
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Stockbridge Public Library, Stockbridge, Massachussetts

 The Stockbridge Library, Museum and Archives
46 Main Street
Stockbridge, Massachussetts

Even though this Library building is old, it looked brand new in September 2016, when I first visited. You'll be able to tell by the photos, everything was white and clean. A major renovation had just been completed a few months prior. I don't have any ancestors or family members from this area, but I was curious to see the library Norman Rockwell used, and possibly my favorite sculpturer, Daniel Chester French since lived nearby in the summer. The library owns some artwork by Mr. Rockwell and sculpture by Mr. French. I learned this library is an association, it is not owned or run by the town. Perhaps that is why their website is one of the best I've seen and used; it is so user friendly, I loved the larger font size, and color photos.

Once I entered the building, I walked around the first floor, looking at it's huge windows, some books, sculpture and art work in the reading rooms and hallways. Read about the history of the library HERE.


Abraham Lincoln, by sculpturer Daniel Chester French.

Portion of the exterior wall of the old library
Jackson Library
A. D.
Photo showing the before renovation.
 The round enclosed fence like feature is an opening to see the lower level. You walk down a nearby staircase.

When you look down you'll see this nice circular tile design, so naturally, we went down to read it.
The Proctor Museum and Archives was around the hall, but unfortunately closed. I was a little bit disappointed, but knew I'd be back (well I did in December 2017, and the entire library was closed.) Third time will be a charm.
Procter Museum and Archives
Commemorative Medallion

September 2016
December 2017.

The genealogies for Stockbridge families only, and history of the town are in the Museum and Archives room. The curator, Barbara, gave me permission to copy their listing of records that is online.

Museum & Archives Collections

1. Institutional and Business Records

  • American Legion Records
  • Berkshire Republican Library Records
  • Brown Book of Deeds
  • First Congregational Church Records
  • Hill Water Company Records
  • Indian Hill Music Workshop Records
  • Interlaken Congregational Church Records
  • Laurel Hill Association Records
  • Stockbridge Bowl Association Records
  • Stockbridge Casino Records
  • Stockbridge Library Association Records
  • Tuesday Club Records
  • Williams High School Alumni Association Records

2. Personal and Family Papers

3. Miscellaneous Collections

  • Alice’s Restaurant Photography Collection
  • Cookbook Collection
  • Map Collection
  • Oral History Collection
  • Stockbridge Authors Manuscript Collection
  • Stockbridge Imprints Collection
  • Stockbridge Indian Collection
  • Stockbridge School Collection
  • Wilcox (Richard) Deed Research Collection

Posts I wrote, with photos about Daniel Chester French:

Where Was The Lincoln Memorial Made?

Daniel Chester French Led Me on a Trail

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