
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dublin Public Library, Dublin, New Hampshire

Dublin Public Library
1114 Main Street
Dublin, New Hampshire 03444

The entrance through the original door takes us past the 1900 rooms then into the new addition. On this day, the weather was warm, so the door was open.

For many years, I thought about visiting this library, on scenic route 101, but it was often closed when I drove by. Then it was under the construction, which seemed to take a very long time. In August 2019, we made a special trip to visit the library and a few surrounding towns. In looking over the webpage history, I read, "1999: The town voted to build the library addition at a cost of $684,885; at least $214,885 was to be raised privately. The addition to the present library was completed by 2000." I'm not sure when the building was completed.
I loved the new ceiling, handcrafted by a local craftsman, who happened to be at the library and talked to my husband for over 30 minutes about his ceiling. The beautiful ceiling is in the old section. As you can see the new section below is very plain.
New Hampshire shelves, labeled, but still empty. This is why I was unable to see any genealogy or local history material. There was a group of volunteers working in this room on the Saturday we were there.
Reference area.

New computer station area, in the new addition, with the original stone wall behind the desks. I always wanted to see the original library, and I pretty much did, as you'll see by the photos below.

Reference desk, looking unto the new room, and the photo below is facing the front door.

No computer used for checking out books! I was quite surprised, but apparently, this system works for them.
Card catalog unit by the front door.

Lovely reading room, three photos.

In Memory of
Horace Putnam Farnham M.D.
Born in Salem Mass. 1824
Died in New York, N.Y. 1886

Erected By His Wife.
Another nice reading room, in the new section. The room faces the Yankee Magazine Publishing Company, see below.