
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veterans Day -- Seeing President Carter, Princess Diana and an Old Army Photo of Me

I have celebrated Veterans Day in some pretty unusual and exciting ways. I got to see President Carter at the annual ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., and in another year, I got to see Princess Diana (and Charles).

Click on my blog posts about President Carter and Princess Diana.

Those were fun Veterans days, described above. But for the more serious side, I offer this. I worked at the Veterans Administration (VA) in Washington, D.C. for about six years. Later, I was at the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) a few blocks away from the VA and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. I remember walking by the construction for the memorial, but once the names were inscribed, it took a good year before I could go back over there and see it. I just didn't want to see the names, especially the name of somebody I knew. The picture was taken in October, probably 1990. Below, is a picture of me. Please remember this day and what it means to you.

Me at Fort Belvoir, Virginia
(A little follow-up, I still have my fatigue pants, jacket and great leather boots.)