
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Visit to the 1715 Parson Barnard House, North Andover, Massachusetts

I have passed by this house many times during the past 22 years, and finally took a tour of it, during an open house on August 2017. Photos are from over the years. From the flyer, shown at the end, it tells me that, "Each room in this house represents a different period, from 1715 to 1830. Only the four front rooms are open to the public." My first group of pictures are of the house and exterior. The room photos follow.

The barn photos are below. It is being renovated, but I was fortunate, on a recent November day, to get a peek inside because two carpenters were working, and let me in. I didn't take photos, but I can tell you, it will be beautiful, and I look forward to seeing it finished.

Above is the parking area, and the yellow house is the Parson Barnard House.

We saw four rooms, the photos are shown below. Our guide was very busy, and we missed quite a bit of what was being said. More about the house HERE.

Signs below are in the parking lot. Parking is tight because there is no parking on the main street. Parking is available next to the barn, the barn shown above.

The Parson Barnard House belongs to the North Andover Historical Society.
Old North Parish Burying Ground
North Andover, Massachusetts

My 2014 post is about my visit to the Society's archives and historical records collection. Take a peek at what their library looks like. There is a list of the original settlers shown.