
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Everchanging Lowell has Some Things That Might Be New To You. This is Part 1.

The Swamp locks Gatehouse and falls is to the right. This is where we walked through mud often to get to Canal, Jackson, and Middlesex Streets.
this ramp was a huge surprise to me. Apparently, it was installed a month ago. No more walking on the grass and mud when we had to walk through the field. The photo below is from the opposite direction.

The new ramp is almost in the middle (hard to see).

Current photos of all the new buildings on the right near the bridge.  . The new blue bridge is still closed.

Facing Appleton Mills on Jackson St. You now see buildings, instead of the city view.

View from the back Appleton Mills complex, all those and the blue bridge are new...still not completed. Further down the street is Counting House Lofts. 

This photo was taken in 2015/16 preparing the field for the new Court House Building. I'm facing Middlesex Street.
Another view, before the collapse.

This was taken of the lower building at the right of the smokestack.

Recently part of the building collapsed and it was all taken down.

I have no idea of what is going to go here. The view is taken from Middlesex Street. This was taken in November 2021.

New Apartments/Condos on Appleton Street. The Owl Diner can be seen.

A view of the closed Ymittos Candle Company a few years ago.

Now construction is on top.

This apartment building next to the river and UML was demolished about two years ago.
No new buildings were put up, but a memorial park was.

On  Elliot St., saw two new construction projects behind and beside Elliot's Hot Dog Restaurant.

Across from Elliot's, is this amazing patchwork of bricks. I never noticed it before.
I'm keeping this picture before it also changes.

Partial view of new High School addition taken in Lucy Larcom Park.

The new photo facing Kirk Street, from the opposite direction is more of the new school.

Once the foliage is gone, you'll get a better picture.

This is the entrance to the old Prince Spaghetti Factory on Moore Street. Eventually, I'll walk around some side streets to take photos of the building. Unfortunately, I never took a before picture even though I worked there until it closed.