
Sunday, October 31, 2021

On Oct. 31, 2015 --The Lowell Walk to View the Area that Will be Changed (and not all is completed)

 On October 31, 2015, a large group of interested individuals met at the Lowell Historical National Park Visitor Center to begin a tour led by Dick Howe. The purpose was to explain the major changes in the coming year to Lowell. The above photo is from Middlesex St. almost to the Lord Overpass.

This photo and the below are of the Lord Overpass, which would eventually be made flat.

We walked down to South Common.

Walked down this left side and I took the two pictures below.

The group on Dutton St. is about to walk along the Western Canal.

The Textile Museum is on the right side.

A view behind the Textile Museum, which was still open at that time.

After the tour ended, I visited the James McNeil Whistler house, which was taken from the 2nd floor. I then continued on with my own tour.
Dutton Street. Ymittos Candle Company was still open.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

On This Day, October 27, 2015 in Lowell, Massachussetts

Photo taken from the top of the Edward Early Jr. Parking garage on Middlesex St.

Looking Towards Central Street.
The Bon Mache Building and sign.

Shattuck Street.

No idea what this building is, anybody know? (near Perkins St.)

Hub Hosiery building on Perkins Street, and below is more of the building.

This short walkway is behind Hub Hosiery.

This photo and the two below were taken from the top of the Edward Early Jr. Parking garage on Middlesex St.
View facing Elliott Street.

View of Jackson Street, facing toward the downtown.

View of Jackson Street.

The Lowell Glass sign on Middlesex St. Part of this building collapsed.

Canal Street, above and below. New apartments are being constructed.

Inside Mandarin Asian Bistro, opened in Jan. 2015 on 24 Market St.

Friday, October 29, 2021

On This Day on Oct. 29 2014 Lowell, Massachusetts had a Very Foggy Day.

This photo was taken later when the fog lifted.