
Friday, November 17, 2017

What Did He do With all of his Money? He Built a Castle!

With so many lush green shrubs and trees, we could hardly see the castle as we walked down a long hill from the parking lot. Our visit was in May 2017. My last visit was over 55 years ago, and my memory was a blur. What delightful surprises; the sight of the Gloucester Harbor, lovely spring plants all around, colorful stained glass, and an outdoor courtyard in the middle of this huge medieval-style castle.

So who had this built? From the flyer we were given, "John Hays Hammond, Jr., while living in Washington, D.C. met Thomas Edison, who in turn introduced John to Alexander Graham Bell. Under Bell's guidance, he worked three years as a clerk in the U. S. Patent Office." His calling was in his inventions and various occupations during his lifetime. He developed a radio guidance device for pilot-less ships, "with nobody on board, which immediately got the interest of the United States Navy." "He is credited with 800 inventions and 437 patents." From Wikipedia: He is "an American inventor known as 'The Father of Radio Control'. Hammond’s pioneering developments in electronic remote control are the foundation for all modern radio remote control devices, including modern missile guidance systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and the unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAVs)."

The castle (with his laboratory) was built as a bridal present for his wife in 1926, they moved in, in 1929 and opened it as a museum in 1930.

Entrance over the drawbridge.

Door to the drawbridge and photos of the hallway are below.
Above photo, drawbridge door to the left.
Medieval style hall and rooms with Roman, medieval, and Renaissance artifacts.

Right by the chair, is a very narrow, circular, staircase to the lower floor.

The group of photos below are on the lower floor.

Below 4 photos taken on first floor, near sales counter and gift shop.

Early photo of Hammond Castle on display.

My favorite area was the courtyard.

My husband took this lovely picture.

Back and side views of the castle and property.

This museum is Not handicapped accessible. For more information, see below.