
Monday, November 25, 2019

Grandfather's Will and My Birthday Celebration on the Day of His Funeral

I am in the process of going through old family documents and deciding which ones might be of use to a small number of relatives, none of whom are into genealogy, but they might want to read online. After many years I've accumulated quite a number of boxes, binders, and notebooks. The binders went to a genealogy friend, Judy Sylvia, who shared them with her genealogy club.

Most people don't prepare 14 wills or codicils in their lifetime, but my grandfather did. Earle Kilborn Bishop, died at the age of 89, on August 23, 1981. Within a few days after his death, the family was invited to choose various items of his. I clearly remember seeing the pile of wills/or codicils and hearing there were 14. Unfortunately, I wasn't into genealogy, so I didn't take any...I wish I had because about 10 years later, I ordered the one shown below.

When I looked over the will and probate, I can understand why so many were prepared. First, his first wife died, he moved to different towns in Connecticut, two of his children remarried, his cousin's husband died. (All these relatives were named in the will.) I believe he was always updating them. I believe his assets increased and because he was an architect, he was extremely careful with his business finances.

I debated whether I should post this, but because I've got seven cousins with Texas roots and thanks to Ancestry, I know one of them is into genealogy, although she doesn't have a tree nor answers my messages. So before throwing these documents out, perhaps family member will find these interesting. Below are some family photos celebrating a small reunion, Earle's life and my birthday.
LIBER 503 PAGE 057
The First part mentions that funeral expenses should be paid by the executrix. I remember all of us who traveled to Connecticut could submit our travel expenses (my expenses were airfare from Virginia to Hartford, room, meals and miscellaneous expenses).

LIBER 503 PAGE 058
On this page, he mentions a memorandum listing certain articles to distribute to family members. Unfortunately, I did not get a copy of that. His three children, step-son, his wife, and cousin are named on this page.

LIBER 503 PAGE 059
Five in-law children were named on this page.

LIBER 503 PAGE 060
I believe, because of the complexity of his will, that my step-grandmother probably had the New Britain National Bank perform much of the work as executor right after his death.

LIBER 503 PAGE 062

LIBER 503 PAGE 061

LIBER 503 PAGE 063

LIBER 507 PAGE 1053

LIBER 515 PAGE 023

LIBER 525 PAGE 001

LIBER 525 PAGE 002

LIBER 525 PAGE 003
Funeral expenses are on this page, as well as payment to the Internal Revenue Service - Federal Estate Tax, Wow, and payment to the New Britain National Bank for their services as Executor. The names of nine family members who received $1,000. I can't figure out much was in his estate. Some pages are missing. However, I know that my mother gave my two sisters and me, $10,000 that my grandfather wanted us to have. Since I didn't need it at that time, I put it into a CD, and a year later it was worth $13,000.
LIBER 522 PAGE 267

After my grandfather's funeral, the family got together in a hotel room. I am shown with my two uncles above. My mother, cousins, aunts, and sister are below. The birthday cake was a total surprise.