, dau. of Benj., one of the Deacons of Brattle Street Church.
29.       iii. Zachariah4 b. Apr. 25, 1696, d. May 15, 1698.
30.       iv. Elizabeth4 b. Mar. 28, 1698 m. Nov. 24, 1720, Nicholas Belknap, son of Joseph and Abgail, of Boston, b. Oct. 15, 1695, and had children; Elizabeth b. Boston, Jan. 24, 1721-2 and Bridget, b. Sept. 29, 1724.
31.       v. Samuel4, b. Apr. 10, 1700, d. May 8, 1752, m. Rebecca Williams, (see Hobby’s remark).
32.       vi. William4, b. Feb. 24, 1702 and d. young.
33.       vii. Zachariah4 b. Mar. 25, 1708, d. Medford, Feb. 20, 1771, m. Rebecca Wade.
34.       viii. Mary4 b. June 30, 1711, d. June 5, 1737, m. Nov. 30, 1731, Ephraim Wesson, who d. April 21, 1769, and had Mary, b. May 26, 1734, d. ___ and Bridget, b. Aug. 1, 1736, d. June 18, 1738 – was 12 years old at her father’s death and placed under the guardianship of Joseph Burnap, Esq.
35.       ix. Judith4 b. Apr. 29, 1714, d. Sept. 8, 1717.

36.       Bridget4, b. ____1719, d. May 2, 1723, on the same day with her mother, and twenty days before her father’s death.  We find no explanation to account for this singular mortality, of three deaths in one family in the same number of weeks.
11.       Samuel Pool3 Son of Capt. Jonathan2 and Judith (John1) was born in Reading July 27, 1671, and at the death of his father was seven years of age.  Receiving by will a portion of his Father’s estate, he married and removed to Boston. Was a carpenter and builder.  He was in the French and Indian War of 1711-12, and was Sergeant of Capt. H. Parker’s Company, his brother-in-law. His wife was Mary Parker, b. about 1671-2, dau. of Capt. Hananniah Parker, a representative, selectman and prominent inhabitant of Reading, whose son Capt. Hananniah fell at the siege of Port Royal in 1711, and who was ancestor of Capt. John Parker who commanded the Lexington Company in the battle of April 19, 1775, and of Rev. Theodore Parker of Boston.  He is recorded as joining the 1st church of Reading Oct. 27, 1689.  On June 19, 1696, he sold to Jonathan Poole, his elder brother, two acres of land in Saw Mill Meadow, in Reading.
            A list of tax payers of 1692, Sam’l Poole is recorded as assessed 8 shillings, and Jona., his brother, £1. 2s. 7d.  He was married Nov. 19, 1690 and died in Boston without issue, in 1697, leaving his wife a comfortable estate.  [The last two words flowed onto page 71 in the original, but typed here for clarity]

The following is his will which was made Nov. 11, 1696.
            Will of Samuel Poole3 of Boston, 1697.
            The Last Will and Testament of Samyel Poole: Tho’ weak in body, yet in perfect mind and memory ; -
First, I give my Soul to God who gave it, and my body to be buried by my Christian Friends in hopes of a Joyful Resurrection at the last Day.
Secondly, I give to my dear and loving wife, Mary, by whole Estate; as to moveables, and my dividend of Swamp in Reading, and Fifty-five pounds of my other Estate to her and her proper dispose.  Furthermore I give to my dear and loving wife the use of my whole estate during her natural life, Except such a part of Incom as shall be taken off at her marriage.
Thirdly, I give to my brother Thomas Poole (who m. Rebecca Boutwell) and sister Elizabeth Poole (who m. Thomas Bryant) and to my cousin ((nephew) Jonathan Poole (who m. Esther, dau. of Col. Ebenezer Flagg of Woburn, and was son of his brother Jona. And Bridget Fitch) and to Cousin Samuel Bancroft (son of his sister Sarah Poole and Capt. Thomas Bancroft seven pounds apiece to be paid at my wife’s decease.  Furthermore I give to Judah Nichols (probably dau. of his sister Mary and James Nichols. Gooding.) twenty pounds, ten of it to be paid at her marriage, and the other to be paid at my wife’s decease, and furthermore I give to my cousin Nathaniel

