
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Celtics Coach Red Auerbach....I Met Him, What did I Get?

Why would I take this photo and write something about seeing the iconic statue of Boston legend, Red Auebach? My answer will make sense. In my first and only time attending a Celtics game, I sat behind this man (he was front row, we were second), and although I knew nothing about the Celtics, my husband did. I came across this statue one spring day while walking through Quincy Market in Boston. Two things to know; this was my first date with my husband, and I was brave enough to ask for autographs. I asked Red Auerbach, another player, and also the ultra legend, Bill Russell. I got the first two, as shown below, but Bill Russell said no.

I have no idea why I had a newspaper with me or even a scrap of paper, but I'm very glad I did, because it shows the date of March 9, 1969. I don't remember Sam Jones at all, but I'll always remember how tall Bill Russell was (husband, me and he) ran into each other in an empty corridor!