
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sarah Orne Jewett, well-known author of So. Berwick, Maine
5 Portland Street
South Berwick, Maine 03908

There are actually two houses to visit. The house above, in the middle of town (see below), was built in 1887 is what we toured, and the second house, built 1854 is next door and is now the Visitor's Center.
You might wonder why there is so much shrubbery, it's because Sarah was a lover of lilacs.

Library photos.
There is quite a bit written about Sarah Orne Jewett on Wikipedia, so I'm sharing that website.

Parlor photos
Below is the first edition of Sarah's book, The Country of the Pointed Firs, published in 1896. My husband read this book many years ago, and was familiar with Sarah's works, I was not.

The Dining room has beautiful cobalt blue and white wallpaper and a painting of Sarah Orne Jewett on the wall.

A docent showing my husband a photo.

  The second floor, facing the stained glass, was made by a friend of Sarah's.

  Hallway to Sarah's desk.
The writing desk Sarah used, with a plastic life-size form of her, to give you the image of her sitting there. See above also. To the left is the window to see the town.

Sister Mary's room was quite feminine and had a 1770 flocked wallpaper design. Sarah wrote about it in her book, Deephaven, an excerpt below, clearly, she didn't like her sister's wallpaper.

A guest bedroom, above.

This is Sarah's bedroom, quite a bit different than that of her sister's shown above. Sarah died on this bed, of a stroke in 1909.

We visited Sarah Orne Jewett's house on the same day as The Hamilton House, because they are only about three miles apart.

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