Poole, (son of his brother John Poole and Mary Eaton b Mar. 3, 1691-2, and 6 years old when this will was made probably d. young) the rest of my whole estate, that is not yet disposed of, and in case he should die before my wife at which time he should receive (it), then my will is that my wife shall dispose of it to one of my brother John Poole’s children or Jonathan Poole’s children, wch. She will.  And furthermore, In case my wife shall marry, My will is then that my cousin Nathaniel Poole should have a third part of the income of my estate if his Father will bring him up to the College.  Furthermore my will is that my executor with my wife, has full power with my wife to sell my house of land in Reading and to lay out the money in Boston to buy house and land where they see cause.  Furthermore I give them power to release the house I bought in Boston if they see cause.  Furthermore my will is that my trusty and well beloved Friends, my honored Father (in-law) Hananniah Parker and my brother John Poole to be my sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament.  Furthermore my will is that my loving Brothers, namely Thomas Bancroft and Jonathan Poole to be my Overseers of this my last Will and Testament, as witness my hand and seale.
Signed & sealed in the presence of us
Hananniah Parker
Samuel Frothingham.
Sarah Parker.                           Proved Jan. 19, 1697-8.
Inventory of Estate 311. 13. 4

12.       Thomas Poole3, son of Capt. Jonathan2 and Judith (John1) was born in Reading, Feb. 9, 1673, d. Dec. 26, 1732, m. June 18, 1695, Rebecca, dau. of James and Rebecca (Kendall) Boutwell, who was b. April 6, 1666 (Eaton says 1674).  He joined the 1st church of Reading, Mar. 12, 1698, and his wife Aug. 10, 1701.  He was one of the Town trustees chosen in 1721 and also in 1728 to take charge of the town’s proportion of the Bills of Credit issued in those years by the General Court, and distributed to the different town pro rata according to the amount each paid in taxes.  His co-trustees were Thomas Bancroft and Peter Emerson.  He was chosen Selectman in the years 1717, 1720, 1722 and 1724.  Having no issue he divided his estate between his nephews and other members of his family, not forgetting certain persons who must have been either domestics of dependents of his household, and provided for his wife a handsome maintenance.

Will of Thomas Poole3 of Reading, 1732.

            In the Name of God Amen.  The Twenty Second Day of December in the Year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Thirty Two, in the Sixth Year of his Majesty’s Reign, George the Second, King of Great Britain, I, Thomas Pool Senr. Of the town of Reading in the County of Middlesex and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Yeoman, being Sensible of illness of Body but of perfect Mind and Memory, blessed to God therefor:

And calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament:  That is to say Principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul in to the Hands of God who gave it, and as for my Body I Recommend it to the Earth to be decently Buried in a Christian like decent manner at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting that att the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the Might Power of God.  And as touching such Wordly goods and Estate as it has pleased God to bless me withal in this Life, I give and dispose of in the following manner and form.
            Imprimis:  I give to my Dearly and well beloved wife Rebekah Poole the use and improvement of the one half of my Homestead, That is to say, All the Lands adjoining togather wharever my house stands, the won hald of itt, and her sd. half shall be part of sd. Homestead where the House and barn stands, and the line of Division to Divide sd. Homestead shall run with the same points as the original lines of the Lotts run.  Together with the house and barn standing thereon.  Also I give to my wife the Improvement of about six acres of meadow or paster which I bought of Capt. Kendall Parker and Kendall Bryant Lying by Ash Swamp.  Also the Improvement of the one half of my Paster at Birbretch Hill, and the dividing Line shall run with the same

points with the wall which I have made upon the other side of the Paster.  Also I give to my wife the one half of all my quick stock of all sorts of creatures and all my indoor moveables or Household stuff excepting some particular things which I shall give away in the my Will to other Persons.

            Item.    I give and bequeath unto my cousin (nephew) Thomas Poole son of my brother John Poole to Him and his Heirs all the Rest of my Lands which I have not already above given to my wife during her life, Provided He or They do acquit my Estate from all Debts which I ow him and pay and perform all and whatsoever I shall order and appoint him to do in this my will, Provided always that in Case my sd. Cousin Thomas Poole or his heirs of the next generation shall see good to sell any of the lands above given to him in this Will he or they shall sell it to Samuel Poole or his Heirs; but if they can’t agree upon the price thereof, Then my Will is that sd. Lands to be sold shall be apprized by Capt. Joseph Burnap, Nath1. Parker, jr., Raham Bancroft, Samuel Bancroft and Nath1. Stow, and shall apprise sd. Lands and if sd. Samuel Poole nor his heirs will not give the apprisement, then sd. Thomas Poole and his Heirs may sell sd. Apprised Lands to whomsoever they please, and in case any of the above named apprisers should dy, Then the survivors or remainder of them shall choose another person to keep their number whole for sd. apprisement.  Also I give to my sd. Cousin Thomas Poole the one half