
Friday, June 8, 2018

Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm and House since 1690

The Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm and House
5 Little Lane
Newbury, Massachusetts

I have seen the sign and road that leads to this house many times but  knew nothing about this place until my husband and I decided to check it out this winter, but naturally it wasn't open. So the day after it opened for the 2018 season, we decided to visit. It's an impressive old Manor house was built in 1690. Many generations of families lived here, and additions were made. (A listing of the families living here, with dates, are shown below on a pink information sheet. Surnames are: Spencer, Peirce, Tracy, Boardman, Pettingell, Little and Stekionis).

The Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm is the name of this historic site, situated on 230 acres. but I still tend to call it a House. We took the "The Walk through Time" tour with another couple. We were shown various rooms according to their  date, beginning from the most recent, 1986 and going back to 1690. Our guide was fabulous, and talked non-stop. Only problem for me was, there was no way for me to retain everything I was told. So, I'm doing my best, and I have plenty of photos to help me out.

The property is open year-round, so you can visit the grounds and animals anytime.

The oldest part of the house, with one side painted white to show how the house would have looked. The photo below shows the door we entered into a small enclosed porch. The wallpaper was there when the last Little lived there in 1986.


We entered into the main house.

The Little family lived here from 1940-1986. This was their dining room. I asked why the camera and spotlight were in the room. I was told, the minute the Historic New England organization took over, they documented everything as it was, and never moved a thing. The rug, was there in 1941, when a photo of this table and rug were photographed for a magazine.

The four photos below show a 1930s kitchen. We were told that through the years, all the doors were windows and all the windows were doors!!
The door to the right leads to a small hallway then into the private living quarters of the Tenant farmer's house and his family.

Hallway, another front door, and stairs to the 2nd floor.

Living Room for the Little family, ca Civil War era.

Bedroom for the Tracy Family, 1778-1796.
The Boardman family lived here from 1797-1812. This is their parlor on the first floor.

North Chamber for the Peirce Family, 1690.

View of the field where the Vintage Base Ball games are held during the summer.

Front entrance above, two back views below.

The Tenant Farmer house on the left was added around 1800. The most recent family to live there was that of Jacob Stekionis, he came around 1924 and raised his family. Three generations lived here. The small walk-through leads from one dwelling to the other, locked on both ends.

Two photos of the kitchen.

Two photos of the living room.

Some of the animals, saved by the MSPCA.
If you are interested in the history of this property, and the homeowners, their website has an excellent timeline at:

The field where Vintage Base Ball is played during the summer.

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