
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ymittos Candle Manufacturing Company, Lowell, Massachusetts

Photo taken Sept. 19, 2014.

For at least five years, I've been intrigued by the Ymittos Candle Company, located at 279  Dutton Street, Lowell, MA, across the street from the Lowell National Historical Park Visitors Center. I passed by it quite a few times, and the first photo shown below was taken in September 2014. A few days later, I decided to step inside.

A candle manufacturing company may be an odd topic to write about, but since I have some pretty interesting photos, I thought some Lowellians would be interested. I subscribe to a number of facebook groups, pertaining to Lowell, and whenever this company is mentioned, there is indeed interest...many readers know of relatives, friends or even themselves who worked there.
On Sept. 25, 2014, I returned and was glad the door was open again. On the first floor was the display area to the right. The owner / employee sat to the left of the door, let me take photos but asked that I not take a picture of her area. If this person only knew how much I like messy, it shows character. She mentioned some plans for celebrating Halloween in this office area, and took my email address to notify me of the plans.

October 31, 2015 photos.

Below are first and second floor photos taken on Oct. 19, 2016.

The office and back doors were open, and a crew was removing equipment. They had no problem with my taking photos, on May 30, 2018. The building was sold sometime during spring, 2018 and moved to Chelmsford St. in Lowell, Massachusetts.

 Tin ceiling.


Sign in front with future plan. During my first visit in September 2014, I was informed that the co-owner had recently died, and that there might be changes. From a google search, here is the interesting obituary for Michael Kaplan.

Photo taken May 30, 2018. Ymittos Candle Company located behind the black truck. This is on Dutton Street, facing the Merrimack Canal, and across from the Lowell National Historical Park visitors center.

These two photos taken August 2018.

You might enjoy seeing the 32 black and white film negatives taken by Wachs, Eleanor F. (Photographer) in October 1987 in Ymittos Candle Company. They are in the Lowell Folklife Project Collection, Now property of the Library of Congress.

Below is information from the website of Ymittos Candle Manufacturing Company.

Ymittos Candle Manufacturing Company has been lighting the way for over a century!
Since 1910, master craftsmen have produced the worlds highest quality candles from the finest waxes and 100% cotton wicking without using automation or modern machinery.

325 Chelmsford St
# 6 Second Floor
Lowell, MA  01851

Tel: 978.453.2824

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 2pm
​​Saturday: by appointment
​Sunday: by appointment