
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Governor John Langdon House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Governor John Langdon House
143 Pleasant Street
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

From the website above: "John Langdon was a merchant, shipbuilder, Revolutionary War leader, signer of the United States Constitution, and three-term governor of New Hampshire. At the end of the nineteenth century, his descendants purchased the house and restored it to its eighteenth-century appearance. They added a substantial wing designed by the architectural firm of McKim, Mead, and White to house modern necessities. The house tells the story of the early colony of New Hampshire, Portsmouth’s mercantile boom, and the Colonial Revival movement."

The first room we saw was cheerful and the ornate fireplace was breathtaking.
Other fireplaces shown below were plain in comparison.


Interesting wallpaper design.

Fireplace in the Dining Room, and shown below in the photo.
This is a photo of the dining room, which was displayed for us to see what it looked like. However, instead of seeing a dining room, we saw a temporary art exhibit.
Up to the second floor.

The backyard garden is beautiful. You can go through the trees, walk around the block, and go into Strawberry Bank. It was so convenient to park once and visit two nice sites. See my post about Strawberry Bank HERE.