
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

London and Nova Scotia -- Old Matchbook Collection #11

London and Nova Scotia  --  Old Matchbook Collection  #11

Not many matchbooks for these two locations. I've been to London twice, each trip was 10 days. I tend to eat at restaurants I like more than once. So, yes, I like hamburgers and pizza. Hotel food was okay, but I can't say enough good things about Hotel Russell's breakfasts. I have no idea what I ate in Nova Scotia, but whatever it was, I survived.

Monday, April 15, 2019

A Make-Over for the 1637 Burying Point Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts

The Burying Point Cemetery or Charter Street Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts has always been popular with researchers and tourists. It is in the middle of historic Salem and steps away from the Phillips Essex Museum. I have been here many times because I have four ancestors buried there. However, the thing I was always concerned about were the trees, especially the ones about to fall on your head or break a very old cemetery stone. The photos above and below were taken several years ago, in summer. Recently, work was done to remove dead branches, shrubs, and trees, and repair work was done to some stones. My photos were taken on April 14, 2019.

The above stone is for my ancestor, John Marston, and you can hardly see the footstone in the back (I had to move the shrub away for a close-up). Below is a recent photo showing Marston's stone, his footstone and way in the back is an unknown one that was repaired!

 Repaired stones.

Cut trees and branches, above and below.

Large tree stump overlooking the Salem Witch Trials Memorial in the background.

 Salem Witch Trials Memorial with names.

Beyond the wall are museum office buildings, and the museum.

Look at the branches above my ancestor's tombstone of Simon Bradstreet. A 2010 photo is below.

(Photo from several years ago.)
If you have ancestors buried in this cemetery, I'd like to recommend an excellent reference book, complete with all the names and a good amount of genealogical information about the individual (following this paragraph). The quotes of my Miles and Sarah were taken from this book. In addition, there is a map of the layout, including the Witchcraft Memorial. I've used the source below many times because I have six other ancestors buried there (Stephen Daniels, John Marston, Simon Bradstreet, Miles Ward, Sarah Massey, and John Proctor).

Charles Street Cemetery Burial Records
Salem, Massachusetts
Compiled by William C. Carlson
(Copy at NEHGS in Boston)

Graves of Greatest Historical Interest.

Names mentioned:
Nathaniel Silsbee
Mary Cory
Jonathan Ward
Mary Cromwell
Benjamin Lynde
ohn and Anstiss Crowninshield
Clifford Crowninshield
Bartholomew Gardner
William Browne
Hilliard Veren
Habakuk Boditch
Nathaniel Bowditch
Deliverance Parkman
Simon Bradstreet
William Hollingworth
Samuel McIntire
John Hathorne
John Higginson
Richard More
John Turner
Timothy Lindall
Robert Peele
George Heusler
John Swinerton
Nathaniel Mather
Richard Derby
Simon Forrester
William Orne
Dr. Grimshawe

My previous posts with photos:

Tombstone Tuesday - SIMON BRADSTREET of Salem, Massachusetts

No post, but a photo taken April 14, 2019, of my 9th great grandfather,  John Proctor.

From: JOHN PROCTOR of Ipswich, Leland H. Procter, Pub. Research Associates: Genealogical Research Group, 1985. Page 7.

"Much has been written concerning John's heroic and stubborn refusal to answer to the charge of witchcraft brought against him in the hysteria of 1692, but rather than confess to a crime he had not committed (which would have saved his life), he faced the awful reality of death by hanging.  His wife, Elizabeth, was also charged but released because she was pregnant."

Saturday, April 6, 2019

NERGC, Some Photos

So what is NERGC? It stands for New England Regional Genealogy Conference. It is held every two years, and the past four days it was held in Manchester, New Hampshire. As you can see from the above photo, there were many smiles and a baby! I met at least four people I've known for 15 years or more. My husband Bill knew four. And, in addition he had the ear of Michael, Diane L. and Diane S., Juliana and Christa (both from Ancestry) an ear. I wanted to post them to facebook, but only five would upload, so I'm posting through my blog.

New Orleans, Arizona, Wyoming, Outer Banks in North Carolina -- Old Matchbook Collection #10

New Orleans, Arizona, Wyoming, Outer Banks in North Carolina  --  Old Matchbook Collection  #10

I have decided to part with my matchbook collection, but before I throw them away I thought I'd share them. Hopefully a few will bring back old memories. Some of these books are from the mid-70s. I have been to New Orleans and Wyoming twice. And to the Outer Banks in North Carolina every summer for close to 20 years. The Steve's matchbook is from Buffalo, Wyoming. In future days, I'll be posting matchbooks from all over the United States.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi -- Old Matchbook Collection #9

I have decided to part with my matchbook collection, but before I throw them away, I thought I'd share them. Hopefully a few will bring back old memories. Some of these books are from the mid-70s. The top two rows are Florida, plus the first one on the last row. The ones from Georgia, South Carolina, and Mississippi follow. The Olive Garden matchbook was from an early restaurant near Stanford, Florida (I wasn't aware then that it was a chain). In future days, I'll be posting matchbooks from all over the United States.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Maryland -- Old Matchbook Collection #8

I have decided to part with my matchbook collection, but before I throw them away, I thought I'd share them. Hopefully a few will bring back old memories. Some of these books are from the early 80s. The Cozy Restaurant was very near Camp David, and the restaurant is a part museum honoring all the presidents and well-known people who ate there.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Massachusetts -- Old Matchbook Collection #7

I almost forgot was in a box near the fireplace. Unfortunately, this restaurant closed this year. Note no area code for phone number.

I have decided to part with my matchbook collection, but before I throw them away, I thought I'd share them. Hopefully a few will bring back old memories. Some of these books are from the early 70s. I had two different books for the Colonial Inn in Concord, each with a different area code. The Inn now has its third area code!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Washington, D. C. -- Old Matchbook Collection #6

I have decided to part with my matchbook collection, but before I throw them away, I thought I'd share them. Hopefully a few will bring back old memories. Some of these books are from the early 70s. The Old Ebbitt Grill was in a very old building before the owners moved the restaurant into a newer location near the White House. In future days, I'll be posting matchbooks from all over the United States.
I forgot to include this one with the group.

Monday, April 1, 2019

WV, TN, NY, OH, NJ, PA, DE -- Old Matchbook Collection #5

I have decided to part with my matchbook collection, but before I throw them away, I thought I'd share them. Hopefully a few will bring back old memories. This photo shows many locations, but not many matches from each area. I went to the Greenbrier in West Virginia twice, and The Burning Bush in Gatlinburg, Tennessee three times.

Glad I found these by a a candle holder. I only wish I had saved books from The Plaza, Waldorf Astoria (stayed there twice for 2 nights) and others I've forgotten about. 

And sometimes I took other offerings in the room, not always soap and shampoo